The 37th Training Wing has been tackling objectives, driving innovative solutions and building partnerships since the release of its strategic plan, “Operationalizing the Warhawk Way.”
The framework for the strategic plan is based on the 37th TRW commander’s priorities of People, Partnerships and Modernization; and is a follow-on to the existing “Warhawk Way” strategic document that outlines and communicates the organization’s values.
“It was critically important to me that we both defined and chartered a clear path to success early in my command tour,” said Col. Rockie K. Wilson, 37th TRW commander. “I wanted to not only understand what was important to us but also what we wanted to do about it. Most importantly, I wanted all Warhawks to know, without uncertainty, where we were headed and how we were going to get there.”
The “Call to Action” clearly articulates the importance of the plan’s outcomes and encourages all Warhawks to get involved to help the wing attain its vision of becoming the Department of Defense Training Standard of Excellence.
The plan boils down the priorities into actionable goals and objectives that “our Warhawks can get passionate about and know what role they play in making our wing better,” Wilson added.
There are approximately 60 objectives laid out in the plan, each tied to a goal. For example, under the “People” priority, the goals include: 1) Increase personal and family resilience; 2) Increase Airmen and organizational readiness; 3) Foster development for every member of the wing; and 4) Actively listen and communicate to our people.
The Warhawk Solutions feedback mechanism, managed by the Commander’s Action Group, is a prime example of one of the objectives that have evolved and matured since the plan’s inception. Other “People” objectives include establishing quarterly Warhawk Family Fun Days, formalizing the Training and Development Council, and establishing a resiliency program manager to lead quarterly forums.
The plan’s development began in September 2020 and was a collaborative effort of the wing and group command teams. Since its release in December 2020, the plan has been reviewed and adjusted quarterly as required.
The 37th Inspector General team created a tracking mechanism within Microsoft Teams to track the plan’s objectives so outcomes and impact can be measured. The objectives will be tracked as part of the Commander’s Inspection Program and each unit’s Self-Assessment Program. The objectives will be inspected as part of the unit inspections and reported at the Commander’s Inspection Management Board.
“We have created a commander’s inspection program that is tied directly into the strategic plan,” Wilson described. “Essentially we now have a closed-loop system that shows a clear link between meeting the plan’s objectives and the success of mission execution. We have fully integrated Operationalizing the Warhawk Way into the Air Force Inspection system and the CCIP. That’s a win for the Warhawks!”
“Operationalizing the Warhawk Way” is available on the 37th TRW public website at
“Every member of the wing has a stake in this plan and the outcomes produced. I challenge each of you to read and absorb the details – the plan is purposeful and specific in order to help you understand your role in our mission,” Wilson wrote in the plan’s Call to Action.
If interested in assisting with one of the plan’s tasks, contact the CAG at