Holiday bakers can fire up their ovens early this year to help Team Randolph provide cookies to base Airmen.
Bakers can donate cookies to the 2008 "Cookie Crunch" drive Dec. 9 between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the chapel annex.
More than 8,000 cookies are needed to provide Airmen in the enlisted and combat systems officer dorms.
"The Cookie Crunch is our way of giving Airmen a taste of home each holiday season and to let them know their Air Force family is thinking of them," said Col. Jacqueline Van Ovost, 12th Flying Training Wing commander, whose unit is sponsoring the drive.
All kinds of cookies are welcome and the more the merrier, said Alan Frosch, Cookie Crunch coordinator.
"Last year, we had more than 8,000 cookies with containers filled to the top," said Mr. Frosch. "So much so, that we had extra to distribute to the Center for the Intrepid, wounded warrior homes and other offices on base."
To help make this year's drive a success, organizers are seeking volunteers for baking, collecting, sorting and distributing. For more information or to volunteer, call Mr. Frosch at 693-9344 or e-mail afrosch@satx.rr.com.