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Tag: Adopt-A-School

187th Medical Battalion spreads holiday cheer at Briscoe Elementary
December 11, 2024
187th MED BN gifts

187th Medical Battalion gives back to community with back-to-school supply drive
August 14, 2024
187th Medical Battalion gives back to community with back-to-school supply drive

232nd Medical Battalion helps expand the JBSA Adopt-A-School program
September 19, 2022
232nd Medical Battalion helps expand the JBSA Adopt-A-School program

187th Medical Battalion donates more than $10,000 worth of school supplies
August 19, 2019
Briscoe Elementary School staff and Soldiers from the 187th Medical Battalion pose in front of more than $10,000 worth of donated school supplies Aug. 8.

Salado Park becomes outdoor classroom for Fort Sam Houston Elementary School children
April 30, 2018
Pat Gonser, a member of the Lindheimer Chapter Texas Master Naturalists in New Braunfels, teaches kindergarteners from Fort Sam Houston Elementary School about turtles and amphibians by using a turtle puppet during a nature field trip put on by the U.S. Army Environmental Command at Salado Park, at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, April 26.

Army South Soldiers hold coat drive for local elementary school
March 1, 2018
1st Sgt. Charmaine Reyna (right) and Capt. Debe Clark, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, U.S. Army South, at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, sort through winter coats at Booker T. Washington Elementary School Feb. 22.  The company held a coat drive at U.S. Army South from Jan. 8 to Feb. 1, for the young students. The school and battalion are partnered through the Adopt-a-School program.

BAMC Troop Command Soldiers help guide students at career fair
October 19, 2016
(From left) Staff Sgt. Devon Modrak animal care specialist, Capt. Daniela Roberts, veterinarian, and Sgt. Robyn Rothwell, animal care specialist, speak to a room of Cole High School Students during the school’s career day Oct. 7. The event hosted both civilian and military career professionals who spoke on occupations such biochemistry, nursing, legal, veterinary science and engineering.