A new Year of the Air Force Family program is available at the Airman and Family Readiness Center to assist families of deployed servicemembers with discounts and free programs.
Once registered with the DePLAYment program, tag-pass holders can use the tags to qualify for free and reduced fee programs, such as free youth classes, instructional classes, sports programs, hourly childcare, and family programs for the family left at home during deployment or upon return of the member.
"The tags look like dog tags and can be placed on your key ring, much like the ones used at stores in the United States to indicate a frequent shopper," said Carol Sudy, Air Force Services Agency marketing specialist. "The pre-printed numbered code on the back of the dog tag serves as a unique identifier for each family member."
Any sponsored family member of an Air Force servicemember deployed for more than 30 days, an Air Force Wounded Warrior, or an Army, Navy or Marine active duty member officially assigned to an Air Force base is eligible for tag pass benefits. The family member must present a copy of the deployed members' orders to receive the tags.
If the servicemember was deployed during the period between July 2009 and July 2010, their deployment orders will be honored. The benefits can be used anytime during the member's deployment and after their return, up to July 31 allowing the reunited family time to experience the benefits.
According to Master Sgt. Jason Hohenstreiter, Airman and Family Readiness Flight, advertisements, including signs and posters, will identify the DePLAYment Tag-Pass programs with the program logo. Not all programs are eligible for the pass discounts.
Youth tag passes can be used for youth programs, events, sports, classes valued under $50, and up to 10 hours of drop-in care at the child development center. Free child care during mandatory deployment meetings, medical appointments, or meeting with Airmen and Family Readiness Center personnel is also available through the program.
Wounded Warrior families may use the passes for unlimited free hourly care for medical appointments, and families of fallen Warriors are eligible for 40 hours of hourly care per child for immediate family of deceased member and $200 toward hourly care for regularly scheduled programs in on-base facilities.
For more information on the program, visit or call Sergeant Hohenstreiter at 671-3722.