A Center for Army Lessons Learned, or CALL, program development seminar was conducted by U.S. Army South with the Salvadoran Army and El Salvador’s Joint Center of Doctrine and Military Education virtually Sept. 23-24.
Since 2017, Army South and CALL have supported El Salvador’s efforts in developing a lessons learned capability program to support the establishment of a future Salvadoran Army Lessons Learned Center.
“Having a formal lessons program with established methodology, processes, and procedures is essential for any army to be a learning organization,” said Keith Warman, U.S. Army South CALL liaison officer. “Collecting and acting on lessons learned drives change and organizational improvements.”
The Salvadoran Army chief of operations, Col. Reyes Martinez, led the Salvadoran partner nation participation, along with ten officers across the Salvadoran Army and joint force. During the after action review he said, “I am all in and will discuss establishing our own center with the Salvadoran Army staff and commander.”
“This capability will enable El Salvador to improve its combat capabilities,” said Jeffrey Baker, U.S. Army CALL military analyst. "In addition, the establishment of a lessons learned center, coupled with a close relationship between the U.S. Army Center for Lessons Learned and the El Salvador equivalent will enable the two Armies to share critical information, making both more effective, and increasing multi-national interoperability.”
CALL has conducted multiple worldwide engagements helping more than 20 other nations to establish or enhance their centers with several countries currently scheduled.
“A great example of success is the Colombian Army Lessons Learned Program transformation known as, ‘Project Daniel.’ Since 2016, U.S. Army South, CALL and Colombia have met and worked together. Today, Colombia is the example for all in the region to emulate,” Warman said.
For U.S. Army South partner nations, sharing lessons and best practices between armies demonstrates trust, enhances combined readiness and a shared understanding to provide a safe and secure environment for our hemisphere.
“A CALL exchange clearly demonstrates Army South and CALL’s commitment to strengthening partnerships, multinational interoperability, and defense institution building in El Salvador,” Warman said.