The 12th Mission Support Squadron and the 12th Services Division will merge together to form the 12th Force Support Squadron here on June 26.
Federal budget decisions reducing the number of total active-duty and civilian Air Force workers is why bases across the Air Force are melding the complimentary and common functions of manpower, personnel and services.
"With that, there will be no significant changes," said Terrye Heagerty, 12th Services Division director, who will direct the new 12th FSS. "People will still work for the same bosses."
Ms. Heagerty, who in 2008 was recognized as Air Force Services Senior Civilian Manager of the Year, and who has held a wide variety of positions in the services career field, said the common vision of the new squadron's leaders is to "take care of the squadron's employees and to give them what they need to do their jobs."
"Then, we'll improve on our already outstanding customer service," she added.
Ms. Heagerty, whose vice commander will be Maj. Rob Roeckers, a career personnelist, said the new squadron will employ 675 Airmen and civilians. But the combining of the two squadrons, which has been afoot for about a year, caused a reduction in total flights - from 12 to five.
"When we built the new squadron, we put like functions together," she added.
The new 12th FSS flights are:
Manpower and Personnel Flight -- manpower and organizations, civilian personnel, non-appropriated fund and human resources, military personnel, customer support, force management and career development functions
Sustainment and Services Flight -- food operations, fitness and sports, lodging and the Kendrick and Parr clubs
Airman and Family Readiness Flight -- youth programs, family child care, child development and Airman and family readiness functions
Force Development Flight -- education and training, library, professional development
and Gaylor Airman Leadership School
Community Services Flight -- Canyon Lake functions, golf course, ITT, veterinary clinic, outdoor recreation, bowling center and arts and crafts
In the 12th FSS's command section, an operations officer will administer unit training,
readiness, plans, and installation, programs and readiness functions. Marketing, resource management and command staff functions will fall directly under the supervision of Ms. Heagerty and Major Roeckers.
Ms. Heagerty said 18 mergers of mission support squadrons and services divisions into force support squadrons occurred on Air Force bases during Fiscal 2009, about 30 such transformations happened in Fiscal 2008 and six "test" bases merged in Fiscal 2007.