FORT KNOX, Kentucky –
The U.S. Army Recruiting Command is offering limited eligibility for applicants who do not have a GED or high school diploma to enlist in the Regular Army.
The command is seeking quality individuals to serve in the U.S. Army by evaluating applicants with a "whole of person" approach, understanding some quality candidates may have just reason for being unable to complete their education. A high school diploma or GED may not be required for a limited number of applicants through this program. To be eligible, they must score 50 or greater on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery and meet all standard enlistment criteria.
This opportunity means that individuals who left high school prior to graduating due to uncontrollable circumstances, such as caring for a terminally ill family member or working to provide for their family, will not be considered ineligible for service solely because they were unable to graduate.
This opportunity is not new initiative, non-grads have been able to enlist in the past, just on a very limited basis.
These applicants may serve one contract without a GED but must earn a GED if they wish to re-enlist.
None of the Army’s current enlistment incentives are available to applicants without a high school diploma or GED.
Interested individuals should contact a local recruiter to learn more or visit to locate a recruiter near them.