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Tag: Accelerate Change or Lose

Department of the Air Force launches myEval in 2022
January 7, 2022
Department of the Air Force News

Sixteenth Air Force Chief looks to grow multi-capable warfighters
December 13, 2021
Chief Bruce talks with Airmen from the 319th Medical Group.

AFIMSC Ventures accelerates change across I&MS enterprise
October 26, 2021
AFIMSC Ventures group photo

Commentary: Equality in the force
August 26, 2021
Women's Equality Day is celebrated annually in the United States on August 26, commemorating the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which granted women the right to vote. (U.S. Air Force graphic by David Perry)

San Antonio Innovation Summit takes on ‘accelerating change’
August 5, 2021
San Antonio Innovation Summit photo

New Force Generation model builds high-end readiness, sustainability for Joint Force
August 5, 2021

Air Force accelerates innovation into action with Project Holodeck
July 14, 2021
The Office of the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force recently partnered with BeProductable, LLC to develop an innovation management platform that allows the Air Force to align the right people, processes and funding to drive innovation at scale.

Empowered Airmen accelerate change across Air Force
May 12, 2021
Innovation and a forward-looking mindset have long been key aspects of Air Force culture.

CSAF releases action orders to accelerate change across Air Force
December 10, 2020
Cover of CSAF action orders

CSAF outlines strategic approach for Air Force success
September 2, 2020
In his first major pronouncement as Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., declared Aug. 31 that the service must go fast, must collaborate more effectively with Congress and military, industry and allied partners, and “must accelerate the transition from the force we have to the force required for a future high-end fight.”