The 10-day
average of the Bexar County index well J-17 has reached Stage 1, with water
restrictions for all Joint Base San Antonio locations is triggered at the
following levels. The J-17 well serves as the official well for recording
groundwater elevations in the San Antonio Pool of the Edwards Aquifer,
according to the Edwards Aquifer Authority website (
The JBSA Base Civil Engineer
declared Stage 1 water restrictions effective immediately, in accordance with the current
JBSA Critical Period Management Plan and Biological Opinion issued by the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service.
The biological
opinion limits JBSA's water draw from the Edwards Aquifer in order to protect
eight endangered species which live in the aquifer and its associated springs.
These species can only survive when aquifer levels and spring flows are
adequately maintained.
The restrictions
within Stage 1 facing base residents and personnel are substantial and all residents
and workers must comply with the JBSA Critical Period Management Plan.
All the Stage 1 restrictions in
addition to Stage Normal water restrictions are in place:
Continue Stage 1 normal water use measures, except as noted or replaced by
Stage 1 rules.
Landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler or soaker hose is
allowed only once a week before 10 a.m. or after 8 p.m. on your designated
watering day, as determined by your address or facility number.
-- Reduce water consumption by any means
New turf/landscaping may be watered as identified in Stage Normal until
adequate growth is maintained.
Privately owned vehicle washing allowed once per week on Saturday or Sunday as
long as there is no water waste. A positive shutoff nozzle must be used with
hoses when washing cars to prevent water waste. Water should not be allowed to
run into the street.
All swimming pools must have a minimum of 25 percent of the surface area
covered with evaporation screens when not in use. Inflatable pool toys or
floating decorations may be used.
Hand watering with a handheld hose, soaker hose, drip irrigation, bucket or
watering can is permitted at any time on any day.
Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks
is prohibited, except to correct life, health or safety concerns.
Irrigation of athletic fields is permitted only as required to maintain the
turf viability and safety. Athletic fields continue Stage Normal water use
Landscape on golf courses are required to follow one-day-per-week watering
Use of fountains, waterfalls or other aesthetic water features outdoors or
indoors is prohibited, unless a variance has been granted for 100 percent
non-potable water use.
In Stage 1, the watering days are
as follows if address/facility number ends in 0 or 1, Monday; 2 or 3, Tuesday; 4
or 5, Wednesday; 6 or 7, Thursday; and 8 or 9, Friday
All water restriction measures
and details are listed in the JBSA Critical Period Management Plan available
online at
652-2392 to report water abusers. Those found not abiding with the JBSA
Critical Period Management Plan may face potential disciplinary measures.
Reports will remain anonymous.