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Tag: partner nations

First Spanish-language SNCO course at IAAFA fills partner nation need
January 6, 2022
Group photo of ISNCO students

Partner nation, U.S. students graduate IAAFA’s largest training cycle in nearly 2 years
January 3, 2022
Airmen at IAAFA graduation banquet

Partner nation students attend basic military training graduation
October 18, 2021
CMSgt Gaitan speaks to international students.

Impact of Senior Enlisted Leader International Summit far-reaching, strategic
September 21, 2021
SELIS attendees gather at a table.

International enlisted leaders focus on ‘Building an Airman’
August 19, 2021
Group is briefed on VC-135E.

International military students tour military working dog facilities
July 8, 2021
Student plays with puppy.

IAAFA leads professional development seminar in Ecuador
June 14, 2021
Students build bridge on table.

IAAFA leads professional development seminar in Ecuador
June 8, 2021
Students build bridge on table.

Mobile paint simulator helps expand training to partner nation students
May 11, 2021
Staff Sgt. Julia Reyna, 318th Training Squadron Structures and Corrosion Instructor, uses the paint simulator during a demonstration at Joint Base San Antonio, Lackland, Texas, April 28, 2021. The newly acquired software allows mobile training teams to travel with the equipment and provide instruction to partner nation members with real-time results while eliminating expenses. (U.S. Air Force photo by Vanessa R. Adame)

IAAFA historian documents past, looks to future
April 12, 2021
IAAFA has approximately 800 gifts and artifacts displayed across its campus.

IAAFA celebrates 78 years of excellence
March 26, 2021
IAAFA celebrated its 78th anniversary March 15, 2021.

DLIELC pilots virtual training team program with Puerto Rico
August 4, 2020
The Defense Language Institute English Language Center hosts a group discussion between instructors and cadets during a class conducted over Zoom July, 2020. This Virtual Training Team initiative is in its piloting stage and may prove to provide U.S. partners across the globe a viable hybrid distance learning option.

Logistics and Materiel Management courses prepare IAAFA students
March 7, 2018
The Materiel Management course taught at the Inter-American Air Forces Academy at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas teaches students about warehouse design, how to build it and how to maintain it.

International symposium to promote shared information
February 27, 2018
The Inter-American Air Forces Academy at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland will host international leaders and representatives for the upcoming Western Hemisphere Exchange Symposium, scheduled March 14-16, 2018 in San Antonio, Texas.

Brazilian Air Force instructors receive high honors in the U.S.
February 22, 2018
Courtesy Photo

IAAFA students benefit from opportunity to learn English
January 20, 2018
Airman Laura Mendez Murcia (right) displays her English class certification of completion during an Inter-American Air Force Academy ceremony held at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland in December 2017. The Colombian aircraft technician student was accompanied by her English class instructor Staff Sgt. Emanuel Martinez Gomez, a volunteer instructor for the course.

New commandant seeks to make IAAFA known
September 20, 2017
Lt. Col. Isaac Davidson, Inter-American Air Forces Academy new commandant, proudly stands in front of the circle of international flags Sept. 15 at the academy's headquarters at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. Davidson says he will continue to strengthen international relationships through education and training. IAAFA is preparing to celebrate 75 years of existence in March 2018 with its western hemisphere partners.