MILLINGTON, Tennessee –
NAVADMIN 006/24 announced that Sailors who become pregnant during sea duty will be reassigned to shore duty where they can receive necessary medical care while maintaining their career progression.
“This policy is about taking care of our people,” said Rear Adm. Wayne Baze, commander, Navy Personnel Command. “Our Sailors get the care they need while continuing to serve and employ their skillsets in meaningful jobs – this is a win-win for our Sailors and the Navy.”
Under the new policy, shore duty Sailors who become pregnant within 13 months of their projected rotation date may be extended in their current assignment or moved locally to fill a valid manpower requirement.
When a sea duty command is notified of a Sailor’s pregnancy, they must submit a reassignment due to pregnancy and post-partum availability report via Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System for enlisted Sailors and to the community detailer for officers. The report includes the date of the 20th week of pregnancy, the estimated date of delivery, and any factors or limitations required for consideration in the assignment process. Orders will be written to detach the Sailor within approximately 30 days of the availability report.
The update also ensures that Sailors are afforded non-chargeable convalescent leave, with guidance from their healthcare provider in accordance with medical practice standards, to recover in the event they suffer a perinatal loss (miscarriage or stillbirth).
A pregnant Sailor can request an operational deferment waiver to remain onboard their operational command throughout their pregnancy and postpartum period. The waiver must include endorsements from the service member, the commanding officer or officer in charge, and the health care provider. The waiver request will be submitted via Sales Force for enlisted and to the community detailer for officers. Individual detailers will have final approval.
If a shore command desires, for mission or industrial hygiene reasons, to apply for an exemption, they must submit their request fully explaining the situation via endorsement through their immediate superior in command, type commander or budget submitting office and fleet readiness integrator to Navy Personnel Command’s Career Management Department (PERS-4) for review and final disposition.
For more information, read NAVADMIN 006/24 at