JBSA Graphics
US AIr Force Symbol
220121-F-DQ331-0010.JPG Photo By: Richard

Randolph AFB - The Air Force Symbol is a registered trademark. Use of this logo by any non-Federal entity must receive permission from the Air Force Branding and Trademark Licensing Office at licensing@us.af.mil. Non-Federal entities wishing to use the Air Force Symbol should reference the DoD Guide on the use of Government marks. The link to the guide can be found at http://www.defense.gov/Media/Trademarks. Those with a valid CAC may download high-resolution versions of the Symbol from the Air Force Portal. The link to the graphics is located under the “Library and Resources” tab. Guidance on the proper use and display of the Symbol can be found in AFI35-114.


This photograph is considered public domain and has been cleared for release. If you would like to republish please give the photographer appropriate credit. Further, any commercial or non-commercial use of this photograph or any other DoD image must be made in compliance with guidance found at http://www.dimoc.mil/resources/limitations.html , which pertains to intellectual property restrictions (e.g., copyright and trademark, including the use of official emblems, insignia, names and slogans), warnings regarding use of images of identifiable personnel, appearance of endorsement, and related matters.

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