The annual Air Force Assistance Fund, or AFAF, campaign will begin March 18 and will run through April 26.
The AFAF is affiliated with four charitable organizations:
• The Air Force Aid Society supports Airmen and their families with emergency monetary relief in times of need and awards scholastic grants for Airmen furthering their education.
• The Lemay Foundation assists widows of officer and enlisted Air Force retirees via financial aid to enable them to retain a dignified standard of living.
• The Air Force Villages Charitable Foundation is a San Antonio-based charity that provides care for retired officers and their spouses.
• The Air Force Enlisted Village is based in Florida near Eglin Air Force Base and Hurlburt Field and provides care and living space for surviving spouses of retired enlisted Air Force members.
The target audience for donations is Air Force military personnel, including Air National Guardsmen and Air Force reservists and Air Force retirees. Unsolicited donations may also be accepted from others, including (non-retiree) civilian employees, sister service military personnel and retirees.
Key workers in each unit will accept donations during the campaign via payroll deductions, or through cash, check or money order.