Organized during the final weeks of 2009, base centralized testing sites, Fitness Assessment Cells, began official testing Jan. 6.
Aligned with the 37th Force Support Squadron, the testing sites are located at the four fitness centers with accompanying quarter-mile tracks - Warhawk, Chaparral, Bennett and Medina fitness centers. There are currently eight test proctors for overall, with another expected to be added.
After a week of testing, the number of Airmen testing has not reached the maximum of 12 to every two test proctors, but Fitness and Sports director Steve Reichert anticipates an increase as people become accustomed to the new system.
Staff Sgt. John Seay, Health and Wellness Center's NCO in charge, is managing the FACs during its initial stand up and transition to civilian run test sites.
The NCOIC said it is important to know the changes to the test. For instance, the permittance of opposite sex taping with an accompanying same-sex chaperone.
Test registration is streamlined online through the sharepoint Web site. A unit's fitness performance manager forwards the standardized e-mail to people when their PT is due.
"The process is very simple now," Reichert said. "(The UFPM) views their squadron to see who's current. Then, they direct that individual to the sharepoint site to register for a test."
Airmen can select the date, time, and location for their test, and then show up ready to go.
Upon completion of the test, the FAC members provide an overall score, and an evaluation of the results based on revised fitness standards that are going into effect in July.
"You're informed of what your score would have yielded under the new standards, and provided you have a passing score, see you in six months," Reichert said.
Failed test results are sent to squadron commanders and UFPM, entering the test taker into an intervention program which includes a mandatory attendance at the Health and Wellness Center's healthy living program. Following an intervention period of 45-90 days, the servicemember retests.
In the transition to a standalone, civilian-run testing site, the only issue has been spreading the word on the new system, Reichert said.
"Folks may just not be aware of the process as they should be," he said. "The information is being pushed, and we're answering the questions and being responsive."
People can send questions to the FAC e-mail at
A tutorial video located at the sharepoint Web site's FAC link further illustrates the proper sit-up and push-up form as well as taping procedures.