When permanent change of station, or PCS, orders are received, being proactive and prepared helps maximize the potential to receive your requested move dates.
When planning your move, prepare early and be flexible. Never schedule a pick-up or delivery on the same day you vacate or gain access to your new residence. To prevent incurring an excess cost for attempted pick-up or delivery, make sure you are available during scheduled timeframes.
The Defense Personal Property System, or DPS, at is the online website required to request shipment dates. You must register to get a new account if you do not have one.
Otherwise, call the Help Desk to reactivate your current account. If you have difficulties with the DPS system, contact their help desk anytime at 800-462-2176 or 618-589-9445.
After registration, you will receive an email providing you with your User ID. Upon receipt of your User ID, login into DPS ( to input your request.
New shipments require information from current orders. Select “Enter Order Information” from the upper left menu. Read the information carefully as you review the self-counseling process.
Upon completion of entering data, DPS will generate the Application for Shipment (DD Form 1299) and Counselling Checklist (DD Form 1797). Then, upload the signed and dated forms into the system for the local PPPO to retrieve and forward the request for booking.
First-time movers and individuals retiring or separating must go to their local PPPO to manually complete shipment documents. A transportation counselor will provide information on entitlements and be available to answer questions. Navy members are required to input shipment requests in DPS, provide signed documents and complete set of orders to their local PPPO.
Once your shipment is booked, the Transportation Service Provider, or TSP, will email you to confirm your information and move dates. The TSP’s local agent will be making contact with you to conduct a pre-move survey. You can also obtain your TSP’s contact information by logging into your account in DPS, and clicking on the “Shipment Management” section.
Member’s responsibilities prior to moving dates:
- Military members must identify professional books, papers and equipment, or PBP&E. These items must be clearly identified on your itemized inventory as “Pro-Gear or M-PRO.” If a military member declares PBP&E for a dependent spouse, PBP&E must also be distinctly separated and annotated on the inventory as “PBP&E for Spouse or S-PRO.” All PBP&E items must be identified at the origin so that the weight will not count against the member's authorized weight allowance. If not clearly identified on itemized inventory, you will not get credit for PBP&E as free weight. In order for a civilian employee to declare PBP&E it must be identified in the orders.
- Residence and furniture must be clean and pest-free.
- Remove from residence or clearly separate out any items you do not want movers to pack and ship. (i.e. important documents, passports, luggage, keys, money, jewelry, valuables, etc.).
- Make sure your pets are secure in a kennel or placed outside while movers are in the residence.
COVID-19-related items:
- Per the Joint Personal Property Shipping Office-South Central, or JPPSO-SC, some areas, including San Antonio, are having trouble locking in OCONUS personal property shipments and others are seeing turn-backs when selected carriers are not able to perform services under the requested timelines.
- COVID-19 related issues, such as manpower shortages or resource constraints (i.e., lumber shortage, fuel issues, etc.) are beyond the JPPSO’s control, but the JPPSO team is doing everything within its power to lock in dates and get shipments serviced. Members are asked to contact the JPPSO-SC or their base-level Personal Property Processing Office, or PPPO, to address problems and difficulties related to personal property shipments. Further messages from USTRANSCOM and the JPPSO are expected in the near future.
- Transportation Service Providers will be pre-screening personnel in accordance with CDC guidelines, such as wearing face coverings, reducing crew sizes to enable social distancing, practicing good hand hygiene and being equipped to clean commonly touched surfaces.
- Customers also have a responsibility to promote a safe working environment for moving crews by wearing face coverings; reducing the number of family members in the home where possible, and re-scheduling moves if anyone in their home is ill (COVID-19 or otherwise) or has been directed to quarantine.
Things to be aware of after pick-up:
- If you would like a reweigh you can request it with your TSP prior to delivery.
- Claims for loss or damage of your personal property must be submitted into DPS ( Note: service members/civilian employees must submit a claim online within 180 days from the date of delivery. The settlement is directly with the TSP. If you are unable to reach a settlement with your TSP, contact the claims office at for assistance.
Member tasks:
- Receive orders.
- Self-counseling (
- Place signed DD FM 1299, DD FM 1797, and complete set of orders with amendments in DPS.
- Follow Up with TSP to confirm dates are booked.
- Personally Procured Move, or PPM, after submitted in – Member gets approval from Local PPPO.
For additional guidance or assistance, contact your installation’s Personal Property Processing Office by telephone or in-person. At JBSA-Randolph, call 210-652-1848/1849AFB, or visit 550D Street East, building 399, room 105. At JBSA-Lackland, call 210-671-2823, or visit 1561 Stewart Street, building 5616, room 112. At JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, call 210-221-1605 or visit 2400 Jessup Road, building 4023, room 207.