The U.S. Army San Antonio Recruiting Battalion staff welcomed their new commander in a change-of-command ceremony June 29 in front of hundreds at the historic Alamo in downtown San Antonio.
Lt. Col. D’Angelo A. Blount took command of the San Antonio Recruiting Battalion from Lt. Col. Kevin D. Bouren, who will become the Chief of Army Accessions at the Pentagon.
A native of Portsmouth, Va., Blount has served in the Infantry and Adjutant General Corps. He has deployed to Afghanistan and has worked numerous manpower assignments including an assignment at the Military Entrance Processing Station in Phoenix, Ariz. He also served as executive officer for the Enlisted Personnel Management Directorate in the Human Resource Command at Fort Knox, Ky. Blount holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s degree in human resource management.
Col. Terance L. Huston, 5th Recruiting Brigade commander, presided over the ceremony.
The San Antonio Recruiting Battalion consists of seven companies, each with numerous recruiting centers throughout south and central Texas and southern New Mexico that recruits qualified men and women for the U.S. Army.