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Archive: 2008

Chapel releases Easter observances schedule
March 21, 2008

Rambler Fitness Center to host base-level basketball playoffs in April
March 21, 2008

Air Force Assistance Fund campaign begins March 31
March 21, 2008
Air Force Assistance Fund Logo.  Image was recreated by Billy Smallwood of the Air Force News Agency and is 7x8 inches @ 300 ppi.

Lackland Fisher House gets deliciously good donation
March 20, 2008

Joint basing to become reality in San Antonio military communities
March 20, 2008

Lackland softball team wins 20-3
March 20, 2008

Senior Master Sgt. Promotions announced
March 14, 2008

Dutch air chief predicts future cooperation
March 14, 2008
Staff Sgt. Daniel Reed, left, a Military Training Instructor from the 324th Training Recruit Squadron at Lackland Air Force Base, demonstrates to Lt. Gen. Hans de Jong, Royal Netherlands Air Force commander, the blue M-16 rifles basic military trainees carry throughout their training at Lackland. The General toured Randolph and Lackland Air Force Bases as part of an official distinguished visitor tour of headquarters Air Education and Training Command this week. Photo by Rich McFadden

Air Force honors top recruiters
March 14, 2008
The top 14 Air Force recruiters from locations around the globe and their spouses were invited by the Air Force Recruiting Service for a week-long tour and recognition ceremony honoring each of them for their achievements in recruiting only the highest-quality Airmen into service to the U.S. Air Force. The group spent one afternoon touring the San Antonio Riverwalk where they were treated to a float tour. Photo by Joel Martinez

HAWC class helps participants change unhealthy beliefs
March 14, 2008

Clinic stresses early screening to prevent colon cancer
March 14, 2008

Going above and beyond
March 14, 2008

Candles appeal to senses, but beware of fire danger
March 14, 2008

Randolph Braveheart surprise competition at Houston tourney
March 14, 2008

Services Division ready to showcase record year
March 13, 2008

Competition brings HEB to LISD
March 13, 2008

BRAC: Dermatology clinics combine
March 13, 2008

Women's varsity softball team ready to take the field
March 13, 2008

AFAF campaign kicks off on Lackland
March 7, 2008

Comedians bring laughter to Team Lackland
March 7, 2008
Brad Garrett, star of the television sitcom "Til Death," gives Gateway Club employee Steve Tovar a shave during a USO performance on Lackland Feb. 26. Mr. Garrett performed stand-up acts along with comedian Michael Jr. to a packed audience at the Gateway Club. (USAF photo by Alan Boedeker)