Sixteen Lackland Airmen were among the 520 of 2,415 eligible senior master sergeants selected by Air Force officials for promotion to chief master sergeant for a selection rate of 21.53 percent.
The average score for those selected was 661.90, with an average time in grade and time in service of 3.47 and 23.06 years respectively, and 24.34 for decorations. The average score was based on the following point averages: 135.00 for enlisted performance reports, 68.09 for the Air Force supervisory exam and 383.60 board score.
Congratulations to Lackland's new chief master sergeant selects:
37th Mission Support Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. Paul Grady
37th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. Mark Hagen
342nd Training Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. David Brinkley
690th Network Support Group
Senior Master Sgt. Neal Ada
323rd Training Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. David Staton
59th Diagnostics and Therapeutic Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. Debra Capps
59th Medical Support Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. Patricia Morris
93rd Intelligence Squadron
Senior Master Sgt. Andy Smith
Air Force Security Forces Center
Senior Master Sgt. Richard Bruno
Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency
Senior Master Sgt. Leo Esmond
Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Harris
Senior Master Sgt. Christopher Leh
Senior Master Sgt. Keith Raggette
Air Force Medical Operations Agency
Senior Master Sgt. Thomas Jones
Senior Master Sgt. Robert Spencer
Cryptologic Systems Group
Senior Master Sgt. James Makransky