With more than 2 million square feet and nearly 300 destinations at San Antonio Military Medical Center, it's easy to make a wrong turn.
Fortunately, Brooke Army Medical Center is providing help with a new technology called the Wayfinder, an interactive touchscreen map kiosk that helps patients navigate their way throughout the medical center easily and quickly.
BAMC Army chief technology officer Maj. Chadwick Fletcher explained that there are several different ways the Wayfinder helps get people to their destination.
"It's a simple process," Fletcher said. "Anyone can go up and type in a key word or a title on the computer monitor, search for their specific location in the hospital and the Wayfinder will give animated directions or even print out a map for them at the nearest information desk."
Fletcher said the Wayfinder has a unique feature for those who aren't interested in paper maps, but something that will work on their smartphones.
"One of the features we brought into the device was a QR code or Quick Response Code," he said. "This allows the Wayfinder to bring up the printed directions and then transfer the information to a smartphone using the phone's QR App."
Marcos Garcia, information services supervisor, agreed that the new Wayfinder is a welcome addition and should make visits to SAMMC go a little smoother.
"Sometimes our information folks and volunteers get very busy answering phones. On an average, they receive between 200 and 300 phone calls a day," Garcia said. "The Wayfinder isn't here to replace our people, but it is a helping hand. It's an added service to provide information for our patients and staff at all times."
There are six Wayfinders located at all SAMMC main entrances and are ready to assist and guide patients to wherever they need to go.