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NEWS | June 28, 2013

12th FTW TSgt STEP promoted to MSgt

By Bekah Clark 12th Flying Training Wing Public Affairs

Technical Sgt. David Siemiet and his co-workers were worried when Lt. Col. Sean McLay, 98th Flying Training Squadron commander, called the squadron together for a no-notice commander's call on June 26.

"At my previous units, the only time a commander did that was if we had lost someone in combat," said Siemiet. "I was convinced something catastrophic had happened."

The squadron gathered in the ground training facility and waited for what many thought was going to be devastating news.

As the group assembled, the room was called to attention and in walked Col. Gerald Goodfellow and Chief Master Sgt. Avery Woolridge, 12th Flying Training Wing commander and command chief master sergeant respectively. However, instead of bad news, they brought cause for celebration: the surprise promotion of Siemiet to master sergeant.

Siemiet, a jumpmaster and flight chief with the U.S. Air Force Parachute Team, the Wings of Blue, was selected for the promotion through the Stripes for Exceptional Performers, also known as the STEP program.

The STEP program offers commanders a limited opportunity to immediately promote enlisted Airmen who exhibit exceptional potential but have been unable to meet the cutoff for promotion in terms of points.

According to McLay, Sieimiet "has been an outstanding contributor to my squadron for more than two years. I couldn't be more proud of him and this recognition of his incredible performance not only in this squadron, but in the 12th FTW and the Air Force."

"I was completely floored," said Siemiet. "The entire squadron got to see me speechless, which never happens. The fact that the Wing Commander and the Command Chief came up here just for me - to promote me to master sergeant - is really humbling."

Siemiet, who holds a bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering, was promoted because of his continued exemplary performance, according to Woolridge.

"STEP promotees aren't just evaluated based on the last 12 months," said Woolridge. "They're evaluated on a body of work that spans their entire career. The board looks at outstanding performance in areas such as primary duties, major accomplishments, awards, education and fitness - the total package."

Siemiet has served in the Air Force for nearly 15 years and is an Aircrew Flight Equipment technician by trade, but took a special duty assignment as an Academy Military Trainer to the 98th FTS at the U.S. Air Force Academy three years ago.

"I tested three times, and when I didn't make it the last time around, I was really bummed," said Siemiet, whose current career field awarded only three master sergeant stripes this year.
"I'm thankful for my team," said Siemiet. "I got here because they nominated me. That they think I'm worth that kind of effort - that's huge."