Congratulations to the following 68 Airmen for being honor graduates among the 681 Air Force basic military trainees who graduated today:
322nd Training Squadron
Flight 603
Xavier Campos-Coletta
Jacob Jaeger
Matthew Mcdonald
Joseph Sireci V
Flight 604
Caleb Deatherage
Sean Jackson
Jake Jensen
Jebediah Ramsey
Kelvin Rollerson
Flight 607
Adam Chambers
Brandon Erekson
George Linen Jr.
Joshua Perdue
Hoomissen Van P
Tyrell Weick
Flight 608
Emily Houghton
323rd Training Squadron
Flight 602
Alexander Burckhardt
Jacob Burrell
Jacob Dagney
Trevor Daher
Brady Deane
Kyle Duroff
Christopher Elszasz
Alex Flynn
William Kirkpatrick
Cody Lee
Daniel Peter
Kyle Riley
Joshua Smith
324th Training Squadron
Flight 597
Blake Boren
Cody Bryson
Jeffrey Hamm II
Michael Harrell
Eric Parker
Christopher Phelps
Kevin White
Flight 598
Avery Haisley
John Harper
Graham Kennis
Steven Pippin
Travis Pounder
Daniel Socarras
David Stocking
Hunter Thomas
Richard White
326th Training Squadron
Flight 605
Eric Cardozo
Flight 606
Jasmin Garcia-Conde
Rebekah Kobow
Madison Page
331st Training Squadron
Flight 595
David Cho
Alec Fenlason
Vincenzo Gallegos
Justin Joseph
Craig Smith
Flight 596
Nicholas Burkhalter
Conor Burris
Nicholas Erickson
Garrett Hays
Colton James
Jeffrey Schmitt
Augustus Shinn
Zachary Welty
Flight 599
Cesar Bustamante
Luis Luna Jr.
Andrew Shavlik
Flight 600
Tatiana Crow
Sarah Prine
Amanda Wesson
Top BMT Airman
Christopher Elszasz
323rd TRS, Flight 602
Most Physically Fit
Male Airmen
Markus Cassiday
331st TRS, Flight 599
Jared Barnett
322nd TRS, Flight 604
David Snyder
331st TRS, Flight 595
Craig Smith
331st TRS, Flight 595
Female Airmen
Sienna Benton
322nd TRS, Flight 608
Rachel Mohr
322nd TRS, Flight 608
Angla Norman
331st TRS, Flight 600
Chelsea Cornell
331st TRS, Flight 600
Male Flights
322nd TRS, Flight 604
331st TRS, Flight 599
323rd TRS, Flight 602
322nd TRS, Flight 603
324th TRS, Flight 598
324th TRS, Flight 597
326th TRS, Flight 605
331st TRS, Flight 595
322nd TRS, Flight 607
331st TRS, Flight 596
323rd TRS, Flight 601
Female Flights
322nd TRS, Flight 608
326th TRS, Flight 606
331st TRS, Flight 600
Top Academic Flights
324th TRS, Flight 597
323rd TRS, Flight 602
324th TRS, Flight 598
322nd TRS, Flight 607
331st TRS, Flight 595
326th TRS, Flight 605
322nd TRS, Flight 604
331st TRS, Flight 596
322nd TRS, Flight 603
323rd TRS, Flight 601
331st TRS, Flight 599
326th TRS, Flight 606
331st TRS, Flight 600
322nd TRS, Flight 608