Congratulations to the following 53 Airmen for being selected as honor graduates among the 538 Air Force basic military trainees who graduated today:
320th Training Squadron
Flight 508
Jennifer Cleveland
Christina England A
Andrea Kuczwara M
Alejandra Rothenhausler
Shannon Wilson
Flight 509
Joshua Barlow
Kenneth Brock-Jones
Joseph Johnson
Joshua Lands
Benjamin Lee
Daniel Ritchie
Michael Samora
322nd Training Squadron
Flight 514
Charles Radcliffe
Flight 515
Eric Dunston
Zachary Kutz
Erik Polik
Taylor Pulicella
Erick Sanchez
Flight 516
Kathleen Abney
Chelsea Morris
Lashawn Williams
Flight 517
Steven Andersen
Kevin Clements
Carl Lang
Robert Lemme
Dalton Preston
Christopher Smith
Joel Szarejko
323rd Training Squadron
Flight 512
Daniel Burkemper
Mark Clifton
Eric Rodriguez
Miles Wilson
Flight 513
Ryan Arkkelin
Bryan Malm
Daylan Morris
326th Training Squadron
Flight 507
Bianca Arnold
Ashley Rash
331st Training Squadron
Flight 510
Remy Goldthorp
Dakota Griffin
Mason Haney
Michael Hellems
Stephen Meredith
Jordan Sigulas
Reza Taher
Michael Yunker
Flight 511
Seth Brown
Nicholas Carlson
Christian Collins
Jacob Curran
Christian Gonzalez
Mehdi Naciri
Andrew Neal
Christopher Sutcliffe
Top BMT Airman
Lashawn Williams
322nd TRS, Flight 516
Most Physically Fit
Male Airmen
Nicholas Carlson
331st TRS, Flight 511
Chandler Tyan
320th TRS, Flight 509
James Anderson
322nd TRS, Flight 514
Zachary Kutz
322nd TRS, Flight 515
Female Airmen
Stacey Bernetskie
322nd TRS, Flight 516
Crystal Moody
326th TRS, Flight 507
Leahmarie Patoc
326th TRS, Flight 507
Iuliia Korobova
320th TRS, Flight 508
Male Flights
322nd TRS, Flight 515
331st TRS, Flight 510
320th TRS, Flight 509
331st TRS, Flight 511
322nd TRS, Flight 514
322nd TRS, Flight 517
323rd TRS, Flight 512
323rd TRS, Flight 513
Female Flights
322nd TRS, Flight 516
320th TRS, Flight 508
326th TRS, Flight 507
Academic Flights
320th TRS, Flight 509
331st TRS, Flight 510
331st TRS, Flight 511
322nd TRS, Flight 515
322nd TRS, Flight 517
323rd TRS, Flight 512
326th TRS, Flight 507
323rd TRS, Flight 513
320th TRS, Flight 508
322nd TRS, Flight 514
322nd TRS, Flight 516