Interested in pursuing a law degree and a career as an Army lawyer?
The Office of the Judge Advocate General is now accepting applications through Nov. 1 from U.S. Army lieutenants and captains for the Army's Funded Legal Education Program, or FLEP.
Through FLEP, the Army plans to send up to 25 active duty commissioned officers to law school. This is an opportunity for selected officers to remain on active duty status while attending law school beginning fall 2020.
Applicants must have at least two, but not more than six years total on the active duty list at the time law school begins. This time includes prior warrant and enlisted service time. Officers must at least possess a secret security clearance and cannot have an approved resignation or separation date at the time of the application.
All eligibility requirements are statutory and cannot be waived. Interested officers should review Army MILPER Message 19-190 and Army Regulation 27-1, Chapter 10, for additional requirements to determine their eligibility.
Candidates must send their request through their command channels, to include the officer's branch manager at the Army Human Resources Command. The original application must be submitted by Nov. 1 to the Office of The Judge Advocate General at:
ATTN: DAJA-PT, Ms. Yvonne Caron
Rm. 2B517
2200 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310
For more information, interested officers can contact their local SJA office or the U.S. Army North deputy SJA at 210-295-9410. The list of officers selected for FLEP will be posted in January 2020 at