Sunny GreenWatts made his debut Monday as Randolph Air Force Base kicked off Energy Awareness Month.
Sunny, the base's energy awareness mascot, greeted incoming motorists at the Main Gate Monday morning and will make appearances at locations and events throughout the month.
Ruben Ramos, Randolph utilities manager, said Sunny will spread the energy conservation message this month and beyond.
"The mascot will be making many appearances during Energy Awareness Month, but will become an integral part of an ongoing campaign with appearances at various functions around the installation," he said. "We want people to associate Sunny with the conservation message and its importance to Randolph in a fun way. Energy awareness is vital to a successful energy management program. The message needs to be continually put out there."
Ramos said Sunny will visit the base exchange, bowling center and golf course this month. The mascot will also participate in an open house at Randolph Fire Emergency Services Oct. 15 and the Randolph Energy Fair Oct. 26 at the Kendrick E'Club.
Ramos said the name "Sunny GreenWatts" was chosen by the original manufacturer, but plans call for the Randolph mascot to be renamed in the future through a contest that will involve participation from Randolph Elementary School students.
He said the costume features a T-shirt that is interchangeable for different events or for a new campaign year, as well as a built-in cooling fan and a cool pack vest to keep Sunny comfortable.
In addition to the debut of Sunny GreenWatts as Randolph's energy awareness mascot, this month marks the beginning of the base's Energy Conservation Awareness Competition, a six-month campaign involving 10 organization teams that will encourage base personnel and residents to do their part to reduce their energy consumption.
Awards will be presented in three categories: Energy Intensity Reduction, for the team with the greatest reduction of energy intensity; the "Biggest Loser," for the organization that reduces energy consumption the most; and Individual Energy Initiatives, for one person who strives to reduce energy.