Congratulations to the following 46 Airmen for being honor graduates among the 460 Air Force basic military trainees who graduate today:
322nd Training Squadron
Flight 551
Barringer Carter
Micah Killion
Joshua Speziale
Flight 552
Chelsea Boehme
Darrielle Morris
Anna Pastor
323rd Training Squadron
Flight 550
Vorakan Chalaopak
Casey Gray
Derick Kaczkowski
Zachary Schlee
Teddy Tan
Shawn Worob
324th Training Squadron
Flight 547
Hunter Evanson
Blake Tushar
Flight 548
Phillip Kraker
Zachary Scaffidi
331st Training Squadron
Flight 545
Cody Hammond
Benjamin Raymond
Jonathan Scott II
Aaron Stafford
Flight 546
Paige Crawford
Hannah Durand
Bailee Graveline
Hannah Hess
Stephanie Rabideau
Megan Schryer
Flight 553
Steve Bentley
Joshua Cowart
Austin Goins
Simon Hart
Zachary Hoel
Jess Holtje
Joshua Lambert
Michael Lizzi
Patrick Norton
Kurt Phillips
David Steele
Flight 554
Brian Fox
Nicholas Gilligan
Joel Mcghee
Daniel Nelson
Alec Offner
Michael Orgeron
Kendrick Schaben
Joshua Tuttle
Nicholas Wytrwal
Top BMT Airman
Zachary Hoel
331st TRS, Flight 553
Most Physically Fit
Male Airmen
Juan Aguilera
331st TRS, Flight 554
Austin Moore
331st TRS Flight 554
Michael Orgeron
331st TRS Flight 554
Rosenstein Cal
331st TRS Flight 553
Female Airmen
Cherie Kern
322nd TRS, Flight 552
Chelsea Boehme
320th TRS, Flight 410
Victoria Krencius
321st TRS, Flight 420
Stephanie Rabideau
331st TRS, Flight 422
Male Flights
331st TRS, Flight 554
331st TRS, Flight 553
323rd TRS, Flight 550
331st TRS, Flight 545
324th TRS, Flight 547
322nd TRS, Flight 551
323rd TRS, Flight 549
324th TRS, Flight 548
Female Flights
331st TRS, Flight 553
322nd TRS, Flight 552
Top Academic Flights
331st TRS, Flight 553
331st TRS, Flight 546
331st TRS, Flight 554
331st TRS, Flight 545
322nd TRS, Flight 551
324th TRS, Flight 548
324th TRS, Flight 547
323rd TRS, Flight 549
323rd TRS, Flight 550
322rd TRS, Flight 552