JBSA Photo Gallery
Navy HRPP visits NAMRU San Antonio
230126-N-ND850-9003.JPG Photo By: Burrell Parmer

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas - Dr. Sylvain Cardin, chief science director of Naval Medical Research Unit San Antonio, joined by command staff and directors, thanks Cmdr. Leedjia Svec, director of the Department of the Navy (DON) Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and her team for conducting a site visit at the Battlefield Health and Trauma Research Institute. All research involving human subjects conducted by DON laboratories, public health centers, systems and training commands, operational forces, and non-Department of Defense institutions performing DON-supported human subjects research are subjected to DON HRPP oversight. According to Cardin, the visit benefited the command as it ensures compliance with human subjects research requirements and safety.


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