PLEASE READ: All members over the age of 18 must bring two (2) unexpired forms of identification (at least one must have a photo, such as a drivers license, passport, military ID). Another form of ID can be a birth certificate, Social Security card, voter’s registration card, etc.
Dependents must be accompanied by their sponsor. If not, a completed DD Form 1172-2 must be either wet signed by the sponsor and notarized or digitally signed (using a CAC) (within the past 90 days) or the dependent must have a current Power of Attorney.
For any DEERS record updates: Members must bring original hard copy supporting documentation (such as divorce decree, marriage license, Medicare Plan B card, college enrollment form (showing student is a full time student), etc.). Pictures on phones are NOT accepted.
If a previous marriage was never terminated, a divorce decree/death certificate must be provided before we can update the new marriage.
See below for what you need to bring.