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Tag: Army Air Corps

Basic military training commander completes first Iowa ride with Air Force Cycling Team
September 1, 2022
Group of people in cycling kit stand together for a photo in front of two jets

Air Force Cycling Team completes ride across Iowa representing Air Force, Space Force
August 16, 2022
Cyclists work on a bicycle on the side of the road

Army Air Corps veteran awarded French Legion of Honor
February 11, 2020
Long-time San Antonio resident and United States Army Air Corps World War II veteran Roland Dullnig (second from left) stands with U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. James Sears (left), Air Education and Training Command director of plans, programs and requirements, as well as the Consul General of France in Houston, Alexis Andres (second from right), after being presented the French Legion of Honor medal in a ceremony which included family and friends in San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 8, 2020.  The French Legion of Honor is a prestigious medal and has been recently awarded by the people of France to American Veterans who fought for the liberation of France during World War II. (U.S. Air Force photo / Maj. Kim Garbett)