The 37th Training Support Squadron Faculty Development flight launched EdTech recently, a monthly webinar series covering topics that focus on helping learning professionals gain insights and practical strategies for teaching with educational technology.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on Air Force technical training. Instructors relied heavily on education technology, or edtech, to develop the Airmen we need," said Marcus Peters, 37th TRSS FacD Instructor Supervisor. “Now that we are returning to in-residence training, learning professionals are looking for ways to continue using educational technology in tandem with traditional in-residence delivery.
"Our goal is to provide professional learning opportunities to support learning professionals’ use of educational technology to differentiate their approach to developing Airmen, today, and into the future,” Peters added.
The first two webinars titled "EdTech Applications that work on the AFNET" and "Using the SAMR Model for Tech Integration" were well-attended and requests for future sessions are increasing.
The first webinar highlighted AFNET accessible EdTech applications learning professionals can use to effectively develop rich learning experiences and deepen student understanding and the second webinar covered how to use the SAMR model of technology integration as a guide for planning and implementing classroom learning experiences that enhance and transform student learning.
The free monthly webinar series is held on the second Thursday of the month from 11 a.m. to noon via Zoom and is open to Department of the Air Force learning professionals. Upcoming webinars include:
June 10: Flipped Learning 101 - Covers the elements of a flipped classroom and integrating flipped classroom strategies into your courses to engage and challenge your students.
July 8: Kahoot in Detail - Highlights how you can use Kahoot features to enhance and transform learning.
Aug. 12: Innovative Course Design with OER - Covers the basics of Open Educational Resources (OER) and provides practical guidance in locating and applying openly available resources.
Anyone interested in registering to attend a session, being a presenter, or receiving notifications for future EdTech Thursday events can reach out to the 37th TRSS Faculty Development team at