Air Education and Training Command can't wait to hear what our innovative Airmen have to offer in this year’s Spark Tank competition.
It is critical that you enter early and often as it will allow innovation consultants to assist you with your video and preparedness for the competition.
As a reminder, the campaign does run until midnight Oct. 16, 2020, and all AETC Airmen are encouraged to submit ideas that they believe may make significant impacts on Air Force missions within six to 24 months. Spark Tank ideas must be submitted via the U.S. Air Force Ideation Platform at
Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, the AETC Commander, will chair the command’s judging panel that will review submissions and choose the top five entries. Those five individuals/teams will then have the opportunity to virtually pitch their idea to the AETC selection committee. The top two will be selected to represent the First Command at the Air Force-level semi-finalist competition. In addition, to qualify for the “Wild Card” selection your idea needs at least 50 votes from your fellow Airmen to compete for the special division that could get you a top six spot at AFA.
Winners at the semi-finals move on to the final round of competition, which is scheduled to be held at the Air Force Association’s Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida, Feb. 24-26, 2021.
Airmen can get Innovation consultant support by contacting their local Wing Process Manager that can be located in your Innovation Collaboration APAN platform: AETC APAN WPM LOCATOR.
The HQ AETC/A9A Innovation Advancement Division is the lead action office for AETC Spark Tank 2021. For more information or assistance, Airmen can email the HQ AETC/A9A Innovation Advancement Division workflow at