Department of the Air Force civilians will get an opportunity to shape Civilian Developmental Education, or CDE, by sharing their feedback in a new survey starting today.
The Department will use the survey results to evaluate CDE application and selection processes and to improve marketing about future opportunities.
“One of the best ways to develop as a civilian employee is to participate in one of the many programs offered each year through the CDE and CSLP (Civilian Strategic Leader Program) nomination call,” said Becky Venters, chief, Civilian Leadership Development and MAJCOM Training.
“We know there are a lot of high-potential civilians who don’t apply for these opportunities,” Venters said. “We want to learn why — so we can remove barriers and provide developmental education or experience that aligns with their professional goals and the needs of the Air Force and Space Force.”
Employees will receive a targeted email with a link to the 10-minute survey, which is voluntary, confidential, and designed to identify areas for improvement. The survey will focus on respondents’ awareness of CDE opportunities, knowledge of how to apply, levels of supervisory support, and perceptions of fairness in the selection process.
“We highly encourage our civilian employees to take a few minutes and share their input with us when they receive the email,” Venters said. “Their feedback will be instrumental in helping us revise and shape the programs that develop leaders with critical skills and competencies to win any high-end fight.”
Civilian Airmen and Guardians interested in taking their career to the next level can research the options on myPers at