Retiring and separating military Airmen will get their Department of Defense Form 214, "Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty," sooner now that DD214s are delivered electronically, Air Force Personnel Center officials said.
In the past, the Total Force Service Center was printing, folding and addressing envelopes to mail 39,000 forms each year using the hard copy delivery method. In 2010, with an eye toward efficiency and improved service to Airmen, AFPC began testing electronic delivery of DD214s to service members while still offering the option of hard copy delivery.
Airmen could retrieve their DD 214 electronically using a secure identification and password, and AFPC also mailed paper copies to them.
The parallel delivery test spotlighted numerous benefits of electronic versus hard copy delivery, resulting in the decision to stop automatically mailing hard copies.
"Electronic delivery is secure, protects privacy and allows veterans the ability to view and print the document wherever they are, at a time and location convenient to their needs," said Bob Tullgren, AFPC retirements and separations branch. "Virtual delivery brings this process into the 21st century and will save the Air Force more than $130,000 annually."
Service members will still be able to request the form be issued to the central office of the Department of Veterans Affairs and to the appropriate state veterans department.
"The TFSC contacts retiring or separating Airmen upon completion of the official DD214 and provides instructions for virtual DD214 retrieval," Tullgren said. "It is important to note that the unabbreviated Copy 4 is only available for 60 days. After that request, they can only retrieve Service Copy 2 using the myPers website."
To retrieve the virtual DD214, service members must first email the Manpower and Personnel Service Desk at (include full name, military pay date, date of rank and a good contact/phone number) to request a secure user name and password.
Former active duty Airmen who retired or separated on or after Oct. 1, 2004, can also request copies of records such as DD214s, performance reports and other information. Mail or fax a Standard Form 180 to AFPC at the following address:
AFPC/Automated Records Management System-DD214
550 C St.West
JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150
Fax: 210-565-4021
Current members, and veterans who separated or retired on or after Oct. 1, 2004, can also access their records online by registering for a premium account on
eBenefits is a central location for service members, veterans and their families to research, find, access and manage their benefits and personal information. Airmen can apply for benefits, view benefits status, download the DD 214 and other personnel documents, and browse a catalog of other resources that provide information about military and veteran benefits.
For more information about other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at