Environmental Information
As the largest base organization in the Department of Defense, Joint Base San Antonio comprises multiple military locations including JBSA-Lackland, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and JBSA-Randolph. As stewards of our environment, we are committed to keeping our community informed of local environmental policies and issues, and of our efforts toward making a greener military. For more information, click here.

 JBSA Environmental 1 Team, Goal, Earth Logo
Energy Awareness
Consumer Confidence Report

The Consumer Confidence Report, or CCR, is an annual report that summarizes the quality of the drinking water provided to our customers and is conducted in accordance with EPA requirements.

CCR Documents
JBSA Water Conservation

For more information, please contact the JBSA Water Conservation Manager at 210-295-7576 or emily.whitney@us.af.mil. All voicemails and emails must be titled “Water Restrictions,” and must also include address/location and contact information within the body of the reporting email and/or voicemail.

Public Notices

As a member of the San Antonio community, JBSA strives to keep the community informed of current environmental issues. Here, you'll find current public notifications, including announcements and restoration advisory board updates.


    The U.S. Air Force (USAF) is inviting public input on any practicable alternatives for a proposed activity within the 100-year floodplain at Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA)-Lackland, Texas.

The Proposed Action involves the renovation of 8 kennel facilities at the Chapman Training Area in support of the JBSA Military Working Dog mission. These renovations include improvements to the existing roof, and installation of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), insulation, sound paneling, exterior curtains, and floor coating, necessary to improve living conditions and eliminate life and safety concerns for all dogs housed within these facilities.  The work will be performed via contract for the 37th Training Wing (37 TRW). The renovated kennels # 450, 452, 454, 456, 458, 460, 462, and 464 are all located in a 100-year floodplain associated with the Upper Medio Creek.  There will be no modification to existing contours and there will be minimal excavation, related to floodproofing (elevating) HVAC and related secondary power connections against flooding.   

Qualified Recycling Program

JBSA Qualified Recycling Program Sheriff R. E. Cycle
Click on the logo above or
visit the new QRP PAGE at https://www.jbsa.mil/Resources/Environmental/Qualified-Recycling-Program/



Qualified Recycling Program EMail:
JBSA Environmental Documents
JBSA Info for Home Buyers

Joint Base San Antonio provides information for potential home buyers in the area in the form of Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) Studies and Joint Land Use Studies (JLUS).

The most recent versions of the documents are consolidated by the Alamo Area Council of Governments.

JBSA Floodplain Actions

FINDING OF NO PRACTICABLE ALTERNATIVE (FONPA) CoSA 2022-2027 Bond Project: Valley Hi Drainage Project (#23-03947)

The City of San Antonio (CoSA) is upgrading the stormwater drainage system that lies within the 100-year floodplain as designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at the perimeter of Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training Annex (JBSA-CTA). Executive Order (EO) 11988, Floodplain Management, seeks to avoid construction of facilities or structures within floodplains “to reduce the risk of flood loss, to minimize the impact of floods on human safety, health and welfare and to restore and preserve the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains”. The proposed action involves demolition and reconstruction of stormwater conveyances to improve drainage as part of the CoSA 2022-2027 Bond Program. The work is to be done by CoSA and their contractors.

Any alternatives considered must be in the flood plain, as the stormwater drainage is in the floodplain. The Air Force conducted an environmental analysis in accordance with 32 CFR Part 989, Air Force Environmental Impact Analysis Process. The analysis included an assessment of the impacts of the proposed action on flood risk to lives and property, and on the natural and beneficial values of floodplains, as described in the Water Resources Council’s implementation guidance to Executive Order 11988. The proposed action will result in no adverse effects to the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain. This project would not cause adverse effects to the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain, nor will it cause the height or velocity of floodwaters to create flood hazards. Due to this, this action is not considered as incompatible development in a floodplain, and it is the only practicable alternative.

In accordance with the requirements of EO 11988, the Air Force provided Early Public Notice for the proposed action to occur in a 100-year floodplain. The Early Public Notice was posted on 17 December 2024 on the JBSA public website and was posted for 30 days. No public comments were received.

(POSTED Feb. 10, 2025)