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Tag: THC

Department of the Air Force Implements THC retest Pilot Program
September 29, 2022

C.B.Don’t – Military members, civilians on military bases should steer clear of CBD, THC products
January 31, 2020
Members of the United States military are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) regardless of what state or country they reside in. Article 112a of the UCMJ prohibits wrongful use, possession, distribution and manufacture of controlled substances, which includes marijuana, and any of its compounds or derivatives.  This includes THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). (Courtesy photo)

CBD can trigger positive drug test
January 16, 2020
Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is becoming omnipresent, found in health, beauty, food and pet products. While it doesn't cause the "high" of marijuana, it can trigger a positive drug test and result in disciplinary action for service members. (U.S. Air National Guard graphic by Staff Sgt. Tony Harp)

Air Force says CBD products not ok to use, may cause positive drug test
November 19, 2019
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil and related products are prohibited under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Air Force Instruction 36-3208. Because of this, military service members should avoid using any product with CBD as it could result in a positive drug test.

Legal news for Soldiers: taking prescribed medications that include synthetic THC
October 17, 2019
Dronabinol, known by the brand names Marinol or Syndros, is approved to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer medication or HIV/AIDS-induced anorexia. Some healthcare professionals, including those who work at Department of Defense healthcare facilities, have also prescribed Dronabinol to treat chronic pain. Dronabinol shares the same psychoactive component found in marijuana, so if a Soldier ingests Dronabinol and then undergoes a urinalysis, he or she will test positive for THC.