Congratulations to the following 61 Airmen for being honor graduates among the 614 Air Force basic military trainees who will graduate March 28:
320th Training Squadron
Flight 205
Quinton Creach
Jeren Grantham
Donovan Hughes
Christopher Mitchell
Curtis Priesing
Ariel Tejada
321st Training Squadron
Flight 213
Zachary Christiansen
Kenneth Horlback
Joshua White
Flight 214
Eric Benton
Kevin Cannon
Jorge Gutierrez
Kevin Hammond
Mark Heidenfeldt
Ryan Herrin
Alexander Howe
Austin Juhl
Dalton Loney
Marschal Martens
Christian Pizarro
Matthew Williams
322nd Training Squadron
Flight 215
Christopher Duncan
Benjamin Heiliger
Reuben Moss
John Whitley
Flight 216
Tamara Barlow
Victoria Butz
Trista Mccombs
Celeste Mullings
323rd Training Squadron
Flight 207
Michael Hilliard
Cory Hornikel
Samuel Martin
Grant Wills
Flight 208
Adam Cooley
Brandon Cowling
Brandon Martino
Kevin Teague
Flight 211
Kenneth Blevins
Davy Brinkmann
Forrest Brumm
Michael Debonis
Jacob Kilpatrick
William Murphy
Joshua Nardone
Jacob Rhodes
Flight 212
Jamie Lindsey
326th Training Squadron
Flight 209
Michael Lyman
Flight 210
Kevin Cottrell
Spencer Davies
Jonathan Marx
331sth Training Squadron
Flight 217
Christopher Brun
Jordan Christianson
Michael Terrell
Logan Vickery
Flight 218
Sean Aldridge
Brandon Alves
Andrew Luong
David Mcnair
Jesse Newcomb
Wilson Pettit
Pierre St. J
Top BMT Airman
Davy Brinkmann
323rd TRS, Flight 211
Most Physically Fit
Male Airman
Nathaniel Robinson
323rd TRS, Flight 207
Dalton Gorman
326th TRS, Flight 209
John Kraft
323rd TRS, Flight 211
Ian Styer
323rd TRS, Flight 207
Female Airmen
Jamie Lindsey
323rd TRS, Flight 212
Rylee Mckinney
320th TRS, Flight 206
Korina Myers
323rd TRS, Flight 212
Jenna St. Pierre
322nd TRS, Flight 216
Male Flights
321st TRS, Flight 214
323rd TRS, Flight 207
323rd TRS, Flight 211
326th TRS, Flight 209
320th TRS, Flight 205
322nd TRS, Flight 215
323rd TRS, Flight 208
321st TRS, Flight 213
331st TRS, Flight 218
331st TRS, Flight 217
326rd TRS, Flight 210
Female Flights
323rd TRS, Flight 212
322nd TRS, Flight 216
320th TRS, Flight 206
Top Academic Flights
321st TRS, Flight 214
323rd TRS, Flight 211
321st TRS, Flight 213
323rd TRS, Flight 208
323rd TRS, Flight 207
322nd TRS, Flight 215
326th TRS, Flight 210
331st TRS, Flight 218
326th TRS, Flight 209
331st TRS, Flight 217
322nd TRS, Flight 216
320th TRS, Flight 205
323rd TRS, Flight 212
320th TRS, Flight 206