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Tag: Mach-21 Airmen

"Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast explains IAAFA's Classroom of the Future
November 20, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand.

Innovation's role in multi-domain operations on latest "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast
August 16, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand

Enlisted PME topic of latest 'Developing Mach-21 Airmen' podcast
July 23, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand

'Developing Mach-21 Airmen' podcast explores student-centered learning in communities of practice
June 25, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand

'Learning 2030' topic of latest 'Developing Mach-21 Airmen' podcast
June 10, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand

Security Forces initial skills training focus of latest “Developing Mach-21 Airmen” podcast
May 31, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand

'Developing Mach-21 Airmen' goes behind the scenes of breaking industrial age paradigms
May 13, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand.

Curriculum development highlighted on latest "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast
April 16, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand.

'Flipping the classroom' at SOS focus of 'Developing Mach-21 Airmen'
April 2, 2019
The "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand.

'Developing Mach-21 Airmen' explores Pilot Training Next 2.0
March 19, 2019
he "Developing Mach-21 Airmen" podcast provides visibility on emerging issues in the recruiting, training, education and development of Total Force Airmen, as well as impactful insight on leadership and lessons learned from the field through conversations with subject matter experts and leaders, in an easy-to-listen to format available on demand.

BMT curriculum changes focused on inspiring, developing Airmen
November 6, 2018
A major change in body and mind is coming to the way Basic Military Training transitions civilians into Mach-21 Airmen. The changes, which start Sept. 4 and will increase the time trainees spend at BMT from 7.5 to 8.5 weeks, are being made in an effort to better develop the next generation of Airmen with an increased focus on and by modeling four lines of effort including readiness and lethality, airmanship, fitness and a warrior ethos. With readiness being one of the Air Force’s top priorities, the need to ensure Airmen are better prepared to support both the Air Force mission and that of joint combatant commanders is being addressed through a revamped expeditionary skills and weapons training curriculum.