Physical fitness assessments will now resume for Airmen on July 1.
Testing was initially delayed from October 2020 to April 2021 to ensure the health and safety of Airmen during the COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure social distancing practices remained in place.
When assessments resume, the three-component fitness test (1.5-mile run, 1 minute of push-ups and sit-ups) will be reset with scores calculated on a new three-component scoring table. In addition, work is underway to separate scoring into five-year age groups as opposed to the previous ten – for example, age groups will start at <25, 25-29 years old, 30-34, years old, etc.
These changes come in addition to other modifications to the physical fitness assessment.
In December 2020, the waist measurement as a point-driven component of the fitness assessment test was removed. It will still be administered to determine compliance with body composition standards, as required by Department of Defense Instruction 1308.3.
As testing resumes, scores earned on the three-component fitness test will be redistributed. Final decisions on percentage component breakdowns will become available in June.
Additionally, the Air Force Fitness Working Group has explored alternatives to the testing components and scoring measures. As mentioned by Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. in December, there are on-going studies and reviews to determine a list of alternative strength and cardio components for the physical fitness assessment. For example, some alternative options being explored for the current components include the 20-meter High Aerobic Multi-shuttle Run (20M HAMR), row ergometry, planks, burpees and other alternatives.
If necessary, commanders may delay official fitness assessments beyond July 2021 based on the recommendation of local public health officials, the continuation of closed fitness centers and extended statewide restriction of movement and gatherings.
“We are also conducting a holistic review of policies associated with the physical fitness assessment program to determine if they are still a good fit for today’s Air Force,” said Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly, Air Force deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel and services. “This includes a review of who’s accountable for conducting our testing and how it gets administered.”
In addition to scheduled Air Force Fitness Management System (AFFMS II) maintenance and updates, the Air Force is exploring replacing the system with a newer, more flexible application.
In addition to the updates above, diagnostic testing is now available for Airmen to choose when they are ready to test. If an Airman completes a diagnostic physical fitness assessment or a mock test with the Fitness Assessment Cell or Physical Training leader, and passes, he or she can decide to make the mock test an official test score. According to AFMAN 36-2905, Air Force Physical Fitness Program, the FAC, PTL and Unit Fitness Program Manager are able to conduct the physical assessment for all Airmen, either inside or outside of their unit. Airmen can make their test official by initialing next to their total score and fitness category section, prior to leaving the testing location. If the member fails the mock test, it will not be officially counted.
Airmen may determine their next fitness assessment due date by visiting the Official Physical Assessment Due Date Matrix on myPers which will be updated and available shortly. Fitness assessment due dates will primarily depend on the date and score of the last official test.
Space Force will follow these policies until service-specific fitness policies are developed and fielded.
Future PT test updates will be released as they are available.