Congratulations to the following 74 Airmen for being honor graduates among the 747 Air Force basic military trainees who graduate Feb. 28;
320th Training Squadron
Flight 147
Christian Beauchamp
Justin Bowen
Nicholas Burvee
Cameron Emerson
Robert Harris
Josiah Kennedy
Alec Lippmann
Daniel Swensen
Jason Turkovich
Simon Ward
Flight 148
Diego Blanco
Collin Bosse
Bryce Hendrix
Charles Johnson
Jacob Matthews
Dylan Muckey
Daniel Stikeleather
Robert Vyn
Nathan Zeiger
321st Training Squadron
Flight 149
Jeffrey Baez
Brandon Greenwood
Douglas May
322nd Training Squadron
Flight 153
Jabril Brooks
Jeremy Gill
J Ortiz Rivera
Ryan Zmolek
Flight 154
Anthony Sarino
Joshua Schmitt
Flight 161
Aaron Cotney
Robert Derhammer
Claude Milsap III
Devon Overstreet
Robert Stark II
Flight 162
Kayla Cooner
Amanda Hernandez
Kari Mellott
Hollie Rushmeyer
Gricelda Thomson
323rd Training Squadron
Flight 155
Steven Hess
Brandon Higgins
Kieffer Higgins
Brandon Mcgaha
Flight 156
Natasha Davern
Lauren Fisher
Andrea Frey
Melissa Ruggles
Lisa Wilson
Flight 159
Connor Anderson R
Ian Dominik
Richard Parks
Jamie Rosenberg
Flight 160
Kyle Albrecht
Timothy Cobb
331st Training Squadron
Flight 151
Steven Comi Jr.
Graham Hoch
Nathan Hollibaugh
Michael Kramer
Gregory Lawson
Austin McCooley
Dominick Moura
Tyler Neteland
Samuel Rexer
Tyler Stager
Jordan Underly
Justin Whipple
Flight 152
Brittany Cribb
Autumn Sawyer
Flight 157
Jakob Cook
Zachary Rasmussen
Flight 158
Alain Giessel
Leo Lanier
Danny Leon
Lozada Ramos
Top BMT Airman
Robert Vyn
320th TRS, Flight 148
Most Physically Fit
Male Airmen
Austin Ackman
321st TRS, Flight 150
Jic Oneill
320th TRS, Flight 147
Daniel Swensen
320th TRS, Flight 147
Darren Shoemaker
320th TRS, Flight 147
Female Airmen
Andrea Yost
323rd TRS, Flight 156
Amanda Hernandez
322nd TRS, Flight 162
Kari Mellott
322nd TRS, Flight 162
Alice Elenes
331st TRS, Flight 152
Male Flights
320th TRS, Flight 148
320th TRS, Flight 147
323rd TRS, Flight 160
322nd TRS, Flight 153
331st TRS, Flight 158
322nd TRS, Flight 154
331st TRS, Flight 151
323rd TRS, Flight 159
321st TRS, Flight 149
323st TRS, Flight 155
321st TRS, Flight 150
331st TRS, Flight 157
322nd TRS, Flight 161
Female Flights
322nd TRS, Flight 162
323rd TRS, Flight 156
331st TRS, Flight 152
Top Academic Flights
331st TRS, Flight 151
323rd TRS, Flight 159
320th TRS, Flight 147
323rd TRS, Flight 156
322nd TRS, Flight 161
321st TRS, Flight 149
323rd TRS, Flight 155
322nd TRS, Flight 162
331st TRS, Flight 158
320th TRS, Flight 148
331st TRS, Flight 157
322nd TRS, Flight 153
322nd TRS, Flight 154
321st TRS, Flight 150
323rd TRS, Flight 160
331st TRS, Flight 152