Feedback Fridays is a weekly forum that aims to connect the 502d Air Base Wing with members of the Joint Base San Antonio community. Questions are collected during commander's calls, town hall meetings and throughout the week. If you have a question or concern, please send an email to using the subject line "Feedback Fridays." Questions will be further researched and published as information becomes available.
Personnel Issues
Q. Is bereavement leave in the works for civilians too?
A. Great question. While I hope no one on our team ever has to use bereavement leave, the unfortunate reality is at some point or another, one of our teammates will. Currently, civilian employees may use sick leave to make arrangements necessitated by a family member death or to attend the funeral. Full time employees may use up to 104 hours of their sick leave each leave year for bereavement purposes. Part-time employees, and employees with uncommon tours of duty, can use an amount of sick leave not to exceed the number of sick leave hours accrued in a leave year. Air Force civilian employees may also be excused under administrative leave for a brief period to attend the funeral of an AF civilian co-worker, reservist or military member. While Air Force Instruction 36-815 is the governing document, the local civilian personnel office can provide clarification on the specific rules.
For military members, there has been some discussions at the Headquarters Air Force level for active duty bereavement leave. However, at this time the AF has not formulated or published guidance implementing any new entitlement or change. As always, should specific instances arise, I encourage our active duty Airmen to seek out their chain of command, as they can offer the most immediate assistance in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Installation & Facilities
Q. Can we close the East Gate at JBSA-Randolph? At the very least, can we close it in the afternoon?
A. Thank you for your question. After talking with our Security Forces team, it’s difficult to answer these two questions without a bit more context into specific concerns. However, considering the JBSA-Randolph East Gate in broad terms, both Loop 1604 and FM 78 bring heavy traffic to the area, especially during morning and evening rush hour periods. The 902d Security Forces Squadron, in conjunction with the 502d Civil Engineer Group, have conducted in-depth traffic analyses looking at ways to expedite flow, reduce wait times, and improve motorist safety, all while maintaining installation security. These analyses have consistently shown that the East Gate is integral to JBSA-Randolph’s traffic management effort. To that end, both the 902d SFS and 502d CEG work closely and regularly with the Texas Department of Transportation to consider signage and signaling along FM 78, making adjustments as necessary to respond to changes in traffic flow and conditions over time. Although JBSA-Randolph’s gate operations may not be optimal for everyone, they represent a balance of mission and customer requirements. However, we are always looking for ways to better meet everyone’s needs.
Q. Can we add a Zoe’s Kitchen, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle, PF Chang’s or a Smoothie King on base?
A. Thanks for asking about the addition of potential commercial food operations at JBSA! The 502d Force Support Squadron is currently exploring the possibility of bringing a restaurant, to include those mentioned in the question, to one of our JBSA locations. Many factors must be considered to include the market demographics, new construction versus adaptating to an existing facility, local market competition, and existing contractual food agreements in place with the AF and Army. It's also important to note that Army and Air Force Exchange Service has the right of first refusal for all name brand fast food operations on military installations. We'll pass along your suggestions to the AAFES general manager and his food concession manager for consideration as well. While we determine what commercial restaurants might be available to us in the future, I encourage you and your teammates to dine at one of our clubs, bowling centers, golf course snack bars, and the Student Activity Center snack bar. All offer reasonably priced and delicious lunch menus!
Q. Just wanted to give kudos to all of those involved with the road work happening in front of the Gateway Club!
A. Thank you so much for your feedback! We have an incredible team on that project and are so happy with all of the hard work they’ve been putting in to make that road comfortable and safe for motorists. You may also be interested to know of road improvement projects we will be starting during the first and second quarters of Fiscal Year 2019. On JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, we will be making repairs to Corporal Johnson Road and Stanley Road. We are also excited to announce a partnership project with the city of San Antonio to improve Park Hill Road. On JBSA-Lackland, repairs and improvements will be made to Kenly Avenue and Truemper Road. At JBSA-Camp Bullis, we will begin work on Malabang Road and Wilderness Road. Motorist safety is of top concern to us and we will continue putting every effort in making our streets more travelable and look forward to hearing your future feedback!
Q. Can we have installation wide Wi-Fi?
A. Great question, and something that is on a lot of people’s minds. As more functions operate on the network, JBSA has looked into finding the best solution for everyone. JBSA-Lackland and JBSA-Randolph have installed Second Generation Wireless Local Area Networking, 2GWLAN, which connects to the AF network while giving wireless capability for users. Currently, there are limited Wi-Fi areas including flight line ramps, hangars, hospital supply area, group-level or equivalent conference rooms, Air Education and Training Command mission core training areas, and entry control points. If your organization wants to have 2GWLAN installed in other areas to connect your government device to the AF network, organizations can fund the capability by submitting a work order to the 502d Communications Squadron. At JBSA-FSH, the Army Network Enterprise Center also has a similar 2GWLAN which is available at two locations.
Additionally, AETC Command recently began an initiative to install Learning Wi-Fi Services to support and improve basic military and technical training, flying training, and professional military education. This requirement is for official use only and must be used in direct support of an official learning system. This initiative will enable our Airmen to access the Air Force Learning Services Ecosystem at all AETC Learning Locations at any time. Some AETC Learning Locations, including JBSA, are expected to receive service as soon as second quarter of FY 2019 and will be expanded according to AETC priorities and funding.
Q. Does the Vogel Resiliency Center at Fort Sam Houston cost money?
A. No, the VRC is free! We serve, active duty, dependents, DOD civilian employees, retirees, Guardsmen and Reservists. Here is an overview of the agencies in the VRC that are here to serve the JBSA community:
Family Life Program
Parenting, marriage, leadership, team building, anger, stress, communication and many other life skills:
(210) 221-0349
Wellness Center
Health assessments, wellness education, physical fitness, weight control, stress management:
(210) 539-1254
Substance Abuse and Suicide Awareness
Comprehensive education and awareness on substance abuse and suicide prevention:
Substance Abuse (210) 221-0326
Suicide Awareness (210) 221-2093
Nutrition Coaching
Nutrition classes, nutrition therapy, healthy life-style courses, injury and illness prevention:
(210) 539-1275
Teaching Kitchen
Hands-on culinary experience to enhance life skills and improve nutritional well-being:
(210) 808-0077
Personal Finance Counseling
Budgeting, goal setting, credit/debt management, home & car buying, investing:
Mobile (210) 243-3752
Office (210) 221-9198
Public Health Nursing
Tobacco cessation, health risk assessments, health education, women’s health:
(210) 916-7646
Family Life Chaplain
Counseling, spiritual guidance, relationship assistance:
(210) 808-0541 and 221-9445
Ready & Resiliency Performance Center
Strengthening mental skills, performing through adversity, academic performance techniques:
(210) 808-0086/0089