Some 350 key workers and senior leaders from across Team Lackland gathered for breakfast Sept. 12 to kick off the base's 2007 Combined Federal Campaign.
Guest speaker for the morning was William Moll, chairman of Clear Channel Television and this year's loaned executive to Lackland from the United Way. Mr. Moll is also chairman of the World Board of the United Service Organizations, or USO.
Mr. Moll talked about all the exceptional changes that had taken place during his lifetime. His examples included the invention of the television, a man walking on the moon, computers, the Internet, cell phones and satellite phones.
"There's been lots of change in my lifetime and for you in this room," he said. "What has not changed about our world is the need for us to take care of each other."
Mr. Moll recounted a visit to Landstuhl Army Hospital in Germany, where many wounded from Iraq were brought for treatment.
During his visit, which included talking to staff at the hospital, he asked a nurse how long she'd been there. Six months of an 18-month tour, she said, but added that she'd signed up for another six months.
Why, he asked, would you do that, seeing what you see every day? "Because they need me," was her response.
"She is changing a world; she is taking care of her buddies," he added. "This kind of courage we need to say thank you for through this Combined Federal Campaign. I'm talking about each and every one of those 2,086 agencies that need our support. Each one is a separate world that touches the lives of men and women, who need our support."
On a lighter note, Mr. Moll noted that Lackland is among one of the top in federal donations, making up a large part of the San Antonio and Bexar County contributions
"As you go so goes the CFC, but don't take that as pressure," he said.
He concluded his remarks with a quote from a cynic who said, "After all is said and done, a lot more is said than done."
"I trust in your cases a lot more will be done than said," he added. "And when all is said and done, each of you here will have changed your world through your Combined Federal Campaign."
Brig. Gen. Darrell Jones, 37th Training Wing commander, thanked Mr. Moll for his comments and efforts on behalf of the CFC.
To the many key workers in the audience he said, "Many years ago there was a survey of people who hadn't contributed to the CFC that asked them why they hadn't contributed. The number one answer was 'Because nobody asked me,'" he said. "I know that you are going to out there and give everyone the opportunity to contribute to the CFC."
This year's Team Lackland CFC campaign runs through Oct. 27.