Committed to providing high-reliability healthcare, the 59th Medical Wing offers a myriad of programs designed to enhance patient satisfaction through open feedback.
One of the programs that works solely to improve the patient experience is the Patient and Family Partnership Council.
“We are trying to make sure we have the best patient and Military Treatment Facility working relationship moving forward by ensuring trust and transparency with our beneficiaries,” said Trevor Brown, 59th Medical Wing chief of patient experience.
A recent patient improvement the council is responsible for is the establishment of reserved parking spots at Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center for mothers with young children.
The council meets quarterly to discuss matters of patient experience, evaluate current processes and make changes to better the conditions of the San Antonio Market MTFs for not only patients but for staff as well.
“The role of the PFPC is what I view as an engagement activity,” said Wesley Hardin, Defense Health Agency deputy program manager. “We’re actively engaging with the beneficiaries and even the staff who are part of the PFPC. It’s about that collaboration, that synergistic approach toward giving them the best quality care we can give. I think this is a powerful forum and it’s going to grow over time as we gain more interest in it.”
The PFPC is accepting individuals who are interested in joining and want to make a difference in the patient's experience. Members of the PFPC represent SAMHS MTFs and help the PFPC mission by sharing health care experiences, participating in discussion groups.
For more information on becoming a PFPC member, call 210-292-6688.