Randolph units and organizations will show their pride in the base next week during the 12th annual "I Love Randolph Week."
The five-day clean-up is a yearly tradition for Team Randolph in which everyone does their part to clean and beautify the base. The event focuses on units and individuals lending a hand to make Randolph a better place to live and work.
"The purpose is to transition from the dormancy of winter to the growth and renewal associated with spring," said Leon Spradling, deputy base civil engineer.
"It's a time for each organization to do some spring cleaning and spruce up their areas," Mr. Spradling said. "There are a number of small things one can do, that make a big impact. This week is a great opportunity for people to clean out cubby holes and recycle or dispose of accumulated junk.
"Dusting shelves, cleaning out air return grates and air conditioning vents not only makes an office look better, it improves the air quality," he said.
For housing residents, Pinnacle Hunt Corporation will have its self help program ready to provide mulch, grass seed, and fertilizer to customers living in base housing.
Certain garden equipment items will also be available for residents to check-out and use.
For work areas, Frank Speed, self help manager, suggests activities such as painting and landscaping for the observance. The self help office will purchase all supplies to paint, mulch or plant flowers or shrubs during I Love Randolph Week, Mr. Speed said.
"We will provide power washers to facility managers to clean walkways and other areas that need to be cleaned," Mr. Speed said. Buildings can not be washed using a pressure washer, but environmental friendly cleaners can be used with garden hoses to clean exterior of buildings.
All chemicals, including paint, to be used for activities and projects during the week must be coordinated with the environmental office at 652-3079 or 652-3062. For disposal of hazardous materials, call the hazardous waste facility at 652-5666.
For more information on projects, call Mr. Spradling at 652-2401 or Mr. Speed at 652-3681. For more information on Pinnacle Hunt Corporation's self help program, call their community office at 659-9061.