DALLAS, Texas –
The “You Made the Grade” program is designed to reward students, 1st-12th grade, for above-average academic achievement and to inspire them to work that much harder.
Recognizing the student’s academic accomplishments offers the Exchange an opportunity to contribution to the military community’s quality of life.
New for the 2022-2023 school year, qualifying students can receive a You Made the Grade Rewards gift card by presenting a valid military ID card and proof of an overall “B” average or better to their local Exchange.
Straight “A” students will get a $20 Rewards gift card and overall “B” average students will get a $10 Rewards gift card, along with a coupon sheet to take advantage of their Exchange’s amazing retail, services, and food offers.
For children who receive non-traditional A, B, C grades, the parent/guardian should provide, from the school, the equivalent of what a “B or higher” is for the grading system of their child’s school.
If a child is homeschooled, the student should provide written affirmation of their scholastic aptitude from a parent or other community-authorized education provider.
Eligible students can also submit their name for the $500, $1500, or $2000 Exchange gift card semi-annual sweepstakes. Drawings take place on June 30 and Dec. 31. The student’s name can be entered once for each grading period.
Students must be authorized Exchange customers in grades 1 through 12 to qualify.