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Resilience - Building a Stronger You
Joint Base San Antonio wants to serve the military community. One definition of resilience is the ability to withstand, adapt, recover and/or grow in the face of challenges and demands. Resilience encompasses the mind, body, and one’s inner self (spirit). Learn more about resilience by exploring JBSA’s resources.

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Resilience by Military Service
                     TOTAL FORCE                    FITNESS                READY AND RESILIENT                      R2                   EXPANDED OPERATIONAL
Comprehensive Airman Fitness logo   Total Force Fitness Logo   Ready and Resilient   Expanded Operational Stress Control


 The goal of Comprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF) is to help our Airmen, Air Force civilians and family members become more resilient and better-equipped to deal with the rigors of military life. This is accomplished by reinforcing the four pillars of fitness and by creating a sense of belonging on installations through the five Cs.

Total Force Fitness (TFF) is a framework for building and maintaining health, readiness, and performance in the Department of Defense. It views health, wellness, and resilience as a holistic concept where optimal performance requires a connection between mind, body, spirit, and family/social relationships.  


R2 provides training and resources to the Army Family to enhance resilience and optimize performance. R2 reinforces the Army Values, beliefs and attitudes, and educates members of the Army team about the importance of building connections with each other, taking care of one another, and being there to support fellow Soldiers.



 The new expanded version of the E-OSC Program, part of the 21st Century Sailor Office's (OPNAV N17) Behavior Development & Performance Branch (OPNAV N171), will leverage command representatives and deck​plate leaders to provide more accessible, collaborative resources and real-time assessments of unit culture to promote healthy command climates and mitigate risks. 

Master Resilience Training

Master Resilience Training (MRT) is a key component of the Comprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF) and the Army’s Ready and Resilient (R2) Program. Master Resilience Training teaches resilience skills to enhance performance and increase resiliency, both individually and collectively. The Master Resilience Training Course is an established training program that has demonstrated efficacy in reducing behavioral health problems.

Resilience is critical for success and well-being, and patrons will learn about the core factors that predict resilience, with a specific focus on the factors that are amenable to change. Service members who attend will serve as subject matter experts for their commanders.

Skills learned include goal setting, energy management, emotion awareness and regulation, impulse control, de-catastrophizing, putting it in perspective, effective communication, challenging negative beliefs, problem solving, and real time resilience. Additionally, several techniques proven successful by elite sports figures and athletes will be introduced, such as imagining success, goal setting, and energy management.

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TTWC Resiliency Campaign

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videos and articles!

Resiliency Resources
Additional Resiliency Resources
Army Wellness Center
Calendar of Events

502nd Force Support Squadron (MWR)

502 Force Support Squadron

Military & Family Readiness Centers

Three Locations Military & Family Readiness Centers