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Tag: Civilian Airman

Civilian Individual Development Plans mandatory for Department of the Air Force civilians
April 24, 2023
Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Civilian Development nomination window opens; expanded eligibility
January 18, 2022
Civilian Development nomination window opens; expanded eligibility

Air Force seeks civilian input on developmental education
June 21, 2021

Ready to level up? Air Force offers civilians various academic programs to earn degree
February 11, 2021
Total Force officer, enlisted and civilian personnel now have the ability to input their joint experiences within the MyVector platform, allowing members to, more effectively, report joint experiences when being selected for future development and assignments by commanders.

Civilian talent acquisition essential to accelerate change for Air, Space Forces
December 15, 2020
The Department of the Air Force is seeing its highest retention levels in 20 years, second only to rates recorded shortly after 9/11 in 2002.