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Tag: stress

Learn how to handle holiday stress effectively
December 16, 2020
The holidays can be stressful, maybe this year more than ever. From deciding whether to stay home or attend holiday gatherings, to interacting with family members who potentially push your buttons, to missing lost loved ones, the holidays can stir up a lot of emotions.

Taking care of military medical frontline providers
June 22, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic can challenge the mental wellness of health workers and contribute to provider burnout. Air Force medics are cautioned to be alert for signs of numbness in themselves or colleagues, and make time for self-care and recharge.

Manage pandemic stress with things you love, even video games and binge watching shows
April 14, 2020
Family working out.

COVID-19 crisis poses mental health challenges as well as physical demands
March 25, 2020
Like many communities throughout the United States, Joint Base San Antonio is feeling the effects of the global coronavirus pandemic.The installation’s Health Protection Condition has been increased to level C and its number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise.

Loving well this Valentine's Day: Tips for Military Marriages
February 13, 2020
Valentine's Day

Turn stress into strength this holiday season
November 28, 2018
Engaging in close relationships, practicing gratitude, and participating in religious activities that promote spirituality are often helpful aspects of the holidays. However, the holidays may also create stressors that are unique to this time of year.

Commentary: Just Breathe
July 27, 2018