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Tag: service

JCS chairman puts strategic picture in focus during Aspen talk
July 22, 2024
Men in camouflage uniforms shake hands.

Immersive program arms DOD, builds acquisition professionals' innovation skills
July 17, 2024
People in civilian attire gather near a sign that reads “Defense Innovation Is Here.”

DOD working to raise awareness of avenues for public service
June 25, 2024
A silhouettes photo illustration of eight soldiers standing in a row with a vivid red and orange sky behind them.

Service chiefs discuss role of partnerships in meeting defense demands
May 15, 2024
Service members are seated on the ramp of a military aircraft while in flight.

DOD, State Department expand employment opportunities for military spouses stationed overseas
April 22, 2024
A woman in civilian attire sits at a table with service members in uniform.

Joint effort to clear Baltimore bridge debris launches over weekend
April 3, 2024
A small vessel floats nearby large wreckage in a body of water.

Air Force Chief of Staff focuses on threats, empowering Airmen who defend against them
April 1, 2024
A man in a uniform gestures as he speaks.

Promising experiment signals future integration of advanced tech into Army units
March 25, 2024
A soldier crouches in a desert area and prepares a human machine integration device with bushes scattered in the background.

Official says DOD aims to promote service in its recruiting message 
February 1, 2024
A man wearing business attire speaks behind a lectern.

Taking care of service members key to recruiting next generation
January 31, 2024
Navy recruits march in formation.

DOD official discusses challenges, solutions to recruiting all-volunteer force 
January 30, 2024
Two people in officers uniforms walk between rows of a Navy honor guard.

Air Force mourns 5th CMSAF passing
January 18, 2024
Robert D. Gaylor, the fifth Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, passed away Jan. 17, at the age of 93. Among his numerous achievements as CMSAF, he played a significant role in the creation of the Air Force’s new maternity uniform and pushed for a policy change allowing junior enlisted Airmen undergoing a permanent change of station to transport their families at the government’s expense. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Why I stay: Chief Master Sgt. Carlos F. Damian
January 12, 2024
Chief Master Sgt. Carlos F. Damian, 37th Training Wing Command Chief

After tough Year, military recruiting is looking up
December 26, 2023
Young women and men, standing in a group, raise their right hands.

Space Force leader highlights service achievements, future
December 18, 2023
A person in a uniform and eyeglasses is shown gesturing during a speech.

Chiefs discuss military recruiting challenges at committee hearing
December 11, 2023
A group of young people stand a group and listen to two people in uniform.

Hicks calls on civilian, military leaders to preserve success of all-volunteer force
November 8, 2023
A woman in civilian attire stands at a lectern facing a seated audience.

Retiring SEAC calls on Americans to support service members
November 6, 2023
A uniformed service member smiles while standing at a lectern.

'Guardian Spirit' key to Space Force success
October 19, 2023
A man in uniform gestures with his hands while standing on a stage.

Deputy Defense Secretary: DOD forever resilient after 9/11
September 11, 2023
Dozens of small, curved structures rise from the ground in front of a large building.