October is Energy Action Month, an opportunity to highlight why energy is a critical enabler to combat capability for the U.S. Air Force and Department of Defense, and to encourage smarter energy use and management for installations, ground vehicles, and aircraft.
Unveiled this year, the Air Force theme of “Energy Able, Mission Capable” educates Airmen about the importance of energy readiness and resilience for the global mission.
“By prioritizing energy management and resilience, we are building a strong foundation for the future warfighter and ensuring Airmen have energy when and where they need it,” said John W. Henderson, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment and Energy.
Every year the U.S. Air Force spends nearly $6 billion on energy, with approximately 82 percent used for aviation fuel, 16 percent for facilities and installations, and 2 percent for ground vehicles.
While energy is a necessary part of operations, as the modern battlefield grows increasingly complex, keeping it secure and readily available can pose serious risks and challenges for troops.
Powering aviation assets requires complex fuel planning and logistics, all the way from refinery and storage facilities to fuel convoys and transport to the end-user. As power projection platforms, installations depend on secure, reliable and quality power to ensure Air Force mission assurance.
The Air Force is focusing on energy resilience and optimization to sustain warfighting capabilities in the air and on the ground.
For instance, upgraded aircraft aerodynamics increase range and limit the need for aerial refueling. Investments in modern software improve the effectiveness of tankers and streamline mission planning. Engine sustainment initiatives increase time on wing and prevent some maintenance issues. At the installation level, from new onsite generating capabilities to ensure energy resilient operations, to a record setting year of energy savings performance contracting, the Air Force is prepared to fly, fight and win from its installations under any conditions.
During Energy Action Month, the Air Force will emphasize the need for smart energy solutions and inform Airmen, Air Force senior leaders, policy makers, and aligned organizations about what they can do to effectively distribute, generate, and manage resilient and reliable energy across the enterprise.
To share the message, visit www.safie.hq.af.mil/EnergyActionMonth for resources and follow the hashtag #EnergyAbleMissionCapable at www.facebook.com/AirForceEnergy and www.twitter.com/AFEnergy.
Air Force Energy, comprises Operational and Installation Energy, is led by the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Energy (SAF/IE) and is located in the Pentagon.