On base - "Halloween Costume Party"
The enlisted club will host the "biggest and scariest Halloween party ever" tonight at 8 p.m. in the night club.
Prizes of "club bucks" and cash will be awarded for the scariest, funniest and most original costume. Club staff members will also host a "Thriller" dance contest and the best Michael Jackson imitation wins $50 in club bucks. There will also be a candy corn contest where the person who guesses closest to the number in the bowl wins.
The club will offer several Halloween-themed cocktail specials like: Vampire Cocktail, Green Meadow, Sewer Water and Sewer Pipe for $3.50 each.
For more information on the event, contact the enlisted club at 652-3056.
In Schertz - "Trunk-or-Treat"
The annual Emergency Services Schertz "Trunk-or-Treat" celebration will return tonight from 6-8 p.m. at the large pavilion in Pickrell Park, 200 Aero Ave. in Schertz.
City departments and other sponsors provide treats, handouts and other freebies from the trunks of their cars. Last year, more than 900 local children converged on the park for the program that provides a safer, more enjoyable alternative for children than trick-or-treating.
For more information, contact Schertz Deputy Fire Marshal Terry Aikman at 619-1313.
In Live Oak - "Safe Halloween"
"Safe Halloween" begins at 6:30 p.m. tonight with games, tricks and treats inside and outside the city's clubhouse, at 7901 Shin Oak Dr in Live Oak.
A costume contest for little "ghosts and goblins" ages newborn to 12 years old will be held in the clubhouse parking lot at 6:45 p.m. The Live Oak Jaguars will then host a "Haunted Hayride" across the street in the city park that will end at 9:30 p.m.
For more information call 653-9140, ext. 234.