1 00:00:00,589 --> 00:00:02,789 Good morning . Uh Let me call this 2 00:00:02,799 --> 00:00:05,329 hearing to order the committee meets 3 00:00:05,340 --> 00:00:07,340 today to consider the nomination of 4 00:00:07,340 --> 00:00:09,340 General Randy George to be the next 5 00:00:09,340 --> 00:00:11,340 chief of Staff of the United States 6 00:00:11,340 --> 00:00:13,507 Army General . Congratulations on your 7 00:00:13,507 --> 00:00:15,562 nomination . I would like to welcome 8 00:00:15,562 --> 00:00:17,670 your wife Patty , son , Grant and 9 00:00:17,680 --> 00:00:19,899 daughter-in-law Hannah and daughter 10 00:00:19,909 --> 00:00:22,600 Andrea and son-in-law Timothy . We are 11 00:00:22,610 --> 00:00:24,666 grateful to your family for the many 12 00:00:24,666 --> 00:00:27,069 years of support for your service . And 13 00:00:27,079 --> 00:00:29,023 I would also like to recognize and 14 00:00:29,023 --> 00:00:30,801 thank Senator Ernst who will be 15 00:00:30,801 --> 00:00:33,520 introducing you shortly . Let me also 16 00:00:33,529 --> 00:00:35,362 thank the outgoing Chief General 17 00:00:35,362 --> 00:00:37,029 mcconville as he prepares for 18 00:00:37,029 --> 00:00:39,349 retirement , the nation is safer and 19 00:00:39,360 --> 00:00:41,810 the United States Army is on a path of 20 00:00:41,819 --> 00:00:43,986 generational transformation because of 21 00:00:43,986 --> 00:00:46,889 his leadership . General George . The 22 00:00:46,900 --> 00:00:49,011 committee welcomes your nomination to 23 00:00:49,011 --> 00:00:51,122 serve as Chief of staff of the army . 24 00:00:51,122 --> 00:00:53,178 As the current vice chief . You have 25 00:00:53,178 --> 00:00:55,400 helped lead the army through a critical 26 00:00:55,400 --> 00:00:57,567 period of modernization . Previously , 27 00:00:57,567 --> 00:00:59,678 as a senior military assistant to the 28 00:00:59,678 --> 00:01:01,678 Secretary of Defense , you gained a 29 00:01:01,678 --> 00:01:03,567 valuable understanding of how the 30 00:01:03,567 --> 00:01:05,622 department requires the joint chiefs 31 00:01:05,622 --> 00:01:07,456 and combatant commanders to work 32 00:01:07,456 --> 00:01:09,456 together in support of the National 33 00:01:09,456 --> 00:01:11,622 Defense strategy . You bring extensive 34 00:01:11,622 --> 00:01:13,789 command experience having led at every 35 00:01:13,789 --> 00:01:16,050 level from platoon to core including in 36 00:01:16,059 --> 00:01:18,199 combat . You also have important 37 00:01:18,209 --> 00:01:20,000 analytical and force management 38 00:01:20,010 --> 00:01:22,519 expertise from both an army and joint 39 00:01:22,529 --> 00:01:25,220 force perspective . These experiences 40 00:01:25,230 --> 00:01:27,397 make you the right person at the right 41 00:01:27,397 --> 00:01:30,010 time to lead the army . The army is in 42 00:01:30,019 --> 00:01:31,908 the midst of its most significant 43 00:01:31,908 --> 00:01:34,160 modernization effort . In decades . The 44 00:01:34,169 --> 00:01:36,589 service pursuing an aggressive strategy 45 00:01:36,599 --> 00:01:40,019 called army 2030 defined by the 46 00:01:40,029 --> 00:01:42,251 adoption of multi domain operations and 47 00:01:42,251 --> 00:01:44,830 return to large scale formations . The 48 00:01:44,839 --> 00:01:46,910 army is shifting to a division based 49 00:01:46,919 --> 00:01:49,141 configuration that will need to operate 50 00:01:49,150 --> 00:01:52,540 in what you have described as dispersed 51 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:55,569 mobile and low signature teams to 52 00:01:55,580 --> 00:01:57,469 remain competitive with China and 53 00:01:57,469 --> 00:01:59,413 Russia . The army must continue to 54 00:01:59,413 --> 00:02:01,500 invest in cutting edge technologies 55 00:02:01,519 --> 00:02:03,686 that will define future battlefields . 56 00:02:03,739 --> 00:02:05,699 Specifically , the army has been 57 00:02:05,709 --> 00:02:08,020 pursuing modernization in key areas 58 00:02:08,029 --> 00:02:10,800 like long range fires , air defense , 59 00:02:10,809 --> 00:02:13,479 vertical lift and deep sensing . These 60 00:02:13,490 --> 00:02:15,429 are ambitious and far sighted 61 00:02:15,440 --> 00:02:17,300 objectives . I'm particularly 62 00:02:17,309 --> 00:02:19,087 encouraged by the army's recent 63 00:02:19,087 --> 00:02:21,309 creation of a new cross functional team 64 00:02:21,309 --> 00:02:24,089 focused on contested logistics . This 65 00:02:24,100 --> 00:02:26,089 team under the direction of army 66 00:02:26,100 --> 00:02:28,211 futures command will address the need 67 00:02:28,211 --> 00:02:30,729 for more resilient and agile logistics 68 00:02:30,740 --> 00:02:32,962 in dangerous environments like the Indo 69 00:02:32,962 --> 00:02:35,129 Pacific General . I would like to know 70 00:02:35,129 --> 00:02:37,018 your plans to continue the army's 71 00:02:37,018 --> 00:02:38,740 modernization efforts and what 72 00:02:38,740 --> 00:02:40,907 resources are needed to support them . 73 00:02:41,100 --> 00:02:43,211 Even as increased resources are being 74 00:02:43,211 --> 00:02:45,378 allocated to the Indo Pacific region , 75 00:02:45,378 --> 00:02:47,656 including for sea and air capabilities . 76 00:02:47,669 --> 00:02:49,502 The army is being relied upon to 77 00:02:49,502 --> 00:02:51,669 provide a reliable presence around the 78 00:02:51,669 --> 00:02:53,830 world . In particular , the army is 79 00:02:53,839 --> 00:02:55,672 providing significant support to 80 00:02:55,672 --> 00:02:58,289 operations in Europe from logistics to 81 00:02:58,300 --> 00:03:00,419 rotational forces and command and 82 00:03:00,429 --> 00:03:02,860 control elements . We are reminded 83 00:03:02,869 --> 00:03:04,809 every day in Ukraine that combat 84 00:03:04,820 --> 00:03:07,110 credible ground forces are fundamental 85 00:03:07,119 --> 00:03:09,360 for deterrence . With that in mind . I 86 00:03:09,369 --> 00:03:11,369 am interested in hearing about your 87 00:03:11,369 --> 00:03:13,591 view of the army's mission globally and 88 00:03:13,591 --> 00:03:15,536 how you would adjust its operating 89 00:03:15,536 --> 00:03:17,647 concepts and force posture to support 90 00:03:17,647 --> 00:03:20,179 the national defense strategy . Perhaps 91 00:03:20,190 --> 00:03:22,468 your most pressing challenge , however , 92 00:03:22,468 --> 00:03:24,134 will be addressing the army's 93 00:03:24,139 --> 00:03:26,679 recruiting crisis . I would argue that 94 00:03:26,690 --> 00:03:28,912 all of the military services are facing 95 00:03:28,912 --> 00:03:31,134 their most severe recruiting challenges 96 00:03:31,134 --> 00:03:33,079 since the establishment of the All 97 00:03:33,079 --> 00:03:35,339 Volunteer force . 50 years ago last 98 00:03:35,350 --> 00:03:37,461 year , the army fell far short of its 99 00:03:37,461 --> 00:03:39,572 recruiting goals and the same appears 100 00:03:39,572 --> 00:03:41,683 likely this year . There are a number 101 00:03:41,683 --> 00:03:43,461 of factors contributing to this 102 00:03:43,461 --> 00:03:45,406 challenging recruiting environment 103 00:03:45,406 --> 00:03:47,406 including low national unemployment 104 00:03:47,406 --> 00:03:49,183 rates , lingering problems from 105 00:03:49,183 --> 00:03:52,009 COVID-19 and historically , low numbers 106 00:03:52,020 --> 00:03:55,199 of Americans eligible for or interested 107 00:03:55,210 --> 00:03:57,649 in military service . I understand the 108 00:03:57,660 --> 00:03:59,771 army is conducting an overhaul of its 109 00:03:59,771 --> 00:04:01,716 recruiting and retention practices 110 00:04:01,716 --> 00:04:03,716 including the launch of a major new 111 00:04:03,716 --> 00:04:06,039 marketing campaign and the expansion of 112 00:04:06,050 --> 00:04:08,500 the future soldier prep course . I 113 00:04:08,509 --> 00:04:10,731 would ask for an update on how you plan 114 00:04:10,731 --> 00:04:12,898 to recruit a broader pool of potential 115 00:04:12,898 --> 00:04:15,120 recruits if confirmed and grow back end 116 00:04:15,120 --> 00:04:17,398 strength in the coming years . Further . 117 00:04:17,398 --> 00:04:19,620 I would like to understand how the army 118 00:04:19,620 --> 00:04:21,731 plans to modify its current structure 119 00:04:21,731 --> 00:04:23,898 to account for reduced end strength in 120 00:04:23,898 --> 00:04:25,953 the near term but eventual growth to 121 00:04:25,953 --> 00:04:28,176 support the advanced capabilities being 122 00:04:28,176 --> 00:04:29,787 developed through the army's 123 00:04:29,787 --> 00:04:32,549 modernization efforts , general , these 124 00:04:32,559 --> 00:04:34,559 complex challenges will require the 125 00:04:34,559 --> 00:04:36,726 full complement of your skills . Thank 126 00:04:36,726 --> 00:04:38,781 you for your willingness to continue 127 00:04:38,781 --> 00:04:40,948 your service and lead the army at this 128 00:04:40,948 --> 00:04:43,115 critical time . I look forward to your 129 00:04:43,115 --> 00:04:45,115 testimony . Uh Let me recognize the 130 00:04:45,115 --> 00:04:47,003 ranking member before I recognize 131 00:04:47,003 --> 00:04:49,059 Senator Ernst for her introduction . 132 00:04:49,380 --> 00:04:51,380 Thank you , Mr Chairman and General 133 00:04:51,380 --> 00:04:54,299 George . I uh extend my congratulations 134 00:04:54,309 --> 00:04:56,570 to you and your family on your 135 00:04:56,579 --> 00:04:58,579 nomination . Um I welcome your wife 136 00:04:58,579 --> 00:05:02,369 Patty and um I understand she's your 137 00:05:02,380 --> 00:05:04,750 West Point sweetheart , as well as your 138 00:05:04,760 --> 00:05:06,871 Children , Grant and Andrea and their 139 00:05:06,871 --> 00:05:09,038 spouses , Hannah and Timothy . Welcome 140 00:05:09,038 --> 00:05:11,420 to you all . Uh I'm uh going to have a 141 00:05:11,429 --> 00:05:13,318 little family reunion myself this 142 00:05:13,318 --> 00:05:15,485 weekend . And so it's good to , to see 143 00:05:15,485 --> 00:05:17,596 a family together . The president has 144 00:05:17,596 --> 00:05:20,630 nominated you Vice chief of staff of 145 00:05:20,640 --> 00:05:23,920 the Army to take the post of chief of 146 00:05:23,929 --> 00:05:25,929 staff pending Senate confirmation , 147 00:05:25,929 --> 00:05:27,873 which I hope will come quickly . I 148 00:05:27,873 --> 00:05:30,720 believe you are a great choice for this 149 00:05:30,730 --> 00:05:33,709 role and its associated duties . Your 150 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:36,040 leadership is battle tested . As the 151 00:05:36,049 --> 00:05:38,271 chairman has already mentioned , having 152 00:05:38,271 --> 00:05:40,105 served in several major military 153 00:05:40,105 --> 00:05:42,105 operations throughout your career . 154 00:05:42,105 --> 00:05:44,327 You've also worked alongside a range of 155 00:05:44,327 --> 00:05:46,630 allied and partnered militaries 156 00:05:46,769 --> 00:05:48,839 experiences that will surely be of 157 00:05:48,850 --> 00:05:50,519 value in our global military 158 00:05:50,529 --> 00:05:53,239 competition with the Chinese Communist 159 00:05:53,250 --> 00:05:55,589 Party and the Russian Federation . It's 160 00:05:55,600 --> 00:05:59,350 no secret that this is a very dangerous 161 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:02,790 national moment , perhaps the most 162 00:06:02,799 --> 00:06:04,743 dangerous national security moment 163 00:06:04,743 --> 00:06:07,079 since world war two , a claim affirmed 164 00:06:07,089 --> 00:06:10,230 by many leading general flag officers 165 00:06:10,239 --> 00:06:12,589 who have testified here before this 166 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:14,690 committee , the army must resource 167 00:06:14,700 --> 00:06:17,109 multi theater deterrence missions , 168 00:06:17,459 --> 00:06:19,403 expansive work with the allies and 169 00:06:19,403 --> 00:06:22,470 partners and a large homeland defense 170 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:24,910 mission set . The army is stretched 171 00:06:24,920 --> 00:06:28,429 thin as its portfolio 172 00:06:28,600 --> 00:06:31,399 grows . During the current war in 173 00:06:31,410 --> 00:06:33,466 Ukraine , the United States army has 174 00:06:33,466 --> 00:06:35,660 acted as a NATO shield to further 175 00:06:35,670 --> 00:06:37,726 aggression . The army's constant and 176 00:06:37,726 --> 00:06:39,948 enduring presence in central Europe has 177 00:06:39,948 --> 00:06:42,290 proved essential for deterrence , 178 00:06:42,850 --> 00:06:45,459 disaster response , logistics operation 179 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:47,720 and military to military training 180 00:06:47,730 --> 00:06:50,230 missions including training the 181 00:06:50,239 --> 00:06:52,970 Ukrainian armed forces . Mississippi's 182 00:06:52,980 --> 00:06:55,299 own National Guard is in Europe now 183 00:06:55,399 --> 00:06:57,750 supporting these causes . I welcome 184 00:06:57,760 --> 00:06:59,871 your thoughts on what else the United 185 00:06:59,871 --> 00:07:01,871 States could do to enable Ukrainian 186 00:07:01,871 --> 00:07:04,269 success , including your thoughts on 187 00:07:04,279 --> 00:07:07,470 the provision of attacks and aerial 188 00:07:07,519 --> 00:07:10,760 denial munitions . Um However , we 189 00:07:10,769 --> 00:07:13,059 cannot discount the many struggles the 190 00:07:13,070 --> 00:07:16,799 army faces . Uh And again , the 191 00:07:16,809 --> 00:07:20,209 chairman has indicated an interest in 192 00:07:20,220 --> 00:07:22,549 this , this troublesome fact , recent 193 00:07:22,559 --> 00:07:24,726 reporting indicates the army is set to 194 00:07:24,726 --> 00:07:26,959 miss its fiscal year 2024 recruitment 195 00:07:26,970 --> 00:07:30,700 goal by some 30% . The army has 196 00:07:30,709 --> 00:07:33,420 also been a delinquent general in 197 00:07:33,429 --> 00:07:36,579 delivering congress its total army 198 00:07:36,869 --> 00:07:40,829 analysis . The purpose of the total 199 00:07:40,839 --> 00:07:44,309 army analysis is to give us the 200 00:07:44,320 --> 00:07:46,820 lawmakers a more accurate picture of 201 00:07:46,829 --> 00:07:49,579 future unit organization projections 202 00:07:49,660 --> 00:07:51,910 for the service . I I'm going to be 203 00:07:51,920 --> 00:07:53,642 asking if you can give us some 204 00:07:53,642 --> 00:07:56,820 assurance that um the 205 00:07:56,829 --> 00:08:00,089 legislative branch will be uh 206 00:08:00,420 --> 00:08:03,089 given some respect . In following the 207 00:08:03,100 --> 00:08:05,570 law in this regard , the army has 208 00:08:05,579 --> 00:08:07,579 improved its procurement process in 209 00:08:07,579 --> 00:08:09,635 recent years . But there's more room 210 00:08:09,635 --> 00:08:11,690 for progress . I'm encouraged to see 211 00:08:11,690 --> 00:08:13,801 that parts of the army are diligently 212 00:08:13,801 --> 00:08:16,109 revitalizing our industrial base . But 213 00:08:16,119 --> 00:08:18,230 I remain disappointed that we are not 214 00:08:18,230 --> 00:08:20,063 doing everything in our power to 215 00:08:20,063 --> 00:08:23,559 resource the industrial base in fy 24 216 00:08:23,570 --> 00:08:26,309 alone , we could invest an additional 217 00:08:26,320 --> 00:08:29,480 $1.4 billion into the army's munition 218 00:08:29,489 --> 00:08:31,799 industrial base . And every penny of 219 00:08:31,809 --> 00:08:34,099 that would be well spent . This funding 220 00:08:34,109 --> 00:08:36,109 would establish a steady production 221 00:08:36,109 --> 00:08:38,380 line for switchblade 600 weaponized 222 00:08:38,390 --> 00:08:40,919 drone by another Patriot missile 223 00:08:40,929 --> 00:08:42,940 defense launcher and expand the 224 00:08:42,950 --> 00:08:45,869 capacity of the production line for 225 00:08:45,880 --> 00:08:49,039 extended range . Gimler . There's also 226 00:08:49,049 --> 00:08:50,882 much more to be done in the Indo 227 00:08:50,882 --> 00:08:52,771 Pacific . The European deterrence 228 00:08:52,771 --> 00:08:55,799 initiative funded a wholesale change in 229 00:08:55,809 --> 00:08:57,989 army force posture in Europe . And we 230 00:08:58,000 --> 00:09:00,159 need a similar change in the Indo 231 00:09:00,169 --> 00:09:02,289 Pacific . We have yet to make the 232 00:09:02,299 --> 00:09:04,719 investments necessary to build the army 233 00:09:04,729 --> 00:09:06,729 posture we need on the first island 234 00:09:06,729 --> 00:09:09,640 change change . In particular , I'm 235 00:09:09,650 --> 00:09:11,372 worried about the state of our 236 00:09:11,372 --> 00:09:14,580 logistics plans for which the army has 237 00:09:14,880 --> 00:09:17,789 the functional lead . Um So general , I 238 00:09:17,799 --> 00:09:20,021 would like to hear your articulation of 239 00:09:20,021 --> 00:09:22,021 the army's role in the Indo Pacific 240 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:25,330 including in contested logistics and 241 00:09:25,340 --> 00:09:28,159 what you would like from Congress in 242 00:09:28,169 --> 00:09:31,219 achieving this vision , tell us what 243 00:09:31,229 --> 00:09:33,599 you need and we'll try to get it to you 244 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:35,679 as the country's largest and oldest 245 00:09:35,679 --> 00:09:37,809 military service . The army will 246 00:09:37,820 --> 00:09:40,179 inevitably play an integral role in the 247 00:09:40,190 --> 00:09:42,301 future of our national defense around 248 00:09:42,301 --> 00:09:44,929 the globe . I'm hopeful that you will 249 00:09:44,940 --> 00:09:47,190 be able to lead it through this 250 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:49,599 dangerous period and I look forward to 251 00:09:49,609 --> 00:09:51,553 your testimony . Thank you , sir . 252 00:09:51,553 --> 00:09:53,553 Thank you , Senator Senator Ernst , 253 00:09:53,553 --> 00:09:56,950 please , Mr Chairman , ranking member 254 00:09:56,960 --> 00:09:59,182 Wicker and distinguished members of the 255 00:09:59,182 --> 00:10:01,760 committee . It is my privilege today to 256 00:10:01,770 --> 00:10:04,289 introduce my dear friend and a native 257 00:10:04,299 --> 00:10:07,750 Iowan Randy , a George for his 258 00:10:07,760 --> 00:10:10,679 nomination to be Chief of Staff of the 259 00:10:10,690 --> 00:10:13,869 US Army as a veteran of the Iowa Army 260 00:10:13,880 --> 00:10:16,479 National Guard . I know firsthand that 261 00:10:16,489 --> 00:10:18,600 the role of the chief of staff of the 262 00:10:18,600 --> 00:10:21,049 army is one of the most important in 263 00:10:21,059 --> 00:10:24,359 the military . I believe General George 264 00:10:24,369 --> 00:10:27,320 is the right man for this critical job . 265 00:10:27,849 --> 00:10:30,030 General George had humble beginnings 266 00:10:30,039 --> 00:10:33,440 growing up in Alden Iowa , a town with 267 00:10:33,450 --> 00:10:37,169 just over 700 residents . He joined the 268 00:10:37,179 --> 00:10:39,290 army straight out of high school as a 269 00:10:39,290 --> 00:10:42,400 junior enlisted soldier . He had a 270 00:10:42,409 --> 00:10:44,880 great eagerness to learn and later 271 00:10:44,890 --> 00:10:47,380 commissioned from West Point in 272 00:10:47,390 --> 00:10:51,190 1988 as an infantry officer with a 273 00:10:51,200 --> 00:10:53,590 bachelor of science and engineering . 274 00:10:53,880 --> 00:10:55,991 Later in his career , he attended the 275 00:10:55,991 --> 00:10:58,619 naval war college and eventually became 276 00:10:58,630 --> 00:11:01,390 an instructor . General George is a 277 00:11:01,400 --> 00:11:04,500 decorated war fighter with extensive 278 00:11:04,510 --> 00:11:07,219 combat service including in the Gulf 279 00:11:07,229 --> 00:11:10,020 War , the Iraq war and the war in 280 00:11:10,030 --> 00:11:12,750 Afghanistan . He's an experienced 281 00:11:12,760 --> 00:11:15,830 leader holding command at every echelon 282 00:11:16,030 --> 00:11:19,809 in and out of combat in 2008 , he 283 00:11:19,820 --> 00:11:21,820 commanded the fourth brigade combat 284 00:11:21,820 --> 00:11:24,280 team in the fourth infantry division 285 00:11:24,369 --> 00:11:26,669 while in support of operation enduring 286 00:11:26,679 --> 00:11:30,419 freedom . Later in 2017 , he returned 287 00:11:30,429 --> 00:11:33,679 to Afghanistan this time commanding the 288 00:11:33,690 --> 00:11:36,869 entire fourth infantry division . 289 00:11:37,630 --> 00:11:40,479 Most recently , he commanded Ior 290 00:11:41,419 --> 00:11:43,750 managing daily activities for more than 291 00:11:43,760 --> 00:11:47,119 44,000 soldiers to deploy , 292 00:11:47,130 --> 00:11:50,640 fight and win decisively in the Indo 293 00:11:50,650 --> 00:11:53,599 Pacific region throughout his service . 294 00:11:53,609 --> 00:11:56,070 General George never shied away from 295 00:11:56,080 --> 00:11:58,429 difficult tasks and completed them with 296 00:11:58,440 --> 00:12:00,940 distinction . He's a skilled joint 297 00:12:00,950 --> 00:12:03,006 officer , having served in the joint 298 00:12:03,006 --> 00:12:05,640 staff J three and responsible for 299 00:12:05,650 --> 00:12:08,710 geographic combat operation . And he's 300 00:12:08,719 --> 00:12:10,941 distinguished himself as the vice chief 301 00:12:10,941 --> 00:12:13,359 of staff of the army , a position he 302 00:12:13,369 --> 00:12:16,349 assumed in August in this role . 303 00:12:16,359 --> 00:12:18,581 General George has been instrumental in 304 00:12:18,581 --> 00:12:22,520 helping lead our great US army as new 305 00:12:22,530 --> 00:12:25,169 threats emerge , our army must maintain 306 00:12:25,179 --> 00:12:27,619 highly trained and lethal forces to 307 00:12:27,630 --> 00:12:30,549 fight and win the nation's wars and I 308 00:12:30,559 --> 00:12:32,170 have full confidence that he 309 00:12:32,170 --> 00:12:34,170 understands the requirements of our 310 00:12:34,170 --> 00:12:36,429 army at this critical time . If 311 00:12:36,440 --> 00:12:38,218 confirmed , General George will 312 00:12:38,218 --> 00:12:41,289 spearhead army modernization to deter 313 00:12:41,299 --> 00:12:44,919 or if necessary defeat great powers . 314 00:12:45,049 --> 00:12:47,760 General George is also laser focused on 315 00:12:47,770 --> 00:12:49,760 the betterment of our army from 316 00:12:49,770 --> 00:12:52,440 recruiting and retention to readiness 317 00:12:52,450 --> 00:12:55,320 and training . He knows the needs of 318 00:12:55,330 --> 00:12:59,140 soldiers and their families . General 319 00:12:59,150 --> 00:13:01,460 George is a hard working public servant 320 00:13:01,789 --> 00:13:04,200 but I would be remiss not to not 321 00:13:04,210 --> 00:13:06,969 mention that General George is also a 322 00:13:06,979 --> 00:13:10,780 great family man . It truly takes an 323 00:13:10,789 --> 00:13:13,460 extraordinary family to serve in our 324 00:13:13,469 --> 00:13:15,539 military . And I would like to thank 325 00:13:15,549 --> 00:13:17,820 his wife and West Point classmate , 326 00:13:17,830 --> 00:13:20,380 Patty and their two Children , Grant 327 00:13:20,390 --> 00:13:23,020 and Andy for their selfless commitment 328 00:13:23,200 --> 00:13:26,200 and support over the years . I firmly 329 00:13:26,210 --> 00:13:27,877 believe that General George's 330 00:13:27,877 --> 00:13:30,409 qualifications , record and character 331 00:13:30,539 --> 00:13:34,130 and of course his great home state make 332 00:13:34,140 --> 00:13:36,969 him the right nominee to serve in this 333 00:13:36,979 --> 00:13:40,080 important role . General George has my 334 00:13:40,090 --> 00:13:42,510 full confidence . Thank you , Mr 335 00:13:42,520 --> 00:13:45,289 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Ernst . 336 00:13:45,299 --> 00:13:47,469 Uh not only for your introduction but 337 00:13:47,479 --> 00:13:49,757 for your service . Thank you very much . 338 00:13:50,460 --> 00:13:53,369 Sorry , he's questioned . 339 00:13:55,780 --> 00:13:56,349 He tested 340 00:14:00,530 --> 00:14:02,479 General George and please your 341 00:14:02,489 --> 00:14:06,159 testimony . Ok . Um First , thank you 342 00:14:06,169 --> 00:14:09,869 Senator Erst Chairman Reid and raking 343 00:14:09,880 --> 00:14:11,880 member wicker members of the Senate 344 00:14:11,880 --> 00:14:14,479 Armed Services Committee . I am humbled 345 00:14:14,489 --> 00:14:16,656 to have been nominated to serve as the 346 00:14:16,656 --> 00:14:19,150 41st chief of staff of the Army . And I 347 00:14:19,159 --> 00:14:21,381 want to thank you all up front for your 348 00:14:21,381 --> 00:14:23,492 steadfast support of our soldiers and 349 00:14:23,492 --> 00:14:25,326 their families . I know this has 350 00:14:25,326 --> 00:14:27,437 already been done , but I'd also like 351 00:14:27,437 --> 00:14:29,603 to introduce my family . My wife Patty 352 00:14:29,603 --> 00:14:31,548 is behind me . She's my West Point 353 00:14:31,548 --> 00:14:33,603 classmate and yes , by every measure 354 00:14:33,603 --> 00:14:36,340 she was the better cadet . She has been 355 00:14:36,349 --> 00:14:38,609 my toughest critic and biggest fan for 356 00:14:38,619 --> 00:14:41,380 34 years of marriage and she's kept our 357 00:14:41,390 --> 00:14:43,557 family strong through numerous moves , 358 00:14:43,559 --> 00:14:46,049 deployments and assignments . She's 359 00:14:46,059 --> 00:14:48,799 also been a friend and a mentor to many 360 00:14:48,809 --> 00:14:51,369 military spouses over the years . Our 361 00:14:51,380 --> 00:14:53,840 two kids are behind me as well . Our 362 00:14:53,849 --> 00:14:56,690 son Grant , whose hair is not too long 363 00:14:57,010 --> 00:14:58,899 who served in the fourth infantry 364 00:14:58,899 --> 00:15:00,849 division and the , and the Ranger 365 00:15:00,859 --> 00:15:03,137 Regiment . And he's here with his wife , 366 00:15:03,137 --> 00:15:05,248 Hannah and my daughter , Andy and her 367 00:15:05,248 --> 00:15:08,969 husband Tim are also joining us , Patty . 368 00:15:08,979 --> 00:15:11,090 And I joked that we gave our kids the 369 00:15:11,090 --> 00:15:13,201 opportunity to attend three different 370 00:15:13,201 --> 00:15:15,257 high schools . We do believe that it 371 00:15:15,257 --> 00:15:17,479 made them tougher and more adaptable 372 00:15:17,489 --> 00:15:19,600 and I know they're both very thankful 373 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:22,539 for that . My mother and father Bob and 374 00:15:22,549 --> 00:15:24,493 Lorraine are watching from home in 375 00:15:24,493 --> 00:15:27,159 Alden Iowa . Um , I think it's closer 376 00:15:27,169 --> 00:15:29,729 to 800 people where I'm , where I'm at , 377 00:15:29,739 --> 00:15:32,059 Senator Ernst . Uh , my mom was a 378 00:15:32,070 --> 00:15:34,237 little uncertain when I shipped off to 379 00:15:34,237 --> 00:15:36,369 basic training at 17 , but I know my 380 00:15:36,380 --> 00:15:38,491 dad was very happy to have me off the 381 00:15:38,491 --> 00:15:40,640 payroll . There isn't a military 382 00:15:40,650 --> 00:15:42,929 presence in Alden Iowa and we weren't 383 00:15:42,940 --> 00:15:45,200 from a military family , but there was 384 00:15:45,210 --> 00:15:48,020 a Korean war veteran in town that I did 385 00:15:48,030 --> 00:15:50,252 some work for while in high school . He 386 00:15:50,252 --> 00:15:52,363 told me stories about his time in the 387 00:15:52,363 --> 00:15:54,586 army and it inspired me to go talk to a 388 00:15:54,586 --> 00:15:57,190 recruiter . I came into the army to get 389 00:15:57,200 --> 00:15:59,969 money for college and I've stayed 390 00:15:59,979 --> 00:16:02,609 because of the mission and the people 391 00:16:03,960 --> 00:16:06,619 over the last almost 250 years , the 392 00:16:06,630 --> 00:16:08,630 army has become one of the greatest 393 00:16:08,630 --> 00:16:11,349 ground forces the world has ever seen . 394 00:16:11,780 --> 00:16:13,947 We have been the main effort for every 395 00:16:13,947 --> 00:16:16,880 conflict in our country's history and 396 00:16:16,890 --> 00:16:19,880 have dominated our adversaries because 397 00:16:19,890 --> 00:16:23,200 of the courage , imagination and 398 00:16:23,210 --> 00:16:26,469 determination of our soldiers and our 399 00:16:26,479 --> 00:16:29,659 nation integral to that . If 400 00:16:29,669 --> 00:16:31,969 confirmed , I plan to have four focus 401 00:16:31,979 --> 00:16:34,909 areas . My number one focus will be on 402 00:16:34,919 --> 00:16:37,679 war fighting so that our army is always 403 00:16:37,690 --> 00:16:40,770 ready to respond when our nation calls . 404 00:16:41,200 --> 00:16:43,669 Second , I will work to ensure that we 405 00:16:43,679 --> 00:16:45,989 are continually improving to stay ahead 406 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:48,409 of our potential adversaries . As the 407 00:16:48,419 --> 00:16:50,719 war in Ukraine has shown us , we are in 408 00:16:50,729 --> 00:16:52,599 a rapidly changing strategic 409 00:16:52,609 --> 00:16:55,340 environment . We can't afford not to 410 00:16:55,349 --> 00:16:58,080 evolve . Third , I'll work to ensure 411 00:16:58,090 --> 00:16:59,929 that we have the industrial and 412 00:16:59,940 --> 00:17:02,690 sustainment base and the soldier and 413 00:17:02,700 --> 00:17:05,000 family support infrastructure to 414 00:17:05,010 --> 00:17:07,479 rapidly project our force across the 415 00:17:07,489 --> 00:17:09,869 globe . Fourth and finally , I'll 416 00:17:09,880 --> 00:17:11,658 continue to strengthen the army 417 00:17:11,658 --> 00:17:14,719 profession and build cohesive teams 418 00:17:14,979 --> 00:17:18,250 with starts with fixing recruiting so 419 00:17:18,260 --> 00:17:20,630 that we remain an army of the people 420 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:23,729 and for the people . A formidable team 421 00:17:23,739 --> 00:17:26,930 of all volunteer warriors . I am proud 422 00:17:26,939 --> 00:17:29,229 to be a us army soldier and I look 423 00:17:29,239 --> 00:17:32,099 forward to your questions . Thank you 424 00:17:32,109 --> 00:17:34,220 very much , General . I have a series 425 00:17:34,220 --> 00:17:36,170 of uh standard questions which you 426 00:17:36,180 --> 00:17:39,569 could respond to . Have you adhered to 427 00:17:39,579 --> 00:17:41,357 applicable laws and regulations 428 00:17:41,357 --> 00:17:44,469 governing conflicts of interest . Yes , 429 00:17:44,479 --> 00:17:46,646 chairman , have you assumed any duties 430 00:17:46,646 --> 00:17:48,757 to take any actions that would appear 431 00:17:48,757 --> 00:17:50,423 to presume the outcome of the 432 00:17:50,423 --> 00:17:52,201 confirmation process . Chairman 433 00:17:52,201 --> 00:17:53,923 exercising our legislative and 434 00:17:53,923 --> 00:17:56,035 oversight responsibilities , makes it 435 00:17:56,035 --> 00:17:58,035 important that this committee , its 436 00:17:58,035 --> 00:18:00,035 subcommittees and other appropriate 437 00:18:00,035 --> 00:18:01,757 committees of Congress receive 438 00:18:01,757 --> 00:18:03,646 testimony , briefings , reports , 439 00:18:03,646 --> 00:18:05,701 records and other information . From 440 00:18:05,701 --> 00:18:07,979 the executive branch on a timely basis . 441 00:18:07,979 --> 00:18:10,201 Do you agree if confirmed to appear and 442 00:18:10,201 --> 00:18:12,257 testify before this committee ? When 443 00:18:12,257 --> 00:18:14,423 requested chairman , do you agree when 444 00:18:14,423 --> 00:18:16,423 asked before this committee to give 445 00:18:16,423 --> 00:18:18,590 your personal views even if your views 446 00:18:18,590 --> 00:18:20,989 differ from the administration ? Yes , 447 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:23,319 chairman . Do you agree to provide 448 00:18:23,329 --> 00:18:25,273 records , documents and electronic 449 00:18:25,273 --> 00:18:27,440 communications in a timely manner when 450 00:18:27,440 --> 00:18:29,329 requested by this committee , its 451 00:18:29,329 --> 00:18:31,273 subcommittees or other appropriate 452 00:18:31,273 --> 00:18:33,385 committees of Congress and to consult 453 00:18:33,385 --> 00:18:35,551 with the requester regarding the basis 454 00:18:35,551 --> 00:18:37,662 for any good faith delay or denial in 455 00:18:37,662 --> 00:18:39,662 providing such records . Yes , I do 456 00:18:39,662 --> 00:18:41,885 chair , will you ensure that your staff 457 00:18:41,885 --> 00:18:44,051 complies with deadlines established by 458 00:18:44,051 --> 00:18:46,051 the committee for the production of 459 00:18:46,051 --> 00:18:48,273 reports , records and other information 460 00:18:48,273 --> 00:18:50,440 including timely responding to hearing 461 00:18:50,440 --> 00:18:50,329 questions for the record . Yes , 462 00:18:50,339 --> 00:18:52,172 chairman , will you cooperate in 463 00:18:52,172 --> 00:18:54,172 providing witnesses and briefers in 464 00:18:54,172 --> 00:18:56,172 response to congressional request ? 465 00:18:56,189 --> 00:18:58,189 Chairman , will those witnesses and 466 00:18:58,189 --> 00:19:00,411 briefers be protected from Reprisal for 467 00:19:00,411 --> 00:19:02,819 their testimony or briefings ? Chairman ? 468 00:19:02,920 --> 00:19:04,142 Thank you very much . 469 00:19:08,250 --> 00:19:11,839 Ok . Um Welcome . Uh I 470 00:19:11,849 --> 00:19:14,880 think uh we all share Senator Ernst's 471 00:19:14,890 --> 00:19:18,510 enthusiasm and confidence in your uh 472 00:19:18,520 --> 00:19:21,890 assumption is confirmed of the role of 473 00:19:21,910 --> 00:19:24,021 chief of staff of the army and one of 474 00:19:24,021 --> 00:19:26,079 the issues that you identified uh up 475 00:19:26,089 --> 00:19:28,449 front was recruiting and we know there 476 00:19:28,459 --> 00:19:30,626 are many forces that I mentioned in my 477 00:19:30,626 --> 00:19:32,848 comments that are making it difficult , 478 00:19:32,848 --> 00:19:34,737 not just for the military but for 479 00:19:34,737 --> 00:19:37,140 businesses to recruit . Um 480 00:19:38,660 --> 00:19:40,882 It confirmed what actions you would you 481 00:19:40,882 --> 00:19:43,160 take to address this recruiting crisis . 482 00:19:43,160 --> 00:19:45,327 I I must say , as I mentioned before , 483 00:19:45,327 --> 00:19:47,549 I was very impressed with General Kelly 484 00:19:47,549 --> 00:19:49,604 and the future soldier prep course . 485 00:19:49,604 --> 00:19:51,493 And I think also too , we have to 486 00:19:51,493 --> 00:19:53,959 spread our focus not only to high 487 00:19:53,969 --> 00:19:56,270 school or TC , but to junior colleges , 488 00:19:56,280 --> 00:19:59,599 but please sir your comments . Um Yes , 489 00:19:59,609 --> 00:20:02,000 chairman . It's uh as I said in my 490 00:20:02,010 --> 00:20:04,066 opening statement , I think it's the 491 00:20:04,066 --> 00:20:06,177 number one challenge that we face and 492 00:20:06,177 --> 00:20:08,399 the , and the one thing that we have to 493 00:20:08,399 --> 00:20:10,454 be focused on , we are , I will tell 494 00:20:10,454 --> 00:20:12,677 you that every leader in the army and I 495 00:20:12,677 --> 00:20:14,677 have been as the vice is completely 496 00:20:14,677 --> 00:20:16,843 focused on this and there's really two 497 00:20:16,843 --> 00:20:19,010 areas , some of these are , you know , 498 00:20:19,010 --> 00:20:20,954 we're doing whatever we can in the 499 00:20:20,954 --> 00:20:20,689 short term and I'll mention a couple of 500 00:20:20,699 --> 00:20:24,010 those . Um We also have a uh a longer 501 00:20:24,020 --> 00:20:26,076 term , what we've called basically a 502 00:20:26,076 --> 00:20:28,020 sprint that we hope to finish here 503 00:20:28,020 --> 00:20:30,280 within this next month of what are , 504 00:20:30,290 --> 00:20:32,457 you know , do we need , how do we need 505 00:20:32,457 --> 00:20:34,401 to change structurally or what big 506 00:20:34,401 --> 00:20:36,623 changes do we need to make ? You know , 507 00:20:36,623 --> 00:20:38,790 are we um how we're picking recruiters 508 00:20:38,790 --> 00:20:40,957 where we have our recruiters at uh the 509 00:20:40,957 --> 00:20:42,734 command and control structure , 510 00:20:42,734 --> 00:20:44,623 marketing . We're reviewing every 511 00:20:44,623 --> 00:20:47,910 aspect of that . Um As you mentioned up 512 00:20:47,920 --> 00:20:50,142 front , we are , you know , some of the 513 00:20:50,142 --> 00:20:52,309 challenges that we're having is having 514 00:20:52,309 --> 00:20:54,642 people to meet our standards . We don't , 515 00:20:54,642 --> 00:20:56,976 we are not going to lower our standards . 516 00:20:56,976 --> 00:20:59,087 Um The future soldier prep course has 517 00:20:59,087 --> 00:21:01,309 been very helpful to that . Um We are , 518 00:21:01,309 --> 00:21:03,531 you know , down there helping them , um 519 00:21:03,531 --> 00:21:05,753 people that uh generally otherwise meet 520 00:21:05,753 --> 00:21:07,864 the , you know , the standards to get 521 00:21:07,864 --> 00:21:10,150 in the military pass the A VB . We've 522 00:21:10,160 --> 00:21:14,030 had challenges with folks passing the 523 00:21:14,040 --> 00:21:16,151 entrance test and that's helping them 524 00:21:16,410 --> 00:21:19,979 and then also helping them to pass the 525 00:21:19,989 --> 00:21:22,211 height and weight so that they get in , 526 00:21:22,211 --> 00:21:24,322 we've seen very good success for that 527 00:21:24,322 --> 00:21:26,211 better than 95% and they're doing 528 00:21:26,211 --> 00:21:29,829 better in basic training . And I think 529 00:21:29,839 --> 00:21:32,609 the big thing on the , you mentioned on 530 00:21:32,619 --> 00:21:35,930 perceptions a lot of people , 531 00:21:35,939 --> 00:21:38,079 there's two big things . I think that 532 00:21:38,089 --> 00:21:40,089 the big perception is putting their 533 00:21:40,089 --> 00:21:42,260 life on hold that young , young kids 534 00:21:42,270 --> 00:21:45,410 are worried about . I can remember that 535 00:21:46,000 --> 00:21:48,000 and was basically told , hey , it's 536 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:50,000 going to accelerate your life and I 537 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:52,111 still use that because it was because 538 00:21:52,111 --> 00:21:54,278 it has and I think we need to get that 539 00:21:54,278 --> 00:21:56,500 word out and we're working very hard to 540 00:21:56,500 --> 00:21:58,500 do that . But that's the big reason 541 00:21:58,500 --> 00:22:00,611 that we hear people are not coming in 542 00:22:00,611 --> 00:22:02,556 the military . I thought it was uh 543 00:22:02,556 --> 00:22:05,239 interesting . You mentioned that uh the 544 00:22:05,250 --> 00:22:07,310 Korean War veteran who's got you 545 00:22:07,319 --> 00:22:10,510 interested . Uh One of the issues is a 546 00:22:10,520 --> 00:22:12,829 generational one . We just don't have 547 00:22:12,839 --> 00:22:16,060 the volume of veterans we used to have 548 00:22:16,069 --> 00:22:19,910 that would talk to young men and women , 549 00:22:19,920 --> 00:22:22,599 inspire them . But uh we have to get 550 00:22:22,609 --> 00:22:25,349 this solution solved . One issue . Uh I 551 00:22:25,359 --> 00:22:27,300 wanna ask is you've been looking 552 00:22:27,310 --> 00:22:30,589 closely at the , the fighting in 553 00:22:30,599 --> 00:22:33,589 Ukraine . And what lessons are you , uh , 554 00:22:33,599 --> 00:22:36,699 drawing from what's going on there that 555 00:22:36,709 --> 00:22:39,060 can , must be applicable to the army . 556 00:22:40,109 --> 00:22:42,276 Um , we're , I mean , there's a lot of 557 00:22:42,276 --> 00:22:44,479 lessons that were taken from that and 558 00:22:44,489 --> 00:22:46,656 something that we are , are studying . 559 00:22:46,656 --> 00:22:48,878 I think everybody is , is , is studying 560 00:22:48,880 --> 00:22:51,102 that . So , um , I'll give you a couple 561 00:22:51,102 --> 00:22:53,158 broad , uh , very broad ones . First 562 00:22:53,158 --> 00:22:55,158 chairman , I think that , um , uh , 563 00:22:55,158 --> 00:22:57,329 partners and allies and just the 564 00:22:57,339 --> 00:22:59,117 strength of that . I mean , was 565 00:22:59,117 --> 00:23:01,450 something that was , has been immediate . 566 00:23:01,450 --> 00:23:04,260 Um I think how we , you know , the 567 00:23:04,270 --> 00:23:06,869 Western forces go about mission command 568 00:23:06,880 --> 00:23:09,560 and how we allow initiative and just 569 00:23:09,569 --> 00:23:12,150 how impactful that is on the 570 00:23:12,160 --> 00:23:14,420 battlefield . I could go down every war 571 00:23:14,430 --> 00:23:16,729 fighting function that we have . I'll 572 00:23:16,739 --> 00:23:19,280 mention a couple in each really quick . 573 00:23:19,290 --> 00:23:21,346 I think the importance of long range 574 00:23:21,346 --> 00:23:23,457 fires and the accuracy of that . That 575 00:23:23,457 --> 00:23:25,709 is something that the army really the 576 00:23:25,719 --> 00:23:28,339 joint force is investing in and just 577 00:23:28,349 --> 00:23:30,849 how important that is . Um I think 578 00:23:30,859 --> 00:23:33,040 people are seeing around the world how 579 00:23:33,050 --> 00:23:35,339 great us equipment is . That's another 580 00:23:35,349 --> 00:23:37,627 thing that I think everybody is seeing . 581 00:23:37,627 --> 00:23:39,571 Um I think we're learning a lot in 582 00:23:39,571 --> 00:23:42,010 logistics and , you know , with 3D 583 00:23:42,020 --> 00:23:44,020 printing that's happening that's up 584 00:23:44,020 --> 00:23:47,489 there . Um We used to pull uh artillery 585 00:23:47,500 --> 00:23:49,722 tubes for example , back to be repaired 586 00:23:49,722 --> 00:23:51,833 and maybe all the way back to a depot 587 00:23:51,833 --> 00:23:53,500 that's happening through tele 588 00:23:53,500 --> 00:23:55,444 maintenance in a much more forward 589 00:23:55,444 --> 00:23:57,556 position . Um we're learning a lot in 590 00:23:57,556 --> 00:23:59,667 counter unmanned systems . So counter 591 00:23:59,667 --> 00:24:02,000 UAs and how they're being used . I mean , 592 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:05,270 that's uh that is rapidly evolving um 593 00:24:05,280 --> 00:24:07,780 over there . So I think I could go on 594 00:24:07,790 --> 00:24:10,199 and on on this one . Well , thank you , 595 00:24:10,209 --> 00:24:12,969 sir . And again , uh um uh thank you 596 00:24:12,979 --> 00:24:15,146 for your service , your family service 597 00:24:15,146 --> 00:24:18,619 uh um back in 598 00:24:18,630 --> 00:24:22,589 1971 uh dating fellow 599 00:24:22,599 --> 00:24:26,260 cadet was not encouraged . Uh but uh 600 00:24:26,270 --> 00:24:28,500 times have changed for the better and 601 00:24:28,510 --> 00:24:31,319 result is before us , sir . Thank you , 602 00:24:31,329 --> 00:24:35,250 sir . Thank you , please . I'll leave 603 00:24:35,260 --> 00:24:38,609 that alone . Um I , I mentioned a 604 00:24:38,619 --> 00:24:40,341 couple of things in my opening 605 00:24:40,341 --> 00:24:42,563 statement , general , so , and , and it 606 00:24:42,563 --> 00:24:44,675 may be that others will want to delve 607 00:24:44,675 --> 00:24:46,786 into this . I , I mentioned the total 608 00:24:46,786 --> 00:24:49,008 army analysis which is required in last 609 00:24:49,008 --> 00:24:52,699 year's um NDA A section 10 44 . 610 00:24:53,079 --> 00:24:56,219 Um You just um solemnly 611 00:24:56,280 --> 00:24:58,469 answered uh one of the standard 612 00:24:58,479 --> 00:25:01,010 questions that the chairman always 613 00:25:01,020 --> 00:25:03,131 asked . Will you ensure that yourself 614 00:25:03,131 --> 00:25:05,298 complies with deadlines established by 615 00:25:05,298 --> 00:25:07,353 this committee for the production of 616 00:25:07,353 --> 00:25:09,839 reports , records and other information ? 617 00:25:10,079 --> 00:25:12,079 Uh Do you acknowledge that , that , 618 00:25:12,079 --> 00:25:14,790 that , that includes things like the 619 00:25:14,800 --> 00:25:18,020 total army analysis ? Uh Yes , sir . 620 00:25:18,109 --> 00:25:20,276 Yes . Uh just I just want to point out 621 00:25:20,276 --> 00:25:23,619 when , when uh when something is placed 622 00:25:23,630 --> 00:25:25,797 in the statute by the House and Senate 623 00:25:25,797 --> 00:25:28,019 and signed by the President , it is the 624 00:25:28,019 --> 00:25:30,074 law of the land and uh we wanna give 625 00:25:30,074 --> 00:25:32,260 you what you want to uh win for our 626 00:25:32,270 --> 00:25:34,439 nation . And , uh , and , and we do 627 00:25:34,449 --> 00:25:37,209 hope that , uh , our general officers 628 00:25:37,219 --> 00:25:40,410 will , uh , lead by example , by giving 629 00:25:40,420 --> 00:25:42,753 us in a timely manner what we want . Uh , 630 00:25:42,753 --> 00:25:45,489 and , uh , in , in , in transitioning 631 00:25:45,500 --> 00:25:48,319 to , to what you need , um , talk about 632 00:25:49,109 --> 00:25:52,219 what the attacks could do for our 633 00:25:52,229 --> 00:25:55,079 friends in Ukraine in winning this war 634 00:25:55,130 --> 00:25:58,089 against the illegal Russian invasion . 635 00:25:58,530 --> 00:26:01,920 Um , the French are now , uh , 636 00:26:01,930 --> 00:26:05,310 prepared to deliver , uh , what , what 637 00:26:05,319 --> 00:26:07,486 you call storm shadows or scalps . I , 638 00:26:07,489 --> 00:26:09,545 I don't know what , what the correct 639 00:26:09,545 --> 00:26:11,656 term is that , that we're supposed to 640 00:26:11,656 --> 00:26:14,949 use . Um , how helpful would our attack 641 00:26:15,400 --> 00:26:19,300 be to the effort to defeat the 642 00:26:19,310 --> 00:26:20,977 Russian invasion of Ukraine ? 643 00:26:22,829 --> 00:26:25,959 Um Senator , the , the , the attack 644 00:26:26,020 --> 00:26:28,400 obviously are great that missile is , 645 00:26:28,410 --> 00:26:31,760 uh , is a great system adds range . Um 646 00:26:31,770 --> 00:26:34,030 So that's basically what it would be . 647 00:26:34,040 --> 00:26:36,670 Um , providing is the ability to , to 648 00:26:36,680 --> 00:26:39,920 attack deeper targets . Um , you know , 649 00:26:39,930 --> 00:26:42,260 in the end , I think that , uh , we 650 00:26:42,270 --> 00:26:44,437 have discovered at looking at this and 651 00:26:44,437 --> 00:26:46,270 the chairman asked about lessons 652 00:26:46,270 --> 00:26:48,326 learned . It's still a combined arms 653 00:26:48,326 --> 00:26:50,548 fight . There's a lot of things that go 654 00:26:50,548 --> 00:26:52,381 into , um , conducting offensive 655 00:26:52,381 --> 00:26:54,603 operations and I think that's an aspect 656 00:26:54,603 --> 00:26:56,714 of it . Well , you're , you're , uh , 657 00:26:56,714 --> 00:26:58,826 you're gonna uh obey the commander in 658 00:26:58,826 --> 00:27:00,937 chief . No question about it and he's 659 00:27:00,937 --> 00:27:03,270 going to make the call there . But , uh , 660 00:27:03,270 --> 00:27:05,437 you also , um , have agreed to give us 661 00:27:05,437 --> 00:27:07,659 your own personal opinion . The , these 662 00:27:07,659 --> 00:27:10,119 attacks would be helpful to the 663 00:27:10,130 --> 00:27:12,352 Ukrainians who have asked for them . Is 664 00:27:12,352 --> 00:27:16,260 that not correct ? Yes . And , uh , and 665 00:27:16,270 --> 00:27:18,699 in terms of the range of them , if 666 00:27:18,709 --> 00:27:21,420 that's a problem , uh , actually the 667 00:27:21,430 --> 00:27:24,670 range of the French weapons being , um , 668 00:27:24,689 --> 00:27:27,910 uh , provided to Ukrainians is , is , 669 00:27:27,920 --> 00:27:29,753 uh , greater range . Is that not 670 00:27:29,753 --> 00:27:32,439 correct ? Um , I'm , I'm not familiar 671 00:27:32,449 --> 00:27:35,030 with exactly what the range is on the , 672 00:27:35,040 --> 00:27:37,207 on the French weapon . Ok . We'll just 673 00:27:37,207 --> 00:27:39,318 supply that on the record and that'll 674 00:27:39,318 --> 00:27:41,318 be fine . Let me ask you about , uh 675 00:27:41,318 --> 00:27:43,373 about a favorite of mine and that is 676 00:27:43,373 --> 00:27:45,219 Junior ROTC . You're , you are a 677 00:27:45,229 --> 00:27:48,479 graduate of the academy . And uh I'm , 678 00:27:48,489 --> 00:27:52,260 I'm uh I got my commission through ROTC 679 00:27:52,270 --> 00:27:54,699 at the University of Mississippi . But , 680 00:27:54,709 --> 00:27:57,739 um , it has uh become clearer and 681 00:27:57,750 --> 00:28:01,449 clearer how important the , the ROTC at 682 00:28:01,459 --> 00:28:03,989 the high schools is if you ask a 683 00:28:04,000 --> 00:28:06,229 principal of a high school , you ask a 684 00:28:06,239 --> 00:28:08,128 superintendent of a public school 685 00:28:08,128 --> 00:28:11,359 system if they would like to have uh 686 00:28:11,369 --> 00:28:13,750 junior ROTC of some kind , whether it's 687 00:28:13,760 --> 00:28:16,030 army or , or whatever they will that 688 00:28:16,040 --> 00:28:18,619 they've always given me a resounding . 689 00:28:18,630 --> 00:28:21,829 Yes . And the uh , the RAND Corporation , 690 00:28:21,839 --> 00:28:25,140 other independent uh studies have 691 00:28:25,150 --> 00:28:28,849 confirmed that junior ROTC and high 692 00:28:28,859 --> 00:28:32,010 schools is a citizenship builder and 693 00:28:32,020 --> 00:28:35,020 only 10% of our high schools are able 694 00:28:35,030 --> 00:28:38,119 to have Junior ROTC . But 695 00:28:38,130 --> 00:28:40,599 40% of our recruits come , 696 00:28:45,609 --> 00:28:49,420 we're increasing the floor of Junior 697 00:28:49,430 --> 00:28:52,400 RT C in the NDA A and uh , and , and 698 00:28:52,410 --> 00:28:54,630 raising this ceiling . Uh What is your 699 00:28:54,640 --> 00:28:56,807 opinion about this ? And will you help 700 00:28:56,807 --> 00:28:59,869 us make Junior R RT C a success 701 00:28:59,890 --> 00:29:03,150 pursuant to this NDA A um Senator , I 702 00:29:03,160 --> 00:29:05,910 agree with you completely . Um , I was 703 00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:07,976 gonna say the exact same thing where 704 00:29:07,976 --> 00:29:10,859 you've had JROTC in a school . We see 705 00:29:10,869 --> 00:29:13,036 whether they're part of the program or 706 00:29:13,036 --> 00:29:15,258 not , they get exposure to the military 707 00:29:15,258 --> 00:29:17,202 and we have increased , you know , 708 00:29:17,202 --> 00:29:19,369 people that are joining the military . 709 00:29:19,369 --> 00:29:21,258 So , um , that's good and I think 710 00:29:21,258 --> 00:29:23,369 they're great programs and what we're 711 00:29:23,369 --> 00:29:25,550 yes committed to continuing to grow 712 00:29:25,560 --> 00:29:28,250 these programs . What we want to do is 713 00:29:28,260 --> 00:29:30,427 responsibly grow them , make sure that 714 00:29:30,427 --> 00:29:32,371 we're picking the right people and 715 00:29:32,371 --> 00:29:34,880 working with the local schools um to do 716 00:29:34,890 --> 00:29:37,001 that . But I agree with you and we're 717 00:29:37,001 --> 00:29:39,168 looking to , we have to look at , make 718 00:29:39,168 --> 00:29:41,334 sure that we're , there are some areas 719 00:29:41,334 --> 00:29:43,334 where we're not that we could , you 720 00:29:43,334 --> 00:29:45,390 know , expand in some of these areas 721 00:29:45,390 --> 00:29:47,557 and , and we're looking at all of that 722 00:29:47,557 --> 00:29:49,779 right . And uh Mr Chairman in general , 723 00:29:49,779 --> 00:29:49,079 there , there are whole sections of the 724 00:29:49,089 --> 00:29:52,209 country uh where there is really a 725 00:29:52,219 --> 00:29:55,079 paucity of junior ROTC . This is a 726 00:29:55,089 --> 00:29:57,349 citizenship builder and whether they go 727 00:29:57,359 --> 00:29:59,270 into the military or not , it's a 728 00:29:59,280 --> 00:30:03,060 subset of schools that are overachiever 729 00:30:03,069 --> 00:30:04,791 that , that attend school more 730 00:30:04,791 --> 00:30:06,513 regularly , that graduate more 731 00:30:06,513 --> 00:30:08,680 regularly and , and go on to uh higher 732 00:30:08,680 --> 00:30:10,902 education later . So thank you for that 733 00:30:10,902 --> 00:30:13,236 assurance . And thank you , Mr Chairman . 734 00:30:13,236 --> 00:30:15,291 Thank you , Senator Worker , Senator 735 00:30:15,291 --> 00:30:17,625 King , please . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 736 00:30:17,625 --> 00:30:17,449 Before beginning my questions , I can't 737 00:30:17,459 --> 00:30:19,560 help but comment on the futility of 738 00:30:19,569 --> 00:30:22,800 this hearing since we know that General 739 00:30:22,810 --> 00:30:25,959 George will not be confirmed in any 740 00:30:25,969 --> 00:30:28,025 time in the foreseeable future , not 741 00:30:28,025 --> 00:30:30,479 because of his qualifications or his 742 00:30:30,489 --> 00:30:32,600 experience or his vast knowledge that 743 00:30:32,600 --> 00:30:35,040 he would bring to the job , but because 744 00:30:35,050 --> 00:30:37,880 of a hole that's been held on all 745 00:30:38,010 --> 00:30:41,079 General officers , General George , 746 00:30:41,089 --> 00:30:43,311 you've committed to giving us your best 747 00:30:43,311 --> 00:30:45,439 professional advice . Do you believe 748 00:30:45,449 --> 00:30:49,150 that this blanket hold on the promotion 749 00:30:49,160 --> 00:30:51,493 of general officers , which has left us , 750 00:30:51,493 --> 00:30:53,604 for example , without a commandant of 751 00:30:53,604 --> 00:30:55,716 the Marine Corps in the first time in 752 00:30:55,716 --> 00:30:57,882 over 100 years is undermining national 753 00:30:57,882 --> 00:31:01,709 security . Um Senator , it is , 754 00:31:01,829 --> 00:31:05,329 yes , it is impacting our readiness . 755 00:31:05,660 --> 00:31:07,771 Um For us , it's important as we move 756 00:31:07,771 --> 00:31:10,560 leaders to get the right leader in the 757 00:31:10,569 --> 00:31:12,458 right place at the right time and 758 00:31:12,458 --> 00:31:14,513 especially with the , with the right 759 00:31:14,513 --> 00:31:16,810 experience . And so that's , that's 760 00:31:16,819 --> 00:31:18,875 what we're challenged with right now 761 00:31:18,875 --> 00:31:20,930 with the whole . Thank you , Mr 762 00:31:20,939 --> 00:31:23,099 Chairman . I , I have to take a point 763 00:31:23,109 --> 00:31:25,770 of personal privilege here if I might 764 00:31:26,189 --> 00:31:29,709 and , and I'll be brief . Um I , I'm 765 00:31:29,719 --> 00:31:32,630 I'm um mindful of , of the senator from 766 00:31:32,640 --> 00:31:34,862 Maine's point of view . But as a matter 767 00:31:34,862 --> 00:31:37,650 of fact , a , a nominee 768 00:31:38,050 --> 00:31:41,310 for um chief of staff of the Army 769 00:31:42,030 --> 00:31:44,199 can be brought to the floor in the 770 00:31:44,209 --> 00:31:47,540 usual manner despite a hold by the 771 00:31:47,550 --> 00:31:49,640 majority leader taken up for a vote 772 00:31:49,650 --> 00:31:52,060 cloture voted and the confirmation uh 773 00:31:52,069 --> 00:31:54,369 proceed . Is that not correct , Mr 774 00:31:54,380 --> 00:31:57,660 Chairman uh , that is correct , but 775 00:31:57,670 --> 00:32:01,569 that's not account for the 250 60 776 00:32:01,770 --> 00:32:03,826 general officers . Indeed . It's a , 777 00:32:03,829 --> 00:32:06,800 it's a , it's a general statement , uh , 778 00:32:06,810 --> 00:32:09,069 that applies to the others , but with 779 00:32:09,079 --> 00:32:11,023 regard to this nominee and the one 780 00:32:11,023 --> 00:32:13,246 yesterday , they'll be taken up in , in 781 00:32:13,246 --> 00:32:15,319 the normal course when the majority 782 00:32:15,329 --> 00:32:17,329 leader decides to bring them to the 783 00:32:17,329 --> 00:32:19,280 floor and I think that will happen 784 00:32:19,290 --> 00:32:21,568 expeditiously . Thank you , sir . Well , 785 00:32:21,568 --> 00:32:23,512 my response would be that national 786 00:32:23,512 --> 00:32:25,568 security is being compromised by all 787 00:32:25,568 --> 00:32:27,623 250 of those nominees that are being 788 00:32:27,623 --> 00:32:30,150 held up , not just by one or two . I'd 789 00:32:30,160 --> 00:32:32,327 like to proceed with my questions if I 790 00:32:32,327 --> 00:32:34,216 could , Mr Chairman , uh continue 791 00:32:36,040 --> 00:32:39,430 General , you have two hats . If , if , 792 00:32:39,910 --> 00:32:43,520 when confirmed , one is best military 793 00:32:43,530 --> 00:32:45,752 advice to the president United States , 794 00:32:45,752 --> 00:32:48,086 the other is Chief of staff of the army . 795 00:32:48,086 --> 00:32:50,030 One of the hardest things to do is 796 00:32:50,030 --> 00:32:52,086 saying something that's difficult to 797 00:32:52,086 --> 00:32:55,160 the boss . Are you willing to give the 798 00:32:55,170 --> 00:32:57,337 President United States advice that he 799 00:32:57,337 --> 00:32:59,003 or she doesn't want to hear ? 800 00:33:01,280 --> 00:33:03,558 Yes , I am senator . I think we've had , 801 00:33:03,558 --> 00:33:06,849 I've had to give advice to my boss . 802 00:33:07,349 --> 00:33:10,180 Um , as I've , you know , advanced in 803 00:33:10,189 --> 00:33:12,819 my career , I've had to do that and I , 804 00:33:12,829 --> 00:33:14,607 and I hope that that's , that's 805 00:33:14,607 --> 00:33:16,829 something that you will remember as you 806 00:33:16,829 --> 00:33:18,996 undertake this position because it's , 807 00:33:18,996 --> 00:33:21,051 it's , it's if you look back through 808 00:33:21,051 --> 00:33:23,979 history , even recent history uh over 809 00:33:23,989 --> 00:33:27,339 the last 20 or 30 years , uh telling 810 00:33:27,349 --> 00:33:29,460 the boss what they wanted to hear got 811 00:33:29,460 --> 00:33:31,627 us into some real serious trouble . So 812 00:33:31,627 --> 00:33:33,793 I hope you'll remember this moment and 813 00:33:33,793 --> 00:33:35,849 take that responsibility very , very 814 00:33:35,849 --> 00:33:38,760 seriously . Um You mentioned , uh , the 815 00:33:38,770 --> 00:33:40,826 nature of war and the quote you used 816 00:33:40,826 --> 00:33:42,780 was rapidly changing strategic 817 00:33:42,790 --> 00:33:44,957 environment . Could you expand on that 818 00:33:44,957 --> 00:33:47,179 a bit and tell me what you mean by that 819 00:33:47,179 --> 00:33:49,290 and how you believe we have to evolve 820 00:33:49,290 --> 00:33:51,579 to meet those new challenges . Um 821 00:33:51,589 --> 00:33:54,560 Senator I'll use uh what in the 822 00:33:54,569 --> 00:33:57,000 unmanned systems as an example and , 823 00:33:57,010 --> 00:33:59,177 and loitering munitions and what we've 824 00:33:59,177 --> 00:34:01,399 seen because I think there's been a lot 825 00:34:01,399 --> 00:34:03,454 of that that's been out there in the 826 00:34:03,454 --> 00:34:05,288 open source press , but just how 827 00:34:05,288 --> 00:34:07,510 quickly things are , you know , you can 828 00:34:07,510 --> 00:34:09,343 take something off the shelf for 829 00:34:09,343 --> 00:34:11,989 example and weaponize it or add 830 00:34:12,000 --> 00:34:14,222 different components to it . There's 3D 831 00:34:14,222 --> 00:34:16,320 printing that can go to that and can 832 00:34:16,330 --> 00:34:18,560 rapidly change . And so what that's 833 00:34:18,570 --> 00:34:20,959 caused also for us is that you have to 834 00:34:20,969 --> 00:34:23,136 think about how do you defend yourself 835 00:34:23,260 --> 00:34:25,316 against that . So I think we have to 836 00:34:25,316 --> 00:34:27,538 look at it both on the offensive and on 837 00:34:27,538 --> 00:34:29,760 the defensive side . I think what we've 838 00:34:29,760 --> 00:34:32,219 seen with uh as well on the with 839 00:34:32,229 --> 00:34:35,199 software and just how quickly you can 840 00:34:35,209 --> 00:34:37,909 change and advance capabilities that , 841 00:34:37,919 --> 00:34:40,086 that that is happening . And , and you 842 00:34:40,086 --> 00:34:42,252 can really look at that across all the 843 00:34:42,252 --> 00:34:44,419 other war fighting functions as well . 844 00:34:44,419 --> 00:34:46,641 Cyber speed is one of the things you're 845 00:34:46,641 --> 00:34:48,863 focusing on . I'm delighted to hear you 846 00:34:48,863 --> 00:34:51,086 talk about 3d printing because we can't 847 00:34:51,086 --> 00:34:53,086 afford to be , as you say , sending 848 00:34:53,086 --> 00:34:53,060 something back to the depot . In my 849 00:34:53,070 --> 00:34:55,292 view , every barrack , every barracks , 850 00:34:55,292 --> 00:34:57,514 every hangar , every ship should have a 851 00:34:57,514 --> 00:34:59,681 3d printer and we should be buying the 852 00:34:59,681 --> 00:35:01,681 intellectual property when we buy a 853 00:35:01,681 --> 00:35:04,014 platform . Do you agree ? Yes , Senator , 854 00:35:04,014 --> 00:35:07,750 I agree very quickly . In some 855 00:35:07,760 --> 00:35:10,030 time that I have left lessons from 856 00:35:10,040 --> 00:35:13,219 Ukraine . What have we learned about 857 00:35:13,229 --> 00:35:15,451 what's going on in Ukraine and how that 858 00:35:15,451 --> 00:35:18,360 war has proceeded in terms of tactics , 859 00:35:18,370 --> 00:35:22,139 strategy , weaponry . Some quick 860 00:35:22,149 --> 00:35:25,520 thoughts on lessons from Ukraine . I'll 861 00:35:25,530 --> 00:35:27,790 try to give a couple , uh , in addition 862 00:35:27,800 --> 00:35:30,022 to what I talked about before because I 863 00:35:30,022 --> 00:35:32,159 could go on . We're studying this , 864 00:35:32,169 --> 00:35:35,870 we're learning a lot from this . Um , 865 00:35:35,929 --> 00:35:38,040 you know , just what's going on right 866 00:35:38,040 --> 00:35:39,873 now . I think we're learning how 867 00:35:39,873 --> 00:35:42,040 difficult offensive operations are and 868 00:35:42,040 --> 00:35:44,040 what you have to , you know , piece 869 00:35:44,040 --> 00:35:46,889 together to do . I think it's the same 870 00:35:46,899 --> 00:35:49,610 for , didn't cover a lot earlier on 871 00:35:49,620 --> 00:35:52,629 integrated air and missile defense . Um , 872 00:35:52,639 --> 00:35:54,719 but it gets to the counter UAs piece 873 00:35:54,729 --> 00:35:56,896 that I brought up before that you were 874 00:35:56,896 --> 00:35:58,951 going to have to have , um , systems 875 00:35:58,951 --> 00:36:00,951 that are able to , you know , knock 876 00:36:00,951 --> 00:36:03,007 down . Um , and you first you got to 877 00:36:03,007 --> 00:36:05,173 see all of that but then you got to be 878 00:36:05,173 --> 00:36:07,285 able to knock down , um , small , you 879 00:36:07,285 --> 00:36:11,179 know , class 123 , unmanned 880 00:36:11,189 --> 00:36:13,290 systems all the way up to cruise 881 00:36:13,300 --> 00:36:14,350 missiles . 882 00:36:17,790 --> 00:36:19,901 We're learning over there and I think 883 00:36:19,901 --> 00:36:21,846 Ukraine is doing a great job . The 884 00:36:21,846 --> 00:36:24,959 basic thing that I think we've learned 885 00:36:24,969 --> 00:36:27,136 from the beginning is it's critical to 886 00:36:27,136 --> 00:36:29,100 have the will to fight and that is 887 00:36:29,110 --> 00:36:31,221 exactly what the Ukrainians have been 888 00:36:31,221 --> 00:36:33,221 showing us over there . Thank you . 889 00:36:33,221 --> 00:36:37,010 Thank you very much . Thank you , Mr 890 00:36:37,020 --> 00:36:39,360 Chairman General George . First of all , 891 00:36:39,370 --> 00:36:41,592 I want to thank you for your service to 892 00:36:41,592 --> 00:36:43,850 our country and to your family . Uh and 893 00:36:43,860 --> 00:36:46,300 Patty . Thank you Because when you 894 00:36:46,310 --> 00:36:48,649 deploy your entire family really 895 00:36:48,659 --> 00:36:50,659 deploys , there's a separation that 896 00:36:50,659 --> 00:36:53,209 does not go away . Uh movements that a 897 00:36:53,219 --> 00:36:55,280 lot of the rest of the country don't 898 00:36:55,290 --> 00:36:57,639 take into account from one location to 899 00:36:57,649 --> 00:36:59,816 another as your different missions are 900 00:36:59,816 --> 00:37:01,982 assigned . And I want to say thank you 901 00:37:01,982 --> 00:37:04,205 to not just you but your family as well 902 00:37:04,205 --> 00:37:06,419 for that . Um I'd like to begin in 903 00:37:06,429 --> 00:37:09,959 general with a discussion um that I've 904 00:37:09,969 --> 00:37:12,080 asked all of the other service chiefs 905 00:37:12,080 --> 00:37:14,870 about um all of the other service 906 00:37:14,879 --> 00:37:16,879 chiefs and the combatant commanders 907 00:37:16,879 --> 00:37:18,879 have expressed concerns about the 908 00:37:18,889 --> 00:37:21,689 impact auctioning off portions of the 909 00:37:21,699 --> 00:37:25,229 3.1 to 3.45 gigahertz band of the 910 00:37:25,239 --> 00:37:27,879 spectrum would have on our defensive 911 00:37:27,889 --> 00:37:30,139 capabilities based on what we've 912 00:37:30,149 --> 00:37:32,371 discussed before . If this report which 913 00:37:32,371 --> 00:37:34,929 is due in September demonstrates that 914 00:37:34,939 --> 00:37:38,459 auctioning the 3.1 to 3.45 gigahertz 915 00:37:38,469 --> 00:37:40,820 portion of the spectrum will adversely 916 00:37:40,830 --> 00:37:43,250 impact our national security . What 917 00:37:43,260 --> 00:37:45,750 would be your advice to the President 918 00:37:45,760 --> 00:37:49,469 and Congress , um 919 00:37:49,479 --> 00:37:51,590 Senator , uh my advice would be , we 920 00:37:51,600 --> 00:37:55,500 need that spectrum . And um if , if we 921 00:37:55,510 --> 00:37:57,621 were gonna lose that , obviously , it 922 00:37:57,621 --> 00:37:59,679 would be time and resources um to be 923 00:37:59,689 --> 00:38:02,409 able to adjust to that capability . We 924 00:38:02,419 --> 00:38:05,379 are taking part in that study right now 925 00:38:05,389 --> 00:38:07,919 and , and uh providing our insights to 926 00:38:07,929 --> 00:38:10,151 that . Thank you . I , I think one part 927 00:38:10,151 --> 00:38:12,151 that's missing sometimes is is that 928 00:38:12,151 --> 00:38:14,262 certain parts of the spectrum have to 929 00:38:14,262 --> 00:38:16,373 one degree or another , the necessary 930 00:38:16,373 --> 00:38:18,207 physics that allow for some real 931 00:38:18,207 --> 00:38:20,262 capabilities . And that's the reason 932 00:38:20,262 --> 00:38:22,151 why some of our systems have been 933 00:38:22,151 --> 00:38:24,429 established in that year to begin with . 934 00:38:24,429 --> 00:38:24,370 Would you concur with that ? I would 935 00:38:24,379 --> 00:38:27,500 concur with that . Thank you , sir . Um 936 00:38:27,520 --> 00:38:30,409 Generally , there's time here it looks 937 00:38:30,419 --> 00:38:32,363 like right now , there's perhaps a 938 00:38:32,363 --> 00:38:35,929 90,000 personnel shortfall 939 00:38:36,080 --> 00:38:38,302 between the numbers within the army and 940 00:38:38,302 --> 00:38:40,820 the numbers that were projected to need . 941 00:38:41,270 --> 00:38:44,399 Um You're gonna take your position at a 942 00:38:44,409 --> 00:38:47,239 time in which this recruiting crisis is 943 00:38:47,250 --> 00:38:49,530 probably the most severe that it's been 944 00:38:49,540 --> 00:38:52,139 since uh the dod S 50 year all 945 00:38:52,149 --> 00:38:54,093 volunteer force was created in the 946 00:38:54,093 --> 00:38:56,260 first place . While the army struggles 947 00:38:56,260 --> 00:38:58,449 to meet recruiting numbers , many have 948 00:38:58,459 --> 00:39:01,120 criticized what is viewed as an 949 00:39:01,129 --> 00:39:04,399 increased and an untoward emphasis on 950 00:39:05,219 --> 00:39:07,989 immutable characteristics like race and 951 00:39:08,570 --> 00:39:11,090 throughout the dod . And the department 952 00:39:11,100 --> 00:39:12,878 has increasingly focused on new 953 00:39:12,878 --> 00:39:15,320 policies and plans in areas like equity , 954 00:39:15,500 --> 00:39:18,469 extremism , gender ideology , 955 00:39:18,629 --> 00:39:22,370 abortion and change operations . There 956 00:39:22,379 --> 00:39:24,550 is even a growing bureaucracy focusing 957 00:39:24,560 --> 00:39:28,260 on these specific issues . I 958 00:39:28,270 --> 00:39:30,437 know that when you started . There was 959 00:39:30,437 --> 00:39:32,750 a concern about this may set us back a 960 00:39:32,760 --> 00:39:35,669 few years or it delays your movement 961 00:39:35,679 --> 00:39:37,735 into other activities and so forth . 962 00:39:38,020 --> 00:39:40,242 That was the way it was then . And that 963 00:39:40,250 --> 00:39:42,417 still is one of the concerns as you've 964 00:39:42,417 --> 00:39:45,850 expressed earlier that did not stop us 965 00:39:45,860 --> 00:39:49,020 from meeting our recruitment goals 20 966 00:39:49,030 --> 00:39:51,989 years ago . And it , I may impact some 967 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:54,167 today . I think there are other things 968 00:39:54,167 --> 00:39:56,056 that may have an impact as well , 969 00:39:56,056 --> 00:39:58,056 including the , the items that I've 970 00:39:58,056 --> 00:40:00,278 just discussed . I guess my perspective 971 00:40:00,278 --> 00:40:03,649 is that everyone should be welcome to 972 00:40:03,659 --> 00:40:06,929 serve if qualified , but we are losing 973 00:40:06,939 --> 00:40:10,860 focus on teamwork discipline . Uh 974 00:40:10,870 --> 00:40:13,092 And the enormous challenge presented by 975 00:40:13,092 --> 00:40:15,639 an emergent China . How do you see this 976 00:40:15,649 --> 00:40:18,479 issue , sir ? And is this an area where 977 00:40:18,489 --> 00:40:20,433 when we start talking about all of 978 00:40:20,433 --> 00:40:23,070 these other items ? Are they impacting 979 00:40:23,080 --> 00:40:26,239 our ability to recruit young men and 980 00:40:26,250 --> 00:40:29,959 women ? Um Senator , I , I would say 981 00:40:29,969 --> 00:40:33,520 yes and you know , perceptions . Um the , 982 00:40:33,530 --> 00:40:35,808 the first thing you mentioned , I mean , 983 00:40:35,808 --> 00:40:37,919 we , yes , we have to turn recruiting 984 00:40:37,919 --> 00:40:39,863 around and I'm confident and we're 985 00:40:39,863 --> 00:40:41,974 gonna put the whole army's effort and 986 00:40:41,974 --> 00:40:44,141 all the leaders behind it to do that . 987 00:40:44,141 --> 00:40:46,197 And we appreciate your any help that 988 00:40:46,197 --> 00:40:48,363 you're providing with that . Um We are 989 00:40:48,363 --> 00:40:50,252 keeping soldiers in the army . So 990 00:40:50,252 --> 00:40:52,474 retention is at near historic . So they 991 00:40:52,474 --> 00:40:54,752 like the units that they're serving in . 992 00:40:54,752 --> 00:40:56,974 Um I will tell you that I spend most of 993 00:40:56,974 --> 00:41:00,310 my time . Um We focused on war fighting . 994 00:41:00,320 --> 00:41:02,320 And that's been my , that's been my 995 00:41:02,320 --> 00:41:04,409 experience . Um We do talk about 996 00:41:04,419 --> 00:41:06,530 building cohesive teams . That's been 997 00:41:06,530 --> 00:41:08,780 my , also been my experience since I 998 00:41:08,790 --> 00:41:10,846 was first in . There are things that 999 00:41:10,846 --> 00:41:13,068 you have to do to make sure that you're 1000 00:41:13,068 --> 00:41:15,068 bringing everybody together um from 1001 00:41:15,068 --> 00:41:17,123 across the country and everybody has 1002 00:41:17,123 --> 00:41:18,957 the same values and , you know , 1003 00:41:18,957 --> 00:41:21,012 character as part of that , that's , 1004 00:41:21,012 --> 00:41:23,179 that's critically important to us . So 1005 00:41:23,179 --> 00:41:25,346 I do , I think any time that there's a 1006 00:41:25,346 --> 00:41:27,457 perception of something from somebody 1007 00:41:27,457 --> 00:41:29,734 because it's like I mentioned up front , 1008 00:41:29,979 --> 00:41:32,312 um , it was a veteran that talked to me , 1009 00:41:32,312 --> 00:41:34,449 it's coaches that talk to people and 1010 00:41:34,459 --> 00:41:37,139 teachers . And I , I mean , I would 1011 00:41:37,149 --> 00:41:39,371 want people to know that the , the army 1012 00:41:39,371 --> 00:41:41,540 is a great place to be . Um , it's a 1013 00:41:41,550 --> 00:41:43,979 life accelerator and , you know , we're 1014 00:41:43,989 --> 00:41:46,260 focused on our mission and there's so 1015 00:41:46,270 --> 00:41:48,214 many things that you can do in the 1016 00:41:48,214 --> 00:41:50,590 military , um , to advance your life 1017 00:41:50,600 --> 00:41:52,878 and we got to get the word out on that . 1018 00:41:52,878 --> 00:41:54,989 Thank you . Thank you , Mr Chairman . 1019 00:41:54,989 --> 00:41:56,878 Thank you , Senator Rounds . Uh , 1020 00:41:56,878 --> 00:41:59,044 Senator King , please . Thank you , Mr 1021 00:41:59,044 --> 00:42:01,044 Chair and General George . Great to 1022 00:42:01,044 --> 00:42:02,878 meet with you yesterday . I look 1023 00:42:02,878 --> 00:42:02,639 forward to supporting your nomination . 1024 00:42:03,040 --> 00:42:05,096 Um I'll , I'll add to the recruiting 1025 00:42:05,096 --> 00:42:07,096 challenge . You could hardly send a 1026 00:42:07,096 --> 00:42:08,873 worse message to people who are 1027 00:42:08,873 --> 00:42:11,096 thinking about joining the military and 1028 00:42:11,096 --> 00:42:13,979 maybe making a career out of it than is 1029 00:42:13,989 --> 00:42:15,767 being sent right now with these 1030 00:42:15,767 --> 00:42:17,989 military holds . Uh , one of my kids is 1031 00:42:17,989 --> 00:42:20,100 a marine officer . Eight years active 1032 00:42:20,100 --> 00:42:23,100 now , a reservist . Um like everybody 1033 00:42:23,110 --> 00:42:24,888 else who joins an all voluntary 1034 00:42:24,888 --> 00:42:26,999 military , willing to risk their life 1035 00:42:26,999 --> 00:42:29,830 for their country . But why would they 1036 00:42:29,840 --> 00:42:33,629 sign up to serve ? Knowing 1037 00:42:33,639 --> 00:42:35,583 that a member of the United States 1038 00:42:35,583 --> 00:42:37,695 Senate could block their professional 1039 00:42:37,695 --> 00:42:39,250 advancement because they're 1040 00:42:39,250 --> 00:42:41,306 disappointed with a policy that they 1041 00:42:41,306 --> 00:42:43,306 had nothing to do with . And that's 1042 00:42:43,306 --> 00:42:45,528 what's happening right now . 250 people 1043 00:42:45,528 --> 00:42:47,520 soon to be more than 600 who have 1044 00:42:47,530 --> 00:42:49,697 volunteered to wear the uniform of the 1045 00:42:49,697 --> 00:42:51,879 country and risk their life to defend 1046 00:42:51,889 --> 00:42:54,149 the country are being blocked from 1047 00:42:54,159 --> 00:42:56,750 professional advancement . Because a 1048 00:42:56,760 --> 00:42:59,040 member of this body is disappointed 1049 00:42:59,050 --> 00:43:01,989 with a policy that these hundreds had 1050 00:43:02,000 --> 00:43:03,167 nothing to do with . 1051 00:43:06,770 --> 00:43:08,937 If you're disappointed with the policy 1052 00:43:08,937 --> 00:43:11,103 in the military , especially if you're 1053 00:43:11,103 --> 00:43:13,214 a member of this committee , you have 1054 00:43:13,214 --> 00:43:12,959 an opportunity every year when we mark 1055 00:43:12,969 --> 00:43:15,419 up a defense bill to try to convince 1056 00:43:15,429 --> 00:43:17,739 your colleagues that the policy should 1057 00:43:17,750 --> 00:43:20,659 be changed . I've been now through 11 1058 00:43:20,760 --> 00:43:23,060 NDAAS on this committee and every year 1059 00:43:23,070 --> 00:43:24,959 I introduce amendments and try to 1060 00:43:24,959 --> 00:43:27,181 convince my colleagues that my position 1061 00:43:27,189 --> 00:43:29,356 is right and sometimes I prevail , but 1062 00:43:29,356 --> 00:43:32,899 I often don't . And if I can't 1063 00:43:32,909 --> 00:43:35,139 convince my colleagues , I'm right . 1064 00:43:35,550 --> 00:43:39,129 That's on me , but I don't take it out 1065 00:43:39,139 --> 00:43:43,100 on hundreds of officers and 1066 00:43:43,110 --> 00:43:45,166 their families whose lives are being 1067 00:43:45,166 --> 00:43:49,120 put in limbo because I'm 1068 00:43:49,129 --> 00:43:49,850 unhappy . 1069 00:43:53,010 --> 00:43:55,300 This is I , I associate myself with 1070 00:43:55,310 --> 00:43:57,532 Senator King's points . This is hurting 1071 00:43:58,290 --> 00:44:00,179 our defense . This is hurting our 1072 00:44:00,179 --> 00:44:01,870 nation when we are in a very 1073 00:44:01,879 --> 00:44:05,489 challenging global environment . And as 1074 00:44:05,500 --> 00:44:07,611 we're talking about what we can do to 1075 00:44:07,611 --> 00:44:10,189 try to make military service more 1076 00:44:10,199 --> 00:44:12,330 attractive . It's sending exactly the 1077 00:44:12,340 --> 00:44:15,709 wrong message to people that we are 1078 00:44:15,719 --> 00:44:17,608 trying to encourage , to join the 1079 00:44:17,608 --> 00:44:19,719 military General Georgie . Uh I think 1080 00:44:19,719 --> 00:44:21,941 you were aware we had a hearing earlier 1081 00:44:21,941 --> 00:44:24,052 this year where army experts came and 1082 00:44:24,052 --> 00:44:26,163 talked about the recruiting challenge 1083 00:44:26,163 --> 00:44:27,997 and they listed the reasons that 1084 00:44:27,997 --> 00:44:30,052 through some intense surveying , why 1085 00:44:30,052 --> 00:44:32,108 recruiting is tough . And the number 1086 00:44:32,108 --> 00:44:34,108 one reason is I'm worrying that I'm 1087 00:44:34,108 --> 00:44:36,219 putting my life on hold , that others 1088 00:44:36,219 --> 00:44:38,500 will move ahead and I will not because 1089 00:44:38,510 --> 00:44:41,110 I'll be in a situation where I can't 1090 00:44:41,120 --> 00:44:43,580 advance . That was even a more powerful 1091 00:44:43,590 --> 00:44:46,489 factor than I'm worrying about the risk 1092 00:44:46,500 --> 00:44:49,959 of my life . People were able to accept 1093 00:44:49,969 --> 00:44:52,025 that risk and still wanted to join . 1094 00:44:52,025 --> 00:44:54,136 But the number one factor that people 1095 00:44:54,136 --> 00:44:56,358 weren't joining is , gosh , I'm worried 1096 00:44:56,358 --> 00:44:56,179 that if I join the military , I'm gonna 1097 00:44:56,189 --> 00:44:58,411 have to put my life on hold and I won't 1098 00:44:58,411 --> 00:45:02,169 be able to advance like others . This 1099 00:45:02,179 --> 00:45:05,939 body is sending a loud message that is 1100 00:45:05,949 --> 00:45:08,909 being heard all over this country to 1101 00:45:08,919 --> 00:45:11,252 people who have risen through the ranks , 1102 00:45:11,252 --> 00:45:13,252 who have served , who have deployed 1103 00:45:13,252 --> 00:45:15,197 multiple times , who families have 1104 00:45:15,197 --> 00:45:17,363 moved , who sacrificed . We're sending 1105 00:45:17,363 --> 00:45:19,419 a loud message to them that , well , 1106 00:45:19,419 --> 00:45:21,475 Kaine's mad about something that the 1107 00:45:21,475 --> 00:45:23,363 Pentagon is doing and he couldn't 1108 00:45:23,363 --> 00:45:25,479 convince his , his colleagues that it 1109 00:45:25,489 --> 00:45:27,378 was right . So what I should just 1110 00:45:27,378 --> 00:45:29,545 punish everybody who had nothing to do 1111 00:45:29,545 --> 00:45:32,149 with it . I pray that we will turn from 1112 00:45:32,159 --> 00:45:34,103 this dangerous path because if one 1113 00:45:34,103 --> 00:45:36,469 senator can do this , hey , all 100 1114 00:45:36,479 --> 00:45:39,540 will find something at the Pentagon 1115 00:45:39,550 --> 00:45:41,439 that they're not wild about . And 1116 00:45:41,439 --> 00:45:43,494 suddenly it's ok . Well , look , I'm 1117 00:45:43,494 --> 00:45:45,550 not happy and I couldn't convince my 1118 00:45:45,550 --> 00:45:47,717 colleagues , but I at least can punish 1119 00:45:47,717 --> 00:45:51,399 people who are blameless . I hope we'll 1120 00:45:51,409 --> 00:45:55,209 turn from this general . I wanna 1121 00:45:55,219 --> 00:45:57,386 ask you about the Radford Depot , my , 1122 00:45:57,386 --> 00:45:59,330 my team and I recently went to the 1123 00:45:59,330 --> 00:46:01,275 Radford Army ammunition plant . We 1124 00:46:01,275 --> 00:46:03,330 heard about the challenges that they 1125 00:46:03,330 --> 00:46:05,497 face competing for contracts . Radford 1126 00:46:05,497 --> 00:46:07,552 is a strategic capability , critical 1127 00:46:07,552 --> 00:46:09,608 component in our nation's mission to 1128 00:46:09,608 --> 00:46:11,775 produce munitions , which is important 1129 00:46:11,775 --> 00:46:13,830 in getting more important . Although 1130 00:46:13,830 --> 00:46:15,941 cost is an important consideration in 1131 00:46:15,941 --> 00:46:18,108 these items , we also need to preserve 1132 00:46:18,108 --> 00:46:20,108 the viability of organic industrial 1133 00:46:20,108 --> 00:46:22,108 base . And I know you've spent time 1134 00:46:22,108 --> 00:46:24,275 focusing upon the munitions production 1135 00:46:24,275 --> 00:46:26,330 needs of the country . So how do you 1136 00:46:26,330 --> 00:46:28,219 view the balance between choosing 1137 00:46:28,219 --> 00:46:30,219 vendors with lowest cost bids while 1138 00:46:30,219 --> 00:46:32,163 maintaining the ability to deliver 1139 00:46:32,163 --> 00:46:34,275 readiness from our organic industrial 1140 00:46:34,275 --> 00:46:37,129 base ? Um As , as you mentioned , um , 1141 00:46:37,139 --> 00:46:40,060 Senator uh Radford and several other 1142 00:46:40,070 --> 00:46:41,969 depots out there are critically 1143 00:46:41,979 --> 00:46:44,201 important and it's an amazing workforce 1144 00:46:44,201 --> 00:46:46,423 having been to a bunch of them and what 1145 00:46:46,423 --> 00:46:48,479 they do and just how patri patriotic 1146 00:46:48,479 --> 00:46:51,149 they are in their mission . Um I think 1147 00:46:51,159 --> 00:46:53,159 what we are looking at doing and we 1148 00:46:53,159 --> 00:46:55,381 have spent some of our own money to try 1149 00:46:55,381 --> 00:46:57,659 to , we need to inside the budget . Um , 1150 00:46:57,659 --> 00:46:59,826 we appreciate the support we've gotten 1151 00:46:59,826 --> 00:47:01,826 from Congress . I think we got $1.6 1152 00:47:01,826 --> 00:47:04,449 billion last year . Um , to also invest 1153 00:47:04,459 --> 00:47:07,229 in that . Um , we do have to upgrade 1154 00:47:07,239 --> 00:47:09,461 these depots . I think that it's , it's 1155 00:47:09,461 --> 00:47:11,929 important to do that . Um , and do it 1156 00:47:11,939 --> 00:47:13,661 in a way where we can increase 1157 00:47:13,661 --> 00:47:15,717 production . I give , I can give one 1158 00:47:15,717 --> 00:47:17,772 example of an ammunition plant where 1159 00:47:17,772 --> 00:47:19,939 you can build the capability . You can 1160 00:47:19,939 --> 00:47:22,679 keep the same size workforce and then 1161 00:47:22,689 --> 00:47:24,800 have the ability to expand uh 1162 00:47:24,810 --> 00:47:26,810 production from there . And I think 1163 00:47:26,810 --> 00:47:28,866 that's , you know , where we need to 1164 00:47:28,866 --> 00:47:32,080 focus . Thank you , Mr Chair . Thank 1165 00:47:32,090 --> 00:47:34,201 you , Senator Kaine , Senator Ernst , 1166 00:47:34,201 --> 00:47:36,257 please . Thank you , Mr Chair and uh 1167 00:47:36,257 --> 00:47:38,368 thank you uh very much General George 1168 00:47:38,368 --> 00:47:40,590 for your time today , Patty . Thank you 1169 00:47:40,590 --> 00:47:42,701 for being here and to the rest of the 1170 00:47:42,701 --> 00:47:44,879 family and I want to send a special , 1171 00:47:44,889 --> 00:47:47,780 thank you . Um Also to your parents 1172 00:47:47,790 --> 00:47:50,360 back home in Iowa and I know that they 1173 00:47:50,659 --> 00:47:52,699 uh are very , very proud of your 1174 00:47:52,709 --> 00:47:55,270 accomplishments , General George . Um I 1175 00:47:55,280 --> 00:47:57,800 also know that uh when you are 1176 00:47:57,810 --> 00:47:59,866 confirmed , you will be an effective 1177 00:47:59,866 --> 00:48:01,699 steward for the army and a great 1178 00:48:01,699 --> 00:48:03,810 partner to those of us on this 1179 00:48:03,820 --> 00:48:06,610 committee . So I do want to express um 1180 00:48:06,620 --> 00:48:08,787 some of the concerns that I have and , 1181 00:48:08,787 --> 00:48:10,676 and we have discussed our special 1182 00:48:10,676 --> 00:48:14,310 operations forces in detail . Um but uh 1183 00:48:14,320 --> 00:48:17,429 just for everyone's knowledge and 1184 00:48:17,439 --> 00:48:19,879 information . Uh with the recruiting 1185 00:48:19,889 --> 00:48:23,090 challenges , the army is uh expressing 1186 00:48:23,100 --> 00:48:26,750 interest in in cutting our soft forces . 1187 00:48:26,770 --> 00:48:28,639 Soft was born for great power 1188 00:48:28,649 --> 00:48:30,979 competition . They are the nation's 1189 00:48:30,989 --> 00:48:33,340 purpose built force for campaigning 1190 00:48:33,350 --> 00:48:35,939 against great powers . Their value 1191 00:48:35,949 --> 00:48:38,659 proposition is to deter war in peace 1192 00:48:38,669 --> 00:48:41,260 time and create military advantages for 1193 00:48:41,270 --> 00:48:44,270 the joint force in wartime . But soft 1194 00:48:44,280 --> 00:48:46,620 also remains the nation's premier force 1195 00:48:46,629 --> 00:48:48,419 for crisis response and counter 1196 00:48:48,429 --> 00:48:51,310 terrorism . As a recent congressionally 1197 00:48:51,320 --> 00:48:54,189 mandated study determined the demand 1198 00:48:54,199 --> 00:48:56,429 signal from theater commanders for so 1199 00:48:56,639 --> 00:49:00,449 will increase . I am concerned to 1200 00:49:00,459 --> 00:49:02,840 learn of the proposals to cut army soft 1201 00:49:02,850 --> 00:49:06,850 by 10 to 20% . Now , I know we are 1202 00:49:06,860 --> 00:49:09,989 facing budgetary challenges . Uh The 1203 00:49:10,000 --> 00:49:11,909 end strength challenges also are 1204 00:49:11,919 --> 00:49:14,860 squeezing the whole army uh but so are 1205 00:49:14,870 --> 00:49:15,870 not 1206 00:49:19,889 --> 00:49:23,219 army is actually looking for and worse . 1207 00:49:23,229 --> 00:49:25,550 Those cuts could have disproportionate , 1208 00:49:25,560 --> 00:49:28,300 impact operations missions . So the 1209 00:49:28,310 --> 00:49:30,532 numbers aren't adding up at this time . 1210 00:49:30,532 --> 00:49:33,320 We're looking to cut off when we need 1211 00:49:33,330 --> 00:49:36,879 them the most . So general , do you 1212 00:49:36,889 --> 00:49:38,945 believe these reductions would limit 1213 00:49:38,945 --> 00:49:41,820 the army's ability to provide forces to 1214 00:49:41,830 --> 00:49:44,629 commanders to deter great powers , 1215 00:49:44,639 --> 00:49:47,669 counter terrorism and respond to crises . 1216 00:49:48,649 --> 00:49:51,449 Um Senator , uh I've been deploying 1217 00:49:51,620 --> 00:49:53,860 side by side with soft forces for the 1218 00:49:53,870 --> 00:49:56,929 in the last 20 years . Um AGR agree 1219 00:49:56,939 --> 00:49:59,459 with you that they're an amazing um 1220 00:49:59,469 --> 00:50:02,429 capability , they have been and they 1221 00:50:02,439 --> 00:50:04,772 will continue to be . I agree with that , 1222 00:50:04,772 --> 00:50:06,995 what we're doing with modeling and I've 1223 00:50:06,995 --> 00:50:09,179 been talking with both General Braga 1224 00:50:09,189 --> 00:50:12,379 who is a UU , a commander . Um The army 1225 00:50:12,389 --> 00:50:16,100 makes up about 65 to 70% of all of 1226 00:50:16,110 --> 00:50:19,830 socom . And what we do is model to 1227 00:50:19,840 --> 00:50:22,879 see , you know , how are things gonna 1228 00:50:22,889 --> 00:50:25,056 be different , what capabilities do we 1229 00:50:25,056 --> 00:50:27,167 need ? So when I was in Afghanistan , 1230 00:50:27,570 --> 00:50:30,199 um just a couple of years ago , there 1231 00:50:30,209 --> 00:50:32,639 was 11,000 that was there , most of 1232 00:50:32,649 --> 00:50:34,927 that was soft and we're not doing that . 1233 00:50:34,927 --> 00:50:37,219 So I think we have to review all of 1234 00:50:37,229 --> 00:50:39,396 this . We are in the process . There's 1235 00:50:39,396 --> 00:50:41,989 been no decisions made . Um , I'm close 1236 00:50:42,000 --> 00:50:44,333 to both of them . I actually heard from , 1237 00:50:44,333 --> 00:50:46,750 uh , General Fenton this morning . Um , 1238 00:50:46,760 --> 00:50:48,871 so we're talking through that , but I 1239 00:50:48,871 --> 00:50:51,310 think what we owe you is the best joint 1240 00:50:51,320 --> 00:50:54,560 force and military that can tackle the 1241 00:50:54,570 --> 00:50:56,792 problems that are ahead and that's what 1242 00:50:56,792 --> 00:50:58,959 we're working on . Yes . And so , uh , 1243 00:50:58,959 --> 00:51:01,181 just to make clear , you will be , uh , 1244 00:51:01,181 --> 00:51:03,709 working with those commanders , those 1245 00:51:03,810 --> 00:51:06,020 operational commanders and making sure 1246 00:51:06,030 --> 00:51:08,409 that the cuts wouldn't create 1247 00:51:08,419 --> 00:51:11,360 operational risk and , uh , you can 1248 00:51:11,370 --> 00:51:13,800 report those to Congress . Is , is that 1249 00:51:13,939 --> 00:51:16,217 correct ? We working closely with them ? 1250 00:51:16,217 --> 00:51:18,580 Absolutely . Ok . And I , I do hope 1251 00:51:18,590 --> 00:51:20,646 that as you're working through those 1252 00:51:20,646 --> 00:51:22,860 issues then , uh , before any of those 1253 00:51:22,870 --> 00:51:25,629 cuts are approved that you would notify , 1254 00:51:25,719 --> 00:51:28,600 uh , members of this committee . And I 1255 00:51:28,610 --> 00:51:30,659 think just earlier because Senator 1256 00:51:30,669 --> 00:51:32,669 Wicker , of course , we're going to 1257 00:51:32,669 --> 00:51:34,669 come over before any of these , you 1258 00:51:34,669 --> 00:51:36,870 know , final , we know this comes out 1259 00:51:36,879 --> 00:51:38,823 that we will talk it over with you 1260 00:51:38,823 --> 00:51:41,209 first . No good . Thank you and General , 1261 00:51:41,219 --> 00:51:44,489 I do want to share socoms assessment . 1262 00:51:44,500 --> 00:51:48,100 We did receive this just recently and 1263 00:51:48,110 --> 00:51:50,500 it says that soft can only execute its 1264 00:51:50,510 --> 00:51:54,060 assigned mission with soft enablers and 1265 00:51:54,070 --> 00:51:56,600 cutting enablers increases risk to 1266 00:51:56,675 --> 00:51:59,875 mission . And Mr Chairman , I just want 1267 00:51:59,885 --> 00:52:02,104 to uh if I would ask if we could enter 1268 00:52:02,114 --> 00:52:05,794 this into uh the record . And thank you 1269 00:52:05,804 --> 00:52:08,125 Mr Chair and thank you General . So , 1270 00:52:08,695 --> 00:52:11,614 um they are a strategic capability uh 1271 00:52:11,635 --> 00:52:14,104 for the joint force and I look forward 1272 00:52:14,114 --> 00:52:16,392 to working with you to strengthen them . 1273 00:52:16,392 --> 00:52:18,284 I will follow up with additional 1274 00:52:18,294 --> 00:52:20,735 questions for the record . But again , 1275 00:52:20,745 --> 00:52:22,634 General George , you have my full 1276 00:52:22,634 --> 00:52:24,467 support with your nomination and 1277 00:52:24,467 --> 00:52:26,949 confirmation . I'm proud to be uh 1278 00:52:26,959 --> 00:52:29,100 sharing the the desk with you this 1279 00:52:29,110 --> 00:52:31,580 morning for the introduction and again , 1280 00:52:31,590 --> 00:52:33,939 congratulations to your family . Thank 1281 00:52:33,949 --> 00:52:36,227 you . Thank you , Mr Chair . Thank you , 1282 00:52:36,227 --> 00:52:38,393 Senator Ernst Senator Rosen . Please . 1283 00:52:38,439 --> 00:52:40,106 Thank you , Chairman Reid . I 1284 00:52:40,106 --> 00:52:42,328 appreciate you for holding this hearing 1285 00:52:42,328 --> 00:52:44,272 and I want to thank you to General 1286 00:52:44,272 --> 00:52:46,649 George for testifying today for your 1287 00:52:46,659 --> 00:52:48,937 lifelong service , your thoughtfulness . 1288 00:52:48,937 --> 00:52:50,881 And of course , we would always be 1289 00:52:50,881 --> 00:52:52,881 remiss if we didn't think about the 1290 00:52:52,881 --> 00:52:55,370 families who pack and unpack , do all 1291 00:52:55,379 --> 00:52:57,689 of that . Uh I guess schlepping around 1292 00:52:57,699 --> 00:53:01,159 the world uh in order to support um the 1293 00:53:01,169 --> 00:53:03,336 service to our nation . So I thank you 1294 00:53:03,336 --> 00:53:05,709 and your family . Uh but I want to talk 1295 00:53:05,719 --> 00:53:07,830 a little bit about a small arms range 1296 00:53:07,830 --> 00:53:09,941 for Nevada . And so I want to revisit 1297 00:53:09,941 --> 00:53:12,108 an issue that I've consistently raised 1298 00:53:12,108 --> 00:53:14,219 with General mcconville and Secretary 1299 00:53:14,219 --> 00:53:16,320 Warm . Currently Nevada's Guard and 1300 00:53:16,330 --> 00:53:18,219 reserve soldiers are traveling to 1301 00:53:18,219 --> 00:53:20,386 surrounding States in order to satisfy 1302 00:53:20,386 --> 00:53:22,699 their annual weapons qualification . 1303 00:53:22,810 --> 00:53:25,560 It's an average cost of 500,000 half a 1304 00:53:25,570 --> 00:53:28,760 million dollars per year per unit . I'm 1305 00:53:28,770 --> 00:53:30,881 appreciative of the army's commitment 1306 00:53:30,881 --> 00:53:32,881 to correct this , which spurred the 1307 00:53:32,881 --> 00:53:34,937 effort underway to build a permanent 1308 00:53:34,937 --> 00:53:38,449 range at Hawthorne Army Depot by Fy 25 . 1309 00:53:39,070 --> 00:53:41,237 It's my understanding that Nevada Army 1310 00:53:41,237 --> 00:53:43,403 National Guard is on track to complete 1311 00:53:43,403 --> 00:53:45,403 their planning and designed to meet 1312 00:53:45,403 --> 00:53:47,570 that timeline . So General George have 1313 00:53:47,570 --> 00:53:49,737 confirmed . Can I have your commitment 1314 00:53:49,737 --> 00:53:51,848 that a small arms qualification range 1315 00:53:51,848 --> 00:53:53,681 is built in Fy 25 so that Nevada 1316 00:53:53,681 --> 00:53:55,429 soldiers can meet their annual 1317 00:53:55,439 --> 00:53:58,209 requirements at greater convenience and 1318 00:53:58,300 --> 00:54:00,689 lower cost to the taxpayer . 1319 00:54:01,949 --> 00:54:04,560 Yes , Senator , thank you . I'll take 1320 00:54:04,570 --> 00:54:07,320 that as a strong . Yes . Yes . Well , 1321 00:54:07,330 --> 00:54:09,510 everybody is very excited to do that . 1322 00:54:09,520 --> 00:54:11,242 Nevada will really improve our 1323 00:54:11,242 --> 00:54:13,242 readiness and we're gonna stay with 1324 00:54:13,242 --> 00:54:15,699 Hawthorne Army Depot because um we are 1325 00:54:15,709 --> 00:54:18,540 the largest uh ammunition depot and 1326 00:54:18,550 --> 00:54:21,590 demilitarization facility . And so 1327 00:54:21,600 --> 00:54:24,340 despite its size and crucial role that 1328 00:54:24,350 --> 00:54:26,594 Hawthorn Army Depot plays for our 1329 00:54:26,604 --> 00:54:28,625 munitions readiness , it is in 1330 00:54:28,635 --> 00:54:30,975 desperate need of significant 1331 00:54:30,985 --> 00:54:32,763 infrastructure upgrades such as 1332 00:54:32,763 --> 00:54:34,874 replacing boilers that were installed 1333 00:54:34,874 --> 00:54:38,135 in 1974 nearly 50 years ago , they're 1334 00:54:38,145 --> 00:54:41,135 now inoperable . We need to modernize 1335 00:54:41,145 --> 00:54:43,312 condemned buildings that are unable to 1336 00:54:43,312 --> 00:54:45,423 be occupied and fixing roads that are 1337 00:54:45,423 --> 00:54:47,689 currently impassable . And so I'm proud 1338 00:54:47,699 --> 00:54:49,810 that this committee adopted my report 1339 00:54:49,810 --> 00:54:51,921 language during the NDA A markup that 1340 00:54:51,921 --> 00:54:54,143 encourages the Secretary of the Army to 1341 00:54:54,143 --> 00:54:56,419 prioritize infrastructure investments 1342 00:54:56,429 --> 00:54:58,879 for Hawthorn and requires the army to 1343 00:54:58,889 --> 00:55:01,000 brief us on the status to upgrade and 1344 00:55:01,000 --> 00:55:02,790 repair the infrastructure and 1345 00:55:02,800 --> 00:55:06,655 functionality of um the D . And so the 1346 00:55:06,665 --> 00:55:08,943 need to invest in our munitions depots , 1347 00:55:08,943 --> 00:55:11,165 it's only become more acute in light of 1348 00:55:11,165 --> 00:55:12,832 the need to ramp up munitions 1349 00:55:12,832 --> 00:55:14,998 production , not only to arm Ukraine , 1350 00:55:14,998 --> 00:55:17,332 but also to backfill our own stockpiles . 1351 00:55:17,332 --> 00:55:19,276 So during this year's army posture 1352 00:55:19,276 --> 00:55:21,165 hearing , Secretary Warmth made a 1353 00:55:21,165 --> 00:55:23,109 commitment to me to take a look at 1354 00:55:23,109 --> 00:55:25,221 investments at Hawthorne . So General 1355 00:55:25,221 --> 00:55:27,221 George again have confirmed , can I 1356 00:55:27,221 --> 00:55:28,998 have your commitment to include 1357 00:55:28,998 --> 00:55:30,998 Hawthorn and the army's next future 1358 00:55:30,998 --> 00:55:32,832 years , defense planning or even 1359 00:55:32,832 --> 00:55:35,054 unfunded priority list so that Congress 1360 00:55:35,054 --> 00:55:37,530 can fund these investments to ensure 1361 00:55:37,540 --> 00:55:39,651 our munitions readiness . This is top 1362 00:55:39,651 --> 00:55:42,280 of mind . Um Yes , Senator , we're , I 1363 00:55:42,290 --> 00:55:44,512 mean , we , we are reviewing that we do 1364 00:55:44,512 --> 00:55:46,889 have a plan across all of that and 1365 00:55:46,899 --> 00:55:49,340 obviously we have to balance um 1366 00:55:49,350 --> 00:55:52,290 readiness exercises and everything else 1367 00:55:52,300 --> 00:55:54,133 to look at that . But yes , it's 1368 00:55:54,133 --> 00:55:56,356 critically important for us . Um And we 1369 00:55:56,356 --> 00:55:58,522 will definitely take a close look at , 1370 00:55:58,522 --> 00:56:00,467 at Hawthorne really and across our 1371 00:56:00,467 --> 00:56:02,244 industrial base . Thank you . I 1372 00:56:02,244 --> 00:56:04,467 appreciate that . And uh I want to talk 1373 00:56:04,467 --> 00:56:06,133 a little bit now about remote 1374 00:56:06,133 --> 00:56:08,244 maintenance support that we're giving 1375 00:56:08,244 --> 00:56:10,300 to Ukraine . And so we know that the 1376 00:56:10,300 --> 00:56:12,356 army is providing remote maintenance 1377 00:56:12,356 --> 00:56:14,522 teams to allow Ukrainians on the front 1378 00:56:14,522 --> 00:56:16,689 lines receive immediate advice , hands 1379 00:56:16,689 --> 00:56:18,522 on advice from us , soldiers and 1380 00:56:18,522 --> 00:56:20,689 contractors on weapons and equipment , 1381 00:56:20,689 --> 00:56:22,959 equipment maintenance . So as Ukraine 1382 00:56:22,969 --> 00:56:25,136 receives more advanced equipment , the 1383 00:56:25,136 --> 00:56:27,358 demand for these teams is frankly going 1384 00:56:27,358 --> 00:56:29,550 to grow . And so General George , what 1385 00:56:29,560 --> 00:56:31,782 should the army be doing to expand this 1386 00:56:31,782 --> 00:56:34,239 program to ensure it's equipped to 1387 00:56:34,250 --> 00:56:36,449 efficiently and accurately respond to 1388 00:56:36,459 --> 00:56:38,570 requests out in an active battlefield 1389 00:56:38,570 --> 00:56:41,379 like in Ukraine , um as particularly as 1390 00:56:41,389 --> 00:56:43,111 their counter offensive , um , 1391 00:56:43,111 --> 00:56:46,639 continues to evolve . Well , Senator , 1392 00:56:46,649 --> 00:56:49,300 as uh earlier we were talking about 1393 00:56:49,310 --> 00:56:51,532 lessons . I think that's one of the big 1394 00:56:51,532 --> 00:56:53,643 lessons that we've learned . What you 1395 00:56:53,643 --> 00:56:55,754 can do with tele maintenance and what 1396 00:56:55,754 --> 00:56:57,977 that does to reduce , have to back haul 1397 00:56:57,977 --> 00:57:00,088 things and what you can fix forward . 1398 00:57:00,088 --> 00:57:02,199 Um So I'm , I'm really , we're really 1399 00:57:02,199 --> 00:57:04,421 proud of what the army material command 1400 00:57:04,421 --> 00:57:06,477 and , and us army Europe is doing to 1401 00:57:06,477 --> 00:57:08,532 put this forward across all of these 1402 00:57:08,532 --> 00:57:10,754 equipments and , and we absolutely , we 1403 00:57:10,754 --> 00:57:12,699 pay close attention to operational 1404 00:57:12,699 --> 00:57:14,810 readiness rates and we'll continue to 1405 00:57:14,810 --> 00:57:16,977 support them . Thank you . Thank you , 1406 00:57:16,977 --> 00:57:19,199 Mr Chair . Thank you , Senator Rose and 1407 00:57:19,199 --> 00:57:21,254 Senator Scott , please . Thank you , 1408 00:57:21,254 --> 00:57:23,366 Chairman . Um Thank you Joan George . 1409 00:57:23,366 --> 00:57:22,899 Thank you for being here . Thank you 1410 00:57:22,909 --> 00:57:25,076 for your family for being here . Thank 1411 00:57:25,076 --> 00:57:27,300 you for your service . Um , so can we 1412 00:57:27,310 --> 00:57:29,310 talk about recruiting ? Um , let me 1413 00:57:29,310 --> 00:57:31,310 just give you some numbers that you 1414 00:57:31,310 --> 00:57:33,477 probably already know , I guess , um , 1415 00:57:33,477 --> 00:57:35,532 the army law missed their numbers by 1416 00:57:35,532 --> 00:57:37,699 25% last year . And , and I think it's 1417 00:57:37,699 --> 00:57:39,699 on track to do , uh , 23% less this 1418 00:57:39,699 --> 00:57:42,139 year . There's a Pentagon study that 1419 00:57:42,149 --> 00:57:44,479 showed 77% of American youth are not 1420 00:57:44,489 --> 00:57:47,800 eligible to serve . And there's a 1421 00:57:47,810 --> 00:57:50,032 recent Wall Street Journal article that 1422 00:57:50,032 --> 00:57:52,032 highlighted a disturbing trend that 1423 00:57:52,032 --> 00:57:54,032 said Children and military families 1424 00:57:54,032 --> 00:57:55,866 particularly make up 80% of army 1425 00:57:55,866 --> 00:57:58,088 recruits are telling their Children not 1426 00:57:58,088 --> 00:58:00,032 to serve , especially those in the 1427 00:58:00,032 --> 00:58:02,254 South . So I'll just give you the , the 1428 00:58:02,254 --> 00:58:04,366 things I'll ask and you can answer me 1429 00:58:04,366 --> 00:58:06,477 in any order . One can , can you talk 1430 00:58:06,477 --> 00:58:06,219 about what you're gonna do if anything 1431 00:58:06,229 --> 00:58:08,340 on the people that were discharged on 1432 00:58:08,340 --> 00:58:10,451 COVID ? So if you can talk about that 1433 00:58:10,669 --> 00:58:12,780 and then what would you , if you were 1434 00:58:12,780 --> 00:58:14,780 out if you got to talk to all these 1435 00:58:14,780 --> 00:58:16,780 military families about why their , 1436 00:58:16,780 --> 00:58:18,836 their kids should serve ? What would 1437 00:58:18,836 --> 00:58:20,947 you say to them ? Um , and what would 1438 00:58:20,947 --> 00:58:23,113 you tell if you were talking to ? Like 1439 00:58:23,113 --> 00:58:25,280 I , I think I , I was telling somebody 1440 00:58:25,280 --> 00:58:27,447 on your team , I've got an 11 year old 1441 00:58:27,447 --> 00:58:29,669 grandson who I'm sure is going to serve 1442 00:58:29,669 --> 00:58:28,810 in the military . Why should he serve 1443 00:58:28,820 --> 00:58:31,042 in the army if you're into , what would 1444 00:58:31,042 --> 00:58:33,209 you tell these kids or why they should 1445 00:58:33,209 --> 00:58:35,431 go in , uh , to the army ? Um , can you 1446 00:58:35,431 --> 00:58:37,487 talk about what you're doing at Fort 1447 00:58:37,487 --> 00:58:39,653 Jackson where you're trying to prepare 1448 00:58:39,653 --> 00:58:41,820 kids , uh , for , uh , for joining the 1449 00:58:41,820 --> 00:58:43,876 military ? That might not be able to 1450 00:58:43,876 --> 00:58:45,764 get in and then is there anything 1451 00:58:45,764 --> 00:58:45,669 Congress ought to be doing to help you ? 1452 00:58:46,689 --> 00:58:49,149 And there's no , however , whatever way 1453 00:58:49,159 --> 00:58:52,600 you wanna do it ? Ok . Um , thanks 1454 00:58:52,610 --> 00:58:54,659 Senator . Um , first on , on COVID 1455 00:58:54,669 --> 00:58:56,502 discharges , we do have , uh , a 1456 00:58:56,502 --> 00:58:58,613 process , there have been people that 1457 00:58:58,613 --> 00:59:00,613 have come back into the army , um , 1458 00:59:00,613 --> 00:59:02,729 that were discharged for COVID and , 1459 00:59:02,739 --> 00:59:04,906 you know , specifically for COVID , it 1460 00:59:04,906 --> 00:59:07,649 wasn't , um , COVID and several other 1461 00:59:07,659 --> 00:59:09,659 things that kind of went along with 1462 00:59:09,659 --> 00:59:11,826 that . So I'm confident that we have a 1463 00:59:11,826 --> 00:59:13,992 process that and we have had people to 1464 00:59:13,992 --> 00:59:15,992 come back in . Uh It's gonna work . 1465 00:59:16,540 --> 00:59:18,762 Think a lot of people , you think a lot 1466 00:59:18,762 --> 00:59:20,873 of people come back ? Well , I , that 1467 00:59:20,873 --> 00:59:23,040 will be obviously up to them . We want 1468 00:59:23,040 --> 00:59:25,040 anybody who's able bodied and , you 1469 00:59:25,040 --> 00:59:24,699 know , wants to come back and , and 1470 00:59:24,709 --> 00:59:27,889 serve their country um to come back and , 1471 00:59:27,899 --> 00:59:30,590 and join us . Um , your second question 1472 00:59:30,600 --> 00:59:34,370 was , uh , you know , talking to , to 1473 00:59:34,379 --> 00:59:37,070 family . Does that number surprise you 1474 00:59:37,409 --> 00:59:39,520 about military families telling their 1475 00:59:39,520 --> 00:59:41,631 kids they don't , they shouldn't come 1476 00:59:41,631 --> 00:59:43,687 back in . I don't know where you got 1477 00:59:43,687 --> 00:59:46,429 the statistic um at a senator , but I , 1478 00:59:46,459 --> 00:59:48,770 I was , uh , what I was gonna tell you 1479 00:59:48,780 --> 00:59:51,002 is , um , and I just had a friend who's 1480 00:59:51,002 --> 00:59:54,149 just sent his , uh , his son just did a 1481 00:59:54,159 --> 00:59:56,270 year of college and now he's enlisted 1482 00:59:56,270 --> 00:59:58,326 and he's going to the Rangers , so , 1483 00:59:58,326 --> 01:00:00,659 which I'm very happy about . Um , so I 1484 01:00:00,669 --> 01:00:02,780 think there's a lot of them out there 1485 01:00:02,780 --> 01:00:04,891 that are still telling their kids and 1486 01:00:04,891 --> 01:00:07,002 they know , I think what we got to do 1487 01:00:07,002 --> 01:00:06,989 is change the perception and talk to 1488 01:00:07,000 --> 01:00:09,111 them about what we're doing . And the 1489 01:00:09,111 --> 01:00:11,056 one thing I would tell you , and I 1490 01:00:11,056 --> 01:00:12,611 think we've had a couple of 1491 01:00:12,611 --> 01:00:12,530 conversations , we got to get out and 1492 01:00:12,540 --> 01:00:14,979 get that story out to people , um , 1493 01:00:14,989 --> 01:00:17,045 that are influencers and talk to our 1494 01:00:17,045 --> 01:00:18,933 veterans and tell them what we're 1495 01:00:18,933 --> 01:00:21,156 focusing on . Again , retention has not 1496 01:00:21,156 --> 01:00:23,100 been a problem for us . People are 1497 01:00:23,100 --> 01:00:25,239 staying in the military , we're very 1498 01:00:25,250 --> 01:00:27,306 busy , we're deploying , we're doing 1499 01:00:27,306 --> 01:00:30,949 things . Um So , uh why the army 1500 01:00:30,959 --> 01:00:33,949 and um , obviously , I love the army 1501 01:00:33,959 --> 01:00:36,237 been doing this for a really long time , 1502 01:00:36,237 --> 01:00:38,348 but I know you can do almost anything 1503 01:00:38,348 --> 01:00:41,090 in the army . Um And I think it's 1504 01:00:41,100 --> 01:00:44,199 proven to be uh a meritocracy , work 1505 01:00:44,209 --> 01:00:47,280 hard . Um , do your job , you're gonna , 1506 01:00:47,310 --> 01:00:49,800 you know , you're gonna advance and 1507 01:00:49,810 --> 01:00:51,977 there's a million different things you 1508 01:00:51,977 --> 01:00:53,699 can do from Cyber . You know , 1509 01:00:53,699 --> 01:00:55,421 everybody didn't have to be an 1510 01:00:55,421 --> 01:00:57,477 infantryman or artillery . There's a 1511 01:00:57,477 --> 01:00:59,532 lot of things that you can do in the 1512 01:00:59,532 --> 01:01:01,699 military . And I tell everybody that , 1513 01:01:01,699 --> 01:01:03,699 um I did not plan . I came in for a 1514 01:01:03,699 --> 01:01:05,810 couple of years . I mainly stayed for 1515 01:01:05,810 --> 01:01:07,977 the people initially and obviously , I 1516 01:01:07,977 --> 01:01:10,143 love the mission . So , and I think we 1517 01:01:10,143 --> 01:01:12,366 got to get that word out and , and talk 1518 01:01:12,366 --> 01:01:14,477 to people . Um I'm really proud of to 1519 01:01:14,477 --> 01:01:16,699 your last question on Fort Jackson . Um 1520 01:01:16,699 --> 01:01:18,754 What we're doing down there with the 1521 01:01:18,754 --> 01:01:20,754 future soldier prep course . And it 1522 01:01:20,754 --> 01:01:22,921 gets to your , you said 77% can't meet 1523 01:01:22,921 --> 01:01:25,199 the standards we have had , we've seen , 1524 01:01:25,300 --> 01:01:27,411 you know , some of the that's dropped 1525 01:01:27,411 --> 01:01:29,522 actually , um , from just a couple of 1526 01:01:29,522 --> 01:01:32,260 years ago , um , we want people to meet 1527 01:01:32,270 --> 01:01:34,381 our standard and I think we want them 1528 01:01:34,381 --> 01:01:36,437 to know that , that we're willing to 1529 01:01:36,437 --> 01:01:38,603 invest in them and help them pass that 1530 01:01:38,603 --> 01:01:41,360 test to get healthier . Um I'd love if , 1531 01:01:41,370 --> 01:01:43,537 and if you haven't been down there , I 1532 01:01:43,537 --> 01:01:45,759 think it's good . And I'm always amazed 1533 01:01:45,759 --> 01:01:47,926 when I , the number one story I always 1534 01:01:47,926 --> 01:01:50,148 hear is everybody says , I'm glad I put 1535 01:01:50,148 --> 01:01:51,981 my phone up a little bit and I'm 1536 01:01:51,981 --> 01:01:54,037 sleeping better . I'm doing better , 1537 01:01:54,037 --> 01:01:56,259 but I think it's helping that course is 1538 01:01:56,259 --> 01:01:58,426 helping and we're seeing great results 1539 01:01:58,426 --> 01:02:00,592 out of it . You uh thank you . Can you 1540 01:02:00,592 --> 01:02:02,648 just talk um We don't have much time 1541 01:02:02,648 --> 01:02:04,814 left but just talk about the troops we 1542 01:02:04,814 --> 01:02:07,037 have in , in Asia and the importance of 1543 01:02:07,037 --> 01:02:09,148 them and um and are they really doing 1544 01:02:09,148 --> 01:02:08,939 their job ? Are they going to help de 1545 01:02:08,949 --> 01:02:12,169 tour either China or North Korea or any 1546 01:02:12,179 --> 01:02:16,129 bad actor ? I absolutely . I think 1547 01:02:16,139 --> 01:02:19,729 Senator we got uh and you is doing a 1548 01:02:19,739 --> 01:02:21,909 lot , would like to come sit down and 1549 01:02:21,919 --> 01:02:24,141 talk to you about that or have somebody 1550 01:02:24,141 --> 01:02:26,252 can explain what what the army is out 1551 01:02:26,252 --> 01:02:28,363 there doing in the Pacific . And like 1552 01:02:28,363 --> 01:02:30,530 we talked about with Ukraine , I think 1553 01:02:30,530 --> 01:02:32,752 part you know , partnerships , partners 1554 01:02:32,752 --> 01:02:34,919 and allies mean a lot and you do human 1555 01:02:34,919 --> 01:02:37,086 interoperability , I think is the most 1556 01:02:37,086 --> 01:02:39,197 important thing . You get that out of 1557 01:02:39,197 --> 01:02:41,419 exercises that we're doing over there . 1558 01:02:41,419 --> 01:02:43,752 Um , and we're doing a lot of them . Um , 1559 01:02:43,752 --> 01:02:45,919 I was , uh , it's , it's amazing the , 1560 01:02:45,919 --> 01:02:47,919 the relationships that we built , I 1561 01:02:47,919 --> 01:02:49,975 think in , in Europe and we're doing 1562 01:02:49,975 --> 01:02:52,370 the same thing and uh in the Pacific 1563 01:02:52,379 --> 01:02:55,229 Theater . Thank you , sir . Thank you , 1564 01:02:55,239 --> 01:02:57,572 Senator Scott , Senator Warren , please . 1565 01:02:57,572 --> 01:02:59,739 Thank you , Mr Chairman . It's good to 1566 01:02:59,739 --> 01:03:02,072 see you here , General George . Welcome . 1567 01:03:02,072 --> 01:03:03,906 Congratulations . So I am deeply 1568 01:03:03,906 --> 01:03:06,017 concerned about the increasing number 1569 01:03:06,017 --> 01:03:08,629 of suicides that we're seeing among 1570 01:03:08,639 --> 01:03:11,449 active duty soldiers in the first 1571 01:03:11,459 --> 01:03:13,909 quarter of 2023 1572 01:03:14,419 --> 01:03:18,110 49 active duty soldiers 1573 01:03:18,120 --> 01:03:20,290 took their own lives . That is the 1574 01:03:20,300 --> 01:03:23,449 highest first quarter number since dod 1575 01:03:23,459 --> 01:03:25,570 first started collecting these data a 1576 01:03:25,570 --> 01:03:29,199 decade ago . Now the army has studied 1577 01:03:29,209 --> 01:03:33,100 this problem a lot but it hasn't acted 1578 01:03:33,129 --> 01:03:36,610 with enough urgency from 2019 to 1579 01:03:36,620 --> 01:03:39,860 2022 . The army sponsored 1580 01:03:39,870 --> 01:03:43,209 47 studies addressing 1581 01:03:43,219 --> 01:03:46,580 suicide . However , an army 1582 01:03:46,590 --> 01:03:48,929 audit obtained by the project on 1583 01:03:48,939 --> 01:03:51,270 government oversight found that nearly 1584 01:03:51,280 --> 01:03:55,100 90% of those studies quote , 1585 01:03:55,459 --> 01:03:58,280 didn't have any actionable 1586 01:03:58,290 --> 01:04:01,500 recommendations or recommended only 1587 01:04:01,510 --> 01:04:05,409 more research , nearly 90% of 1588 01:04:05,419 --> 01:04:07,641 them . And for the few studies that did 1589 01:04:07,641 --> 01:04:10,020 have actionable recommendations , the 1590 01:04:10,030 --> 01:04:13,909 army did nothing . Now , the army was 1591 01:04:13,919 --> 01:04:15,919 originally supposed to issue new 1592 01:04:15,929 --> 01:04:18,040 suicide prevention regulations in the 1593 01:04:18,040 --> 01:04:21,949 fall of 2021 . Nearly two years after 1594 01:04:21,959 --> 01:04:24,070 that deadline . It is still failed to 1595 01:04:24,070 --> 01:04:25,959 do so and our service members are 1596 01:04:25,959 --> 01:04:28,489 suffering . So , General George , if 1597 01:04:28,500 --> 01:04:31,020 you are confirmed , can I count on you 1598 01:04:31,500 --> 01:04:33,979 to help get these rigs out and even 1599 01:04:33,989 --> 01:04:36,709 more importantly to help get these rigs 1600 01:04:36,719 --> 01:04:39,679 implemented in order to address the 1601 01:04:39,689 --> 01:04:43,610 suicide crisis in our military ? Um 1602 01:04:43,620 --> 01:04:46,540 Yes , Senator can , can I talk , can I 1603 01:04:46,550 --> 01:04:49,090 say a couple of things about that ? Um 1604 01:04:49,199 --> 01:04:51,530 Just in my experience because uh as a 1605 01:04:51,540 --> 01:04:53,651 commander , it wasn't necessarily the 1606 01:04:53,651 --> 01:04:55,873 regulation that made the difference for 1607 01:04:55,873 --> 01:04:57,929 me , it was , you know , getting the 1608 01:04:57,929 --> 01:05:00,151 resources and then command emphasis and 1609 01:05:00,151 --> 01:05:02,262 that's what we have to do . And right 1610 01:05:02,262 --> 01:05:04,429 now we're um um doing what we call a 1611 01:05:04,439 --> 01:05:07,229 building cohesive teams update . Um And 1612 01:05:07,239 --> 01:05:09,800 I always talk about every location is a 1613 01:05:09,810 --> 01:05:12,088 little bit different and I always give , 1614 01:05:12,088 --> 01:05:14,310 you know , the example of Alaska versus 1615 01:05:14,310 --> 01:05:16,366 Fort Irwin versus now Fort Liberty , 1616 01:05:16,530 --> 01:05:18,308 very different . They're facing 1617 01:05:18,308 --> 01:05:20,870 different challenges . And I think that 1618 01:05:20,879 --> 01:05:23,212 that's what we're trying to do is focus . 1619 01:05:23,212 --> 01:05:25,379 One of the things that have that we've 1620 01:05:25,379 --> 01:05:27,268 learned from , we'll , we'll take 1621 01:05:27,268 --> 01:05:29,850 things at work . Um But in , in Alaska , 1622 01:05:29,860 --> 01:05:32,027 they're doing something called Mission 1623 01:05:32,027 --> 01:05:34,989 100 which is basically getting somebody 1624 01:05:35,000 --> 01:05:37,439 to talk to a counselor immediately . 1625 01:05:37,449 --> 01:05:39,449 Everybody has to do that within the 1626 01:05:39,449 --> 01:05:41,671 year . Um Because what we're finding is 1627 01:05:41,671 --> 01:05:43,393 a lot of these problems aren't 1628 01:05:43,393 --> 01:05:45,393 necessarily , you know , behavior , 1629 01:05:45,393 --> 01:05:47,671 health problems or relationship issues . 1630 01:05:47,671 --> 01:05:49,838 Um , financial issues , I think we got 1631 01:05:49,838 --> 01:05:52,179 to look at this . Um through health and 1632 01:05:52,189 --> 01:05:54,929 holistic fitness . Um , our health and 1633 01:05:54,939 --> 01:05:57,000 holistic fitness , um , where we've 1634 01:05:57,010 --> 01:05:59,820 fielded that in the brigades . Um , we 1635 01:05:59,830 --> 01:06:02,979 have seen , you know , reductions in 1636 01:06:02,989 --> 01:06:06,040 behavioral health and in suicides . And 1637 01:06:06,050 --> 01:06:08,161 so again , I think it's , that's what 1638 01:06:08,161 --> 01:06:10,272 we have to focus on are , are the end 1639 01:06:10,272 --> 01:06:12,272 results and we're , we're not happy 1640 01:06:12,272 --> 01:06:14,050 with where we're at and , and I 1641 01:06:14,050 --> 01:06:16,399 appreciate the attention that you have 1642 01:06:16,409 --> 01:06:18,076 paid to this and I have every 1643 01:06:18,076 --> 01:06:20,409 confidence you will continue to do this . 1644 01:06:20,409 --> 01:06:22,520 But I just wanna be able to say quite 1645 01:06:22,520 --> 01:06:24,979 publicly you and I , this has got to be 1646 01:06:24,989 --> 01:06:27,540 a priority for the army and seeing 1647 01:06:27,550 --> 01:06:29,669 these first quarter numbers is truly 1648 01:06:29,679 --> 01:06:32,219 alarming . You know , one other thing 1649 01:06:32,229 --> 01:06:34,370 that we know , uh you raise several 1650 01:06:34,379 --> 01:06:36,479 factors can contribute to suicide . 1651 01:06:36,659 --> 01:06:38,800 Another one we know is failure to 1652 01:06:38,810 --> 01:06:41,729 respond to sexual harassment or assault . 1653 01:06:42,159 --> 01:06:44,270 So General George , do you agree that 1654 01:06:44,270 --> 01:06:45,937 addressing sexual assault and 1655 01:06:45,937 --> 01:06:47,770 harassment should be part of the 1656 01:06:47,770 --> 01:06:50,550 solution to suicide prevention programs 1657 01:06:50,570 --> 01:06:54,379 at Dod Senator ? I think all of that 1658 01:06:54,389 --> 01:06:56,739 is yes , is , is a part of that if 1659 01:06:56,750 --> 01:06:58,919 you're having him . And so first it's 1660 01:06:58,929 --> 01:07:01,820 prevention of those kind of things that 1661 01:07:01,830 --> 01:07:03,830 we have to focus on and then in the 1662 01:07:03,830 --> 01:07:06,500 response absolutely making sure that 1663 01:07:06,510 --> 01:07:08,510 we're taking care of the victim . I 1664 01:07:08,510 --> 01:07:10,621 appreciate that , you know , we don't 1665 01:07:10,621 --> 01:07:12,954 have suicide prevention regulations yet , 1666 01:07:12,954 --> 01:07:14,954 but we do have recommendations from 1667 01:07:14,954 --> 01:07:17,010 what's called the Suicide Prevention 1668 01:07:17,010 --> 01:07:18,788 and Response Independent Review 1669 01:07:18,788 --> 01:07:20,954 Committee and one of the shortfalls it 1670 01:07:20,954 --> 01:07:22,954 identified in a report earlier this 1671 01:07:22,954 --> 01:07:25,405 year is the critical shortage of 1672 01:07:25,415 --> 01:07:28,485 behavioral health professionals . Do 1673 01:07:28,495 --> 01:07:30,955 you agree that one tool in addressing 1674 01:07:30,965 --> 01:07:34,054 these shortages could involve the army 1675 01:07:34,064 --> 01:07:35,842 working with service members to 1676 01:07:35,842 --> 01:07:39,685 facilitate access to whatever care can 1677 01:07:39,695 --> 01:07:41,584 help them , whether it's directly 1678 01:07:41,584 --> 01:07:45,399 through dod or outside dod . Um Yes , 1679 01:07:45,409 --> 01:07:47,520 Senator , I , I agree with that . And 1680 01:07:47,520 --> 01:07:49,742 like I said before , I think what we're 1681 01:07:49,742 --> 01:07:51,909 trying to do is if it's specifically , 1682 01:07:51,909 --> 01:07:54,076 I think there's a national shortage in 1683 01:07:54,076 --> 01:07:56,242 behavioral health specialist . So what 1684 01:07:56,242 --> 01:07:58,242 we wanna do is make sure that we're 1685 01:07:58,242 --> 01:08:00,298 triaging and , you know , people who 1686 01:08:00,298 --> 01:08:02,520 need the behavioral health actually get 1687 01:08:02,520 --> 01:08:04,687 that . And if somebody has a financial 1688 01:08:04,687 --> 01:08:06,798 issue or relationship issue , they're 1689 01:08:06,798 --> 01:08:09,131 talking to somebody . I appreciate that . 1690 01:08:09,131 --> 01:08:10,853 I just want to mention that in 1691 01:08:10,853 --> 01:08:12,965 Massachusetts , we have the home base 1692 01:08:12,965 --> 01:08:14,742 program , which is making a big 1693 01:08:14,742 --> 01:08:16,965 difference to service members and their 1694 01:08:16,965 --> 01:08:19,076 families . They provide treatment for 1695 01:08:19,076 --> 01:08:21,020 post traumatic stress disorder and 1696 01:08:21,020 --> 01:08:22,687 depression as well as for the 1697 01:08:22,687 --> 01:08:25,870 complicated grief of loved ones who 1698 01:08:25,879 --> 01:08:28,560 have lost a service member or a veteran 1699 01:08:28,649 --> 01:08:31,199 uh to suicide . And it provides an 1700 01:08:31,208 --> 01:08:33,375 opportunity for service members to get 1701 01:08:33,375 --> 01:08:35,528 the help they need without worrying 1702 01:08:35,539 --> 01:08:37,929 about the stigma of seeking help 1703 01:08:37,938 --> 01:08:41,708 through dod instead . So I want us to 1704 01:08:41,719 --> 01:08:43,941 do everything we can in this area and I 1705 01:08:43,941 --> 01:08:46,163 look forward to having a chance to work 1706 01:08:46,163 --> 01:08:48,108 with you . Thank you . Thank you , 1707 01:08:48,108 --> 01:08:50,275 Senator . I look forward to getting up 1708 01:08:50,275 --> 01:08:52,949 to see home base . Thank you , Senator . 1709 01:08:52,958 --> 01:08:55,069 Warren Senator , please . Thank you , 1710 01:08:55,069 --> 01:08:57,236 Mr Chairman General . Thanks for being 1711 01:08:57,236 --> 01:08:59,458 here . You and your family . Thanks for 1712 01:08:59,458 --> 01:09:01,859 your service . Uh , as we talked about 1713 01:09:01,870 --> 01:09:03,703 yesterday , we wanna try to keep 1714 01:09:03,703 --> 01:09:05,648 politics out of , uh , out of your 1715 01:09:05,648 --> 01:09:07,703 business . You don't need that and I 1716 01:09:07,703 --> 01:09:09,703 apologize for what you've had to go 1717 01:09:09,703 --> 01:09:11,703 through this morning . Some of your 1718 01:09:11,703 --> 01:09:11,569 hearing time shouldn't , shouldn't , 1719 01:09:11,580 --> 01:09:13,580 you shouldn't , hadn't gone through 1720 01:09:13,580 --> 01:09:15,636 that , but because you can't control 1721 01:09:15,636 --> 01:09:17,691 that . Ok . So , but I thank you for 1722 01:09:17,691 --> 01:09:19,913 being here . Uh , but you're gonna find 1723 01:09:19,913 --> 01:09:22,024 out in your recruiting . We've talked 1724 01:09:22,024 --> 01:09:21,410 about recruiting today . Your three 1725 01:09:21,419 --> 01:09:23,030 biggest hurdles are gonna be 1726 01:09:23,030 --> 01:09:24,975 politicians , the media and social 1727 01:09:24,975 --> 01:09:26,919 media , that's gonna be your three 1728 01:09:26,919 --> 01:09:28,808 biggest problems . Um , I've gone 1729 01:09:28,808 --> 01:09:30,641 through that before , not in the 1730 01:09:30,641 --> 01:09:32,752 military , but also in coaching . And 1731 01:09:32,752 --> 01:09:34,970 so , uh , that's some things that 1732 01:09:34,979 --> 01:09:37,146 you're gonna have to fight through . I 1733 01:09:37,146 --> 01:09:39,423 just one little story about a year ago , 1734 01:09:39,423 --> 01:09:41,479 I tell you a sad story . Uh , one of 1735 01:09:41,479 --> 01:09:43,646 the big things that we get here , uh , 1736 01:09:43,750 --> 01:09:47,709 that you get , um , satisfaction 1737 01:09:47,720 --> 01:09:49,776 from is to be able to nominate young 1738 01:09:49,776 --> 01:09:52,109 men and women to the military academies , 1739 01:09:52,109 --> 01:09:53,942 which is awesome . I mean , it's 1740 01:09:53,942 --> 01:09:56,299 awesome accomplishment . Uh , uh They 1741 01:09:56,310 --> 01:09:58,532 worked for it all their life , they put 1742 01:09:58,532 --> 01:10:00,588 their heart and soul into it . And I 1743 01:10:00,588 --> 01:10:02,810 called a young man last year in Alabama 1744 01:10:02,810 --> 01:10:04,977 and it had been his lifelong goal . He 1745 01:10:04,977 --> 01:10:07,649 perfect in every score and in school . 1746 01:10:08,149 --> 01:10:10,371 And he said , coach , I'm gonna turn it 1747 01:10:10,371 --> 01:10:12,600 down . I've read too much in the media 1748 01:10:12,609 --> 01:10:14,665 about what's going on . I don't want 1749 01:10:14,665 --> 01:10:16,776 any part of it . That's the direction 1750 01:10:16,776 --> 01:10:18,942 that we're headed in this country . We 1751 01:10:18,942 --> 01:10:20,720 need kids like him to be in the 1752 01:10:20,720 --> 01:10:22,831 military , not force them out because 1753 01:10:22,831 --> 01:10:25,759 of too much dang politics . So , uh , 1754 01:10:25,770 --> 01:10:27,770 good luck to you . Uh , and I think 1755 01:10:27,770 --> 01:10:29,714 you're gonna do an awesome job . I 1756 01:10:29,714 --> 01:10:32,680 wanna ask you about , uh , the future 1757 01:10:32,689 --> 01:10:34,890 long range assault aircraft , the new 1758 01:10:35,080 --> 01:10:37,247 helicopter that we're getting ready to 1759 01:10:37,247 --> 01:10:39,469 start and you're gonna be the recipient 1760 01:10:39,469 --> 01:10:41,691 of that . Uh What's your thoughts about 1761 01:10:41,691 --> 01:10:43,747 it ? You know , the decision that we 1762 01:10:43,747 --> 01:10:45,691 made , you know , with the uh dual 1763 01:10:45,691 --> 01:10:49,100 rotor ? Are you're talking uh 1764 01:10:49,109 --> 01:10:52,919 flora ? Uh uh Well , I think that , uh 1765 01:10:52,930 --> 01:10:55,720 that helicopter , obviously the , the 1766 01:10:55,729 --> 01:10:57,951 ones that we've had and I've been , you 1767 01:10:57,951 --> 01:10:59,896 know , on for the last 20 years of 1768 01:10:59,896 --> 01:11:01,785 great , this one you're gonna get 1769 01:11:01,785 --> 01:11:04,299 double the speed and double the range , 1770 01:11:04,379 --> 01:11:06,500 um , and have the ability to upgrade 1771 01:11:06,509 --> 01:11:08,731 them from them . I think that that will 1772 01:11:08,731 --> 01:11:10,953 be a significant improvement . And as I 1773 01:11:10,953 --> 01:11:13,009 mentioned up front , um , we have to 1774 01:11:13,009 --> 01:11:15,319 constantly be looking to evolve and I 1775 01:11:15,330 --> 01:11:17,552 think that this will help us definitely 1776 01:11:17,552 --> 01:11:19,663 help us to do that . You think that's 1777 01:11:19,663 --> 01:11:21,719 going to help us in the Indo Pacific 1778 01:11:21,719 --> 01:11:23,886 and you know , the army being involved 1779 01:11:23,886 --> 01:11:26,052 if there has to be a future conflict , 1780 01:11:26,052 --> 01:11:28,160 I do . Yes , Senator because of the 1781 01:11:28,169 --> 01:11:30,799 size , the speed , I think the size and 1782 01:11:30,810 --> 01:11:33,032 the speed and getting and moving things 1783 01:11:33,032 --> 01:11:35,259 around . Thank you . You know , 1784 01:11:35,270 --> 01:11:37,479 tomorrow , you know , I'll be meeting 1785 01:11:37,490 --> 01:11:39,657 with General Hamilton , you know , the 1786 01:11:39,657 --> 01:11:41,601 commander of the Army and Material 1787 01:11:41,601 --> 01:11:43,712 Command . As you know , Aniston Depot 1788 01:11:43,712 --> 01:11:45,950 is the designated center of industrial 1789 01:11:45,959 --> 01:11:48,126 and technology excellence for vehicles 1790 01:11:48,126 --> 01:11:50,181 such as the M one Abram tank and the 1791 01:11:50,181 --> 01:11:52,529 striker . Uh The Depot has teammates 1792 01:11:52,540 --> 01:11:54,609 deployed around the world in direct 1793 01:11:54,620 --> 01:11:56,787 support of our nation's war fighters , 1794 01:11:56,787 --> 01:11:58,842 providing service and repairs in the 1795 01:11:58,842 --> 01:12:01,176 field , especially in this time of , of , 1796 01:12:01,176 --> 01:12:03,342 of the conflict we're having in Europe 1797 01:12:03,342 --> 01:12:05,720 uh general , what's being done to 1798 01:12:05,729 --> 01:12:07,640 ensure that the depots around the 1799 01:12:07,649 --> 01:12:10,729 country can meet the current forecast 1800 01:12:10,740 --> 01:12:12,859 and workload to replenish what we're 1801 01:12:12,870 --> 01:12:16,669 losing . Now . Um Senator first , 1802 01:12:16,680 --> 01:12:19,129 uh as I mentioned to you , I think uh 1803 01:12:19,140 --> 01:12:21,680 we're super proud of Aniston . A lot of 1804 01:12:21,930 --> 01:12:24,490 what ends up in in Ukraine has been 1805 01:12:24,500 --> 01:12:26,740 touched by the great workforce . It's 1806 01:12:26,790 --> 01:12:28,790 uh that's down there at Aniston and 1807 01:12:28,790 --> 01:12:31,470 also helping with all of the logistics 1808 01:12:31,620 --> 01:12:34,490 is also coming out of uh of redstone . 1809 01:12:34,799 --> 01:12:37,410 Um We are in the process of updating 1810 01:12:37,419 --> 01:12:39,197 the industrial base . It , it's 1811 01:12:39,197 --> 01:12:41,189 critically important to the army , 1812 01:12:41,200 --> 01:12:43,367 really , to the joint force and to our 1813 01:12:43,367 --> 01:12:45,709 nation . We have a long range plan to 1814 01:12:45,720 --> 01:12:47,887 do that and we've kind of broken it up 1815 01:12:47,887 --> 01:12:50,109 in increments to prioritize what we can 1816 01:12:50,109 --> 01:12:53,830 do . Um We had spent a good amount 1817 01:12:53,839 --> 01:12:57,040 $1.5 billion out of our budget . Thanks 1818 01:12:57,049 --> 01:13:00,479 to Congress . We got an additional 1.6 1819 01:13:00,490 --> 01:13:03,029 billion and I think , you know , we're 1820 01:13:03,040 --> 01:13:05,207 continuing to look at that and what we 1821 01:13:05,207 --> 01:13:07,096 need to do to pull it left . It's 1822 01:13:07,096 --> 01:13:09,339 oftentimes not as easy as just going 1823 01:13:09,350 --> 01:13:11,461 out and fixing everything all at once 1824 01:13:11,461 --> 01:13:13,628 because we also have to continue to do 1825 01:13:13,628 --> 01:13:15,683 what we're doing at Aniston . So you 1826 01:13:15,683 --> 01:13:17,906 have to figure out how you're upgrading 1827 01:13:17,906 --> 01:13:20,017 it while continuing the mission . I'm 1828 01:13:20,017 --> 01:13:22,128 amazed at how many people it takes to 1829 01:13:22,128 --> 01:13:24,183 run a tank , not the people inside , 1830 01:13:24,183 --> 01:13:26,350 but the people that follow along the , 1831 01:13:26,350 --> 01:13:26,350 the fuel , the the maintenance 1832 01:13:26,359 --> 01:13:30,265 mechanics . I mean , it is , it is just 1833 01:13:30,274 --> 01:13:32,424 just looking through that scenario . 1834 01:13:32,435 --> 01:13:35,145 But uh again , congratulations , thank 1835 01:13:35,154 --> 01:13:37,265 you , your family and look forward to 1836 01:13:37,265 --> 01:13:39,725 going to Red Stone and Fort Nose and uh 1837 01:13:39,734 --> 01:13:41,790 Aniston in near future . Thank you . 1838 01:13:41,790 --> 01:13:43,790 Thank you , Senator Senator Kelly , 1839 01:13:43,790 --> 01:13:46,012 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman and uh 1840 01:13:46,012 --> 01:13:48,178 good to see you again . General and uh 1841 01:13:48,178 --> 01:13:50,225 very nice meeting your family and 1842 01:13:50,234 --> 01:13:52,290 congratulations on your nomination . 1843 01:13:52,444 --> 01:13:54,000 And I really appreciate the 1844 01:13:54,000 --> 01:13:56,055 conversation we had . I think it was 1845 01:13:56,055 --> 01:13:58,222 about a month ago about the importance 1846 01:13:58,222 --> 01:14:00,720 of leveraging existing army assets to 1847 01:14:00,729 --> 01:14:03,060 strengthen our electronic warfare 1848 01:14:03,069 --> 01:14:05,879 capabilities . And uh hearing your 1849 01:14:05,890 --> 01:14:09,549 perspective on how critical our army's 1850 01:14:09,560 --> 01:14:12,089 training ranges are uh to that work and 1851 01:14:12,100 --> 01:14:14,870 that effort . Uh The Fort Wachuka 1852 01:14:15,180 --> 01:14:17,470 Electronic Proving ground offers great 1853 01:14:17,479 --> 01:14:19,312 potential for electronic warfare 1854 01:14:19,312 --> 01:14:22,020 testing , experimentation and training . 1855 01:14:22,410 --> 01:14:25,529 And Fort Wachuka as we discuss , has a 1856 01:14:25,540 --> 01:14:28,649 truly unique geography that allows us 1857 01:14:28,660 --> 01:14:32,250 to safely employ um electronic warfare 1858 01:14:32,259 --> 01:14:35,649 effects and to train very realistically . 1859 01:14:36,240 --> 01:14:39,470 And a dod team recently came out to the 1860 01:14:39,479 --> 01:14:42,069 fort and assessed their capability and 1861 01:14:42,080 --> 01:14:44,540 found that it does have the capacity 1862 01:14:44,879 --> 01:14:47,770 and the expertise and the will also to 1863 01:14:47,779 --> 01:14:50,129 do more . And in my view , we need to 1864 01:14:50,140 --> 01:14:52,649 seize this opportunity . That's why I 1865 01:14:52,660 --> 01:14:54,827 led a provision in this year's defense 1866 01:14:54,827 --> 01:14:56,882 bill requiring that the Secretary of 1867 01:14:56,882 --> 01:14:59,370 Defense carry out a demonstration of a 1868 01:14:59,379 --> 01:15:03,100 new Western Range Complex . This will 1869 01:15:03,109 --> 01:15:05,899 eventually serve as a joint multi 1870 01:15:05,910 --> 01:15:09,220 domain , non kinetic testing and 1871 01:15:09,229 --> 01:15:11,959 training environment across military 1872 01:15:11,970 --> 01:15:14,081 departments and and the Western Range 1873 01:15:14,089 --> 01:15:17,359 Complex would connect multiple non 1874 01:15:17,370 --> 01:15:19,426 kinetic ranges and training sites to 1875 01:15:19,426 --> 01:15:22,200 better replicate some real world threat 1876 01:15:22,209 --> 01:15:24,160 conditions . And I also worked on 1877 01:15:24,169 --> 01:15:26,225 provisions to require assessments on 1878 01:15:26,225 --> 01:15:28,750 where we may need to invest to ensure 1879 01:15:28,779 --> 01:15:31,649 that we keep pace with changing 1880 01:15:31,660 --> 01:15:34,089 technology and threats . So General 1881 01:15:34,100 --> 01:15:36,322 George , if confirmed , would you would 1882 01:15:36,322 --> 01:15:39,109 oversee the execution of army policies 1883 01:15:39,120 --> 01:15:41,500 and programs on electronic warfare ? So 1884 01:15:41,509 --> 01:15:43,731 could you explain a little bit why this 1885 01:15:43,731 --> 01:15:45,565 capability is so important as we 1886 01:15:45,565 --> 01:15:47,680 accelerate modernization to meet 1887 01:15:47,689 --> 01:15:50,390 threats posed by countries like Russia 1888 01:15:50,399 --> 01:15:54,009 and China ? Um Yes , Senator , we this 1889 01:15:54,020 --> 01:15:56,020 kind of gets to some of the earlier 1890 01:15:56,020 --> 01:15:58,076 questions we were talking about what 1891 01:15:58,076 --> 01:16:01,350 have we learned . Um and uh a lot in 1892 01:16:01,359 --> 01:16:05,209 electronic uh warfare and also in 1893 01:16:05,220 --> 01:16:07,220 signals intelligence . That's a big 1894 01:16:07,220 --> 01:16:09,442 part of what we can do out in Wachuka . 1895 01:16:09,442 --> 01:16:11,959 There's very few locations like what we 1896 01:16:11,970 --> 01:16:14,192 have the capability that we have out at 1897 01:16:14,192 --> 01:16:16,359 um Chua that , which is also our , the 1898 01:16:16,359 --> 01:16:19,470 Army's Intel Center . Um And we have to 1899 01:16:19,479 --> 01:16:21,590 immediately adapt the kind of lessons 1900 01:16:21,590 --> 01:16:23,757 that we're learning and we need places 1901 01:16:23,757 --> 01:16:25,757 where we can do that . And um we're 1902 01:16:25,757 --> 01:16:27,646 looking at place just like you're 1903 01:16:27,646 --> 01:16:29,757 talking about doing that at Wachuka , 1904 01:16:29,757 --> 01:16:31,979 um also have to integrate that into our 1905 01:16:31,979 --> 01:16:34,035 combat training centers . So I think 1906 01:16:34,035 --> 01:16:36,257 it's absolute , if we're gonna evolve , 1907 01:16:36,257 --> 01:16:36,250 we're gonna have to learn how to adapt 1908 01:16:36,259 --> 01:16:38,370 to those environments . And , and one 1909 01:16:38,370 --> 01:16:40,481 of the things that makes uh Fort Waka 1910 01:16:40,481 --> 01:16:42,770 unique is the geography . And when you 1911 01:16:42,779 --> 01:16:44,557 put an emitter out on the Barry 1912 01:16:44,557 --> 01:16:46,390 Goldwater Range on the ground to 1913 01:16:46,390 --> 01:16:49,160 emulate uh some Chinese threat . 1914 01:16:49,819 --> 01:16:52,580 Um compared to what you can do in Fort 1915 01:16:52,839 --> 01:16:55,006 Wachuka , you're talking about upwards 1916 01:16:55,006 --> 01:16:57,006 of 10 times the power and what that 1917 01:16:57,006 --> 01:16:59,006 enables is uh you know , say it's a 1918 01:16:59,006 --> 01:17:01,149 surface to air missile threat , you 1919 01:17:01,160 --> 01:17:03,950 know , a fighter uh to be able to uh 1920 01:17:03,959 --> 01:17:06,370 identify that threat from a much 1921 01:17:06,379 --> 01:17:10,149 greater distance . Um So could you 1922 01:17:10,259 --> 01:17:12,569 talk a little bit about the context of , 1923 01:17:12,580 --> 01:17:15,819 of what this means for a future uh 1924 01:17:15,830 --> 01:17:18,229 conflict in the Pacific if , if we were 1925 01:17:18,240 --> 01:17:21,490 to get into one ? Well , I , I think 1926 01:17:21,500 --> 01:17:23,930 that uh that's what you're talking 1927 01:17:23,939 --> 01:17:25,939 about being able to do is realistic 1928 01:17:25,939 --> 01:17:28,106 training um that we have to be able to 1929 01:17:28,106 --> 01:17:30,328 do . That's the , those are the kind of 1930 01:17:30,328 --> 01:17:32,439 threats that we're gonna face and you 1931 01:17:32,439 --> 01:17:34,495 have to train , um you have to train 1932 01:17:34,495 --> 01:17:36,606 for that . We're doing the same thing 1933 01:17:36,606 --> 01:17:38,828 and trying to incorporate that as where 1934 01:17:38,828 --> 01:17:41,140 we can with our exercises , some of our 1935 01:17:41,149 --> 01:17:43,316 exercises have actually linked back to 1936 01:17:43,316 --> 01:17:45,260 capabilities that we've had at the 1937 01:17:45,260 --> 01:17:47,427 electronic proving ground . So I think 1938 01:17:47,427 --> 01:17:49,720 we have to , obviously the Pacific is 1939 01:17:49,729 --> 01:17:53,080 the expanse and doing geography and 1940 01:17:53,089 --> 01:17:55,145 linking all of these capabilities to 1941 01:17:55,145 --> 01:17:56,867 include command and control is 1942 01:17:56,867 --> 01:17:58,978 something that we'll , we'll continue 1943 01:17:58,978 --> 01:18:01,089 to do , but it's obviously critically 1944 01:18:01,089 --> 01:18:03,311 important to the army . And I think the 1945 01:18:03,311 --> 01:18:05,145 joint force . Well , thank you , 1946 01:18:05,145 --> 01:18:07,422 General . Um in my remaining time here , 1947 01:18:07,422 --> 01:18:09,645 I just want to talk about a visit I had 1948 01:18:09,645 --> 01:18:11,756 at the Army Futures Command and I was 1949 01:18:11,756 --> 01:18:13,978 briefed on their efforts to ensure that 1950 01:18:13,978 --> 01:18:16,200 the US army remains at the forefront of 1951 01:18:16,200 --> 01:18:18,033 technological innovation and war 1952 01:18:18,033 --> 01:18:20,256 fighting capability . And they had some 1953 01:18:20,256 --> 01:18:22,478 concerns um that they didn't have a lot 1954 01:18:22,478 --> 01:18:24,311 of like nimble funding tools and 1955 01:18:24,311 --> 01:18:27,339 sources . Um And they were often at 1956 01:18:27,350 --> 01:18:29,850 risk of missing some opportunities to 1957 01:18:29,859 --> 01:18:33,770 leverage uh innovation from industry 1958 01:18:33,779 --> 01:18:35,835 because they didn't have the funding 1959 01:18:35,835 --> 01:18:39,569 tools available to get uh resources to 1960 01:18:39,689 --> 01:18:43,629 companies um without it taking in 1961 01:18:43,640 --> 01:18:47,419 some cases a couple of years . So um I 1962 01:18:47,430 --> 01:18:49,652 know I'm running out of time here , but 1963 01:18:49,652 --> 01:18:51,819 general I'm interested in , in getting 1964 01:18:51,819 --> 01:18:53,486 some help and a commitment to 1965 01:18:53,486 --> 01:18:55,597 facilitate some collaboration between 1966 01:18:55,597 --> 01:18:57,819 the Army futures Command and the Office 1967 01:18:57,819 --> 01:19:01,020 of Strategic Capital . Um And to see if 1968 01:19:01,029 --> 01:19:03,251 you would be willing to work with me on 1969 01:19:03,251 --> 01:19:05,251 this effort to bridge what we often 1970 01:19:05,251 --> 01:19:07,196 refer to as the valley of death in 1971 01:19:07,196 --> 01:19:09,709 government contracting . Um Absolutely , 1972 01:19:09,720 --> 01:19:11,720 Senator , whatever we can do to , I 1973 01:19:11,720 --> 01:19:14,930 think , do things evolve quickly . Um 1974 01:19:14,939 --> 01:19:17,161 We're absolutely interested in that and 1975 01:19:17,161 --> 01:19:19,272 I'm happy to come see you and talk to 1976 01:19:19,272 --> 01:19:21,161 you about that more . Thank you , 1977 01:19:21,161 --> 01:19:23,161 General . Thank you , Senator Kelly 1978 01:19:23,161 --> 01:19:24,995 Senator . But please thank you , 1979 01:19:24,995 --> 01:19:27,161 Chairman . Thank you General for being 1980 01:19:27,161 --> 01:19:29,328 here and congrats on your nomination . 1981 01:19:29,328 --> 01:19:31,439 Um I want to focus , focus on special 1982 01:19:31,439 --> 01:19:33,161 operations force structure and 1983 01:19:33,161 --> 01:19:35,050 potential cuts that have now been 1984 01:19:35,050 --> 01:19:36,939 widely reported . Uh including an 1985 01:19:36,939 --> 01:19:39,161 exclusive by Secretary of the Army with 1986 01:19:39,161 --> 01:19:41,161 the Army . Times Special Operations 1987 01:19:41,161 --> 01:19:42,883 Forces play a critical role in 1988 01:19:42,883 --> 01:19:44,217 strategic competition , 1989 01:19:44,217 --> 01:19:46,383 counterterrorism and crisis response . 1990 01:19:46,479 --> 01:19:49,540 So in general uh drew a false question 1991 01:19:49,549 --> 01:19:51,830 here . So given these requirements , uh 1992 01:19:51,839 --> 01:19:53,895 would you say the demand for special 1993 01:19:53,895 --> 01:19:55,950 operations forces from the combatant 1994 01:19:55,950 --> 01:19:59,100 commands is growing and sure false , 1995 01:19:59,109 --> 01:20:01,279 please , you know , I , I don't know 1996 01:20:01,290 --> 01:20:03,401 the answer to that specifically , but 1997 01:20:03,401 --> 01:20:05,401 if you were to ask me , uh how much 1998 01:20:05,401 --> 01:20:07,609 it's since what we were doing 10 years 1999 01:20:07,620 --> 01:20:11,160 ago , um I think again what we're 2000 01:20:11,169 --> 01:20:13,002 trying to do to look at this and 2001 01:20:13,002 --> 01:20:15,280 there's been no decisions made on this , 2002 01:20:15,280 --> 01:20:17,447 on anything with the force structure . 2003 01:20:17,589 --> 01:20:20,069 Um But we are doing things differently 2004 01:20:20,080 --> 01:20:22,302 and it , it , this really comes down to 2005 01:20:22,302 --> 01:20:24,469 if we're operating in the same theater 2006 01:20:24,469 --> 01:20:26,580 together and doing the same thing and 2007 01:20:26,580 --> 01:20:28,691 that's what we model . There are ways 2008 01:20:28,691 --> 01:20:31,359 that we can do things I think one more 2009 01:20:31,370 --> 01:20:33,569 efficiently and two that would be 2010 01:20:33,580 --> 01:20:36,120 better for the joint force . So we have 2011 01:20:36,129 --> 01:20:38,073 a lot of capabilities that are out 2012 01:20:38,073 --> 01:20:41,220 there already campaigning . And I think 2013 01:20:41,229 --> 01:20:43,562 that we can do a lot of things together . 2014 01:20:43,569 --> 01:20:45,347 Senator General . Thank you . I 2015 01:20:45,347 --> 01:20:47,402 appreciate your responses earlier to 2016 01:20:47,402 --> 01:20:49,291 Senator Ernst and , um , her kind 2017 01:20:49,291 --> 01:20:51,347 introduction of you . Um , the trend 2018 01:20:51,347 --> 01:20:53,520 that I'm seeing and this is anecdotal 2019 01:20:53,529 --> 01:20:55,529 and we probably would have the data 2020 01:20:55,529 --> 01:20:57,640 that we're seeing an increased demand 2021 01:20:57,640 --> 01:20:59,640 on this . But the joint concept for 2022 01:20:59,640 --> 01:21:01,751 competing states that the joint force 2023 01:21:01,751 --> 01:21:03,473 will conduct irregular warfare 2024 01:21:03,473 --> 01:21:05,585 operations and activities proactively 2025 01:21:05,585 --> 01:21:07,500 to subvert , create dilemmas for 2026 01:21:07,509 --> 01:21:09,450 adversaries and impose costs on 2027 01:21:09,459 --> 01:21:11,237 adversary , adversary strategic 2028 01:21:11,237 --> 01:21:13,459 interest . So when I think of irregular 2029 01:21:13,459 --> 01:21:15,515 warfare , I think specifically about 2030 01:21:15,515 --> 01:21:17,810 army soft green Berets , psychological 2031 01:21:17,819 --> 01:21:20,850 operations , civil affairs . Uh So 2032 01:21:20,859 --> 01:21:23,089 another true or false , decreasing the 2033 01:21:23,100 --> 01:21:24,839 overall , and this is again , 2034 01:21:24,850 --> 01:21:26,961 decreasing , overall capacity of army 2035 01:21:26,961 --> 01:21:29,180 special operations will decrease joint 2036 01:21:29,189 --> 01:21:31,356 force ability to conduct the irregular 2037 01:21:31,356 --> 01:21:34,129 warfare called for by the joint concept 2038 01:21:34,140 --> 01:21:36,251 for competing . Would that be true or 2039 01:21:36,251 --> 01:21:40,040 false ? I , I'm sorry , I've not given 2040 01:21:40,049 --> 01:21:42,490 you a true or false senator , but I do 2041 01:21:42,500 --> 01:21:44,770 think that , uh first of all , for so 2042 01:21:45,399 --> 01:21:47,288 it takes a long time to grow that 2043 01:21:47,288 --> 01:21:49,399 capability . We have not , you know , 2044 01:21:49,399 --> 01:21:51,455 any talked to anybody at socom about 2045 01:21:51,455 --> 01:21:53,790 specifically , you know , for soft , 2046 01:21:53,799 --> 01:21:55,743 that specific capability because I 2047 01:21:55,743 --> 01:21:57,410 agree with you , we need that 2048 01:21:57,410 --> 01:22:00,750 capability and , and out there , I 2049 01:22:00,759 --> 01:22:02,870 think what we're talking about is how 2050 01:22:02,870 --> 01:22:04,926 we support that capability that they 2051 01:22:04,926 --> 01:22:06,926 have . Thank you , General . And in 2052 01:22:06,926 --> 01:22:06,660 keeping with that , it would seem that 2053 01:22:06,669 --> 01:22:09,350 if we did decrease so in the joint 2054 01:22:09,359 --> 01:22:11,970 force that would decrease our ability 2055 01:22:11,979 --> 01:22:14,500 to compete . Uh So what is the 2056 01:22:14,509 --> 01:22:17,100 operational uh and personnel tempo look 2057 01:22:17,109 --> 01:22:19,359 like for army special operations ? 2058 01:22:20,950 --> 01:22:24,560 Um I would tell you that uh the tempo 2059 01:22:24,569 --> 01:22:26,830 is , is high really across the army for 2060 01:22:26,839 --> 01:22:28,895 what we're doing . So that's kind of 2061 01:22:28,895 --> 01:22:31,359 how , what we measured as far as um 2062 01:22:31,370 --> 01:22:33,990 we're looking at brigade combat teams , 2063 01:22:34,000 --> 01:22:36,056 the same enablers that we're talking 2064 01:22:36,056 --> 01:22:37,944 about are over there . For um for 2065 01:22:37,944 --> 01:22:40,359 example , in , in Europe , right now , 2066 01:22:40,540 --> 01:22:42,580 it's all the army enablers that are 2067 01:22:42,589 --> 01:22:44,756 already over there that are supporting 2068 01:22:44,756 --> 01:22:46,756 the soft . So they wouldn't have to 2069 01:22:46,756 --> 01:22:48,978 send additional folks over there . So , 2070 01:22:48,978 --> 01:22:50,867 um that's what we try to do to do 2071 01:22:50,867 --> 01:22:52,922 economies of scale , that's what you 2072 01:22:52,922 --> 01:22:55,229 would expect us to do . Um because we 2073 01:22:55,240 --> 01:22:57,296 also need an army that can fight and 2074 01:22:57,296 --> 01:23:00,169 win . Um And so I think that's all part 2075 01:23:00,180 --> 01:23:02,529 of it , general continue on that . And 2076 01:23:02,540 --> 01:23:04,762 I think I heard in that answer that you 2077 01:23:04,762 --> 01:23:06,984 said it's high right now . So if demand 2078 01:23:06,984 --> 01:23:09,379 is increasing in capacity would 2079 01:23:09,390 --> 01:23:11,689 decrease under the army's reported 2080 01:23:11,700 --> 01:23:13,922 plans , wouldn't that negatively impact 2081 01:23:13,922 --> 01:23:16,089 both operational and personnel tempo ? 2082 01:23:18,870 --> 01:23:21,180 Um Again , what we're , we would like 2083 01:23:21,189 --> 01:23:25,189 to decrease tempo , tempo for , 2084 01:23:25,200 --> 01:23:27,620 for everybody . Um That's out there , 2085 01:23:27,629 --> 01:23:29,740 right ? But I understand if it's , if 2086 01:23:29,740 --> 01:23:31,962 it actually is increasing , uh wouldn't 2087 01:23:31,962 --> 01:23:33,899 decreasing , uh under the army's 2088 01:23:33,910 --> 01:23:35,632 reported plans , wouldn't that 2089 01:23:35,632 --> 01:23:37,410 negatively impact operation and 2090 01:23:37,410 --> 01:23:39,466 personnel tempo ? Um , I mean , they 2091 01:23:39,466 --> 01:23:41,354 seem like to be going in opposite 2092 01:23:41,354 --> 01:23:43,243 directions if you're talking very 2093 01:23:43,243 --> 01:23:45,354 basically like that , I would love to 2094 01:23:45,354 --> 01:23:47,132 come over and have AAA detailed 2095 01:23:47,132 --> 01:23:49,720 conversation with you on this , um , 2096 01:23:49,729 --> 01:23:52,120 senator . Really for everybody about 2097 01:23:52,129 --> 01:23:54,310 this . Thank you , General . So , um , 2098 01:23:54,500 --> 01:23:56,722 I hope that we can make some reasonable 2099 01:23:56,722 --> 01:23:58,944 decisions here . Look forward to that , 2100 01:23:58,944 --> 01:24:01,167 uh that conversation uh that are in the 2101 01:24:01,167 --> 01:24:00,879 best interests of the army and the 2102 01:24:00,890 --> 01:24:03,001 joint force as a whole . So I'm gonna 2103 01:24:03,001 --> 01:24:05,057 be following this closely . Uh And I 2104 01:24:05,057 --> 01:24:07,001 would love detailed updates as the 2105 01:24:07,001 --> 01:24:09,168 department's planning progresses . But 2106 01:24:09,168 --> 01:24:11,410 in my final uh , time here , I wanna 2107 01:24:11,419 --> 01:24:13,363 ask on a different topic . When we 2108 01:24:13,363 --> 01:24:15,530 spoke in my office , you mentioned the 2109 01:24:15,530 --> 01:24:17,530 army needs to improve its marketing 2110 01:24:17,530 --> 01:24:19,475 strategy to address the recruiting 2111 01:24:19,475 --> 01:24:21,641 crisis . You've mentioned recruiting a 2112 01:24:21,641 --> 01:24:23,697 bit before , but what strategies and 2113 01:24:23,697 --> 01:24:25,697 tools a little different question , 2114 01:24:25,697 --> 01:24:27,919 what strategy and , and tools would you 2115 01:24:27,919 --> 01:24:30,141 suggest to improve army recruiting ? Uh 2116 01:24:30,141 --> 01:24:32,197 I'll give you one quick example . Um 2117 01:24:32,220 --> 01:24:34,331 Senator , I heard this when I was out 2118 01:24:34,331 --> 01:24:36,553 with the recruiting company commander . 2119 01:24:36,553 --> 01:24:38,720 Um I don't remember if it was Oklahoma 2120 01:24:38,720 --> 01:24:40,776 or Texas was one of the others . And 2121 01:24:40,776 --> 01:24:42,664 they said , hey , if you , you're 2122 01:24:42,664 --> 01:24:44,609 nationally , your national message 2123 01:24:44,609 --> 01:24:46,831 might be , um , you know , by a certain 2124 01:24:46,831 --> 01:24:48,887 kind of vehicle and , you know , out 2125 01:24:48,887 --> 01:24:51,350 here we buy Ford 1 50 that's what it is . 2126 01:24:51,359 --> 01:24:53,415 And So , you know , how do we tailor 2127 01:24:53,415 --> 01:24:56,299 local messages to local ? That's one 2128 01:24:56,310 --> 01:24:58,532 thing that I think that we have to look 2129 01:24:58,532 --> 01:25:00,588 at because we're different and we're 2130 01:25:00,588 --> 01:25:02,754 trying to appeal to a very broad , you 2131 01:25:02,754 --> 01:25:04,699 know , we want to come from across 2132 01:25:04,699 --> 01:25:06,810 society . And so I think that we have 2133 01:25:06,810 --> 01:25:08,977 to look at it in detail from the local 2134 01:25:08,977 --> 01:25:11,032 markets all the way up to the larger 2135 01:25:11,032 --> 01:25:13,254 markets and that's what we need to do . 2136 01:25:13,254 --> 01:25:15,310 Thank you , General Chairman . Thank 2137 01:25:15,310 --> 01:25:17,532 you , Senator Bud . Uh Senator Hirono , 2138 01:25:17,532 --> 01:25:21,529 please . Thank you , Mr Chairman 2139 01:25:23,649 --> 01:25:25,705 General George . Welcome . Thank you 2140 01:25:25,705 --> 01:25:28,009 very much for your service and your 2141 01:25:28,020 --> 01:25:30,242 commitment to continuing to serve . And 2142 01:25:30,242 --> 01:25:32,649 of course , uh a lot to your family 2143 01:25:32,660 --> 01:25:35,140 because we all know that when you serve , 2144 01:25:35,149 --> 01:25:38,399 your family also serves , we've had 2145 01:25:38,410 --> 01:25:41,060 over the last two days , the hearings 2146 01:25:41,069 --> 01:25:43,580 on two really important no nominations . 2147 01:25:43,589 --> 01:25:47,060 Yesterday was uh General Brown to be 2148 01:25:47,069 --> 01:25:49,299 the chair of the Joint Chiefs . And 2149 01:25:49,310 --> 01:25:51,477 today you to be the chief of staff for 2150 01:25:51,477 --> 01:25:53,890 the Army has been made abundantly clear 2151 01:25:53,899 --> 01:25:56,330 how damaging the holds . Uh that 2152 01:25:56,339 --> 01:25:58,520 Senator Tupper Bill has placed on uh 2153 01:25:58,529 --> 01:26:01,770 military promotions uh is and uh 2154 01:26:01,779 --> 01:26:03,580 yesterday , I note that Senator 2155 01:26:03,660 --> 01:26:06,279 Tuberville in his questioning of , of 2156 01:26:06,290 --> 01:26:08,401 uh General Brown for his position and 2157 01:26:08,401 --> 01:26:10,623 said , if there's anything he can do to 2158 01:26:10,623 --> 01:26:13,640 help General Brown , and I would say , 2159 01:26:13,649 --> 01:26:15,538 and I would join my colleagues in 2160 01:26:15,538 --> 01:26:17,593 saying Senator Tuberville , you have 2161 01:26:17,593 --> 01:26:19,705 made your point . And uh I ask you to 2162 01:26:19,705 --> 01:26:21,871 lift your whole because as I said , it 2163 01:26:21,871 --> 01:26:23,982 has been made abundantly clear by all 2164 01:26:23,982 --> 01:26:26,038 of you testifying that , uh , that , 2165 01:26:26,038 --> 01:26:28,140 that these holes are creating , uh , 2166 01:26:28,149 --> 01:26:31,919 much damage to our readiness , 2167 01:26:31,930 --> 01:26:34,779 our ability of our military to proceed . 2168 01:26:35,310 --> 01:26:38,520 So there's that for Senator Tuberville , 2169 01:26:41,000 --> 01:26:42,722 General George , as part of my 2170 01:26:42,722 --> 01:26:44,833 responsibilities , I wanna ensure the 2171 01:26:44,833 --> 01:26:46,833 fitness of all nominees who've come 2172 01:26:46,833 --> 01:26:49,056 before any of the committees on which I 2173 01:26:49,056 --> 01:26:51,899 serve of for a fitness to serve . And I 2174 01:26:51,910 --> 01:26:53,688 asked the following two initial 2175 01:26:53,688 --> 01:26:55,632 questions since you became a legal 2176 01:26:55,632 --> 01:26:57,632 adult . Have you ever made unwanted 2177 01:26:57,632 --> 01:27:00,640 requests for sexual favors or committed 2178 01:27:00,649 --> 01:27:02,930 any verbal or physical harassment or 2179 01:27:02,939 --> 01:27:05,990 assault of a sexual nature ? No . 2180 01:27:06,000 --> 01:27:07,850 Senator . Have you ever faced 2181 01:27:07,859 --> 01:27:10,081 discipline or entered into a settlement 2182 01:27:10,081 --> 01:27:12,248 related to this kind of conduct ? No , 2183 01:27:12,248 --> 01:27:14,526 I haven't . Senator General George , I , 2184 01:27:14,526 --> 01:27:16,692 I've been sitting here for a while and 2185 01:27:16,692 --> 01:27:18,748 I , I very much appreciate your very 2186 01:27:18,748 --> 01:27:20,910 thoughtful responses to the questions 2187 01:27:20,919 --> 01:27:22,586 that have been put to you and 2188 01:27:22,586 --> 01:27:25,209 especially relating to uh the very 2189 01:27:25,220 --> 01:27:27,819 sensitive issues such as suicide . And 2190 01:27:27,830 --> 01:27:29,941 I would say the continuing scourge of 2191 01:27:29,941 --> 01:27:31,997 sexual assault and harassment in the 2192 01:27:31,997 --> 01:27:34,219 military . I appreciate your thoughtful 2193 01:27:34,219 --> 01:27:37,779 responses . As a chair of the 2194 01:27:37,790 --> 01:27:39,846 Readiness subcommittee , I have made 2195 01:27:39,846 --> 01:27:41,457 very clear the importance of 2196 01:27:41,457 --> 01:27:44,120 infrastructure as a top priority . And 2197 01:27:44,129 --> 01:27:46,229 the army , like every service has a 2198 01:27:46,240 --> 01:27:48,020 deep backlog of maintenance and 2199 01:27:48,029 --> 01:27:50,709 modernization for its facilities and 2200 01:27:50,720 --> 01:27:52,887 the basic infrastructure . And in , in 2201 01:27:52,887 --> 01:27:55,709 fact , in Hawaii , there is a backlog 2202 01:27:56,334 --> 01:27:59,754 of almost $5 billion in 2203 01:27:59,765 --> 01:28:01,376 facilities , maintenance and 2204 01:28:01,376 --> 01:28:03,604 modernization and that , that is the 2205 01:28:03,615 --> 01:28:05,504 deficit . And we discussed this 2206 01:28:05,734 --> 01:28:08,395 yesterday , uh where , where does 2207 01:28:08,404 --> 01:28:11,685 infrastructure replacement , repair and 2208 01:28:11,694 --> 01:28:13,638 maintenance stand in your order of 2209 01:28:13,638 --> 01:28:17,520 priorities for , uh , the army ? 2210 01:28:19,350 --> 01:28:21,461 Um I , well , I'll tell you , Senator 2211 01:28:21,461 --> 01:28:23,669 that it's , it's integral , our job is 2212 01:28:23,680 --> 01:28:25,850 to be prepared for , to fight and win 2213 01:28:25,859 --> 01:28:28,026 our nation's wars and having the right 2214 01:28:28,026 --> 01:28:30,192 infrastructure depending on what it is 2215 01:28:30,192 --> 01:28:32,450 is a critical aspect of that . Um You 2216 01:28:32,459 --> 01:28:35,049 know , in , in Hawaii , how critical of 2217 01:28:35,060 --> 01:28:37,171 Schofield and everything that we have 2218 01:28:37,171 --> 01:28:39,609 out there , the training area PP A is 2219 01:28:39,620 --> 01:28:42,859 to us um out there . So we have to pay 2220 01:28:42,870 --> 01:28:44,592 attention to that , it gets to 2221 01:28:44,592 --> 01:28:46,703 recruiting as well if you're not , if 2222 01:28:46,703 --> 01:28:49,037 you don't have the right infrastructure , 2223 01:28:49,060 --> 01:28:51,229 um you know , that has an impact on 2224 01:28:51,240 --> 01:28:54,109 your workforce . And so I would say 2225 01:28:54,120 --> 01:28:56,490 it's , it's uh of critical importance 2226 01:28:56,500 --> 01:28:59,049 to us . There is such a huge uh 2227 01:28:59,060 --> 01:29:01,171 infrastructure deficit throughout the 2228 01:29:01,171 --> 01:29:03,282 dod . But , you know , the , the army 2229 01:29:03,282 --> 01:29:05,393 has a huge presence in Hawaii as well 2230 01:29:05,393 --> 01:29:07,616 as in other places . And uh what , what 2231 01:29:07,616 --> 01:29:09,616 I'd like to see going forward under 2232 01:29:09,616 --> 01:29:11,504 your leadership is a more obvious 2233 01:29:11,504 --> 01:29:13,470 commitment to infrastructure 2234 01:29:13,479 --> 01:29:15,250 replacement , maintenance , uh 2235 01:29:15,259 --> 01:29:18,790 modernization . Um I , I don't really 2236 01:29:18,799 --> 01:29:21,549 see that as a , as a commitment . We 2237 01:29:21,560 --> 01:29:23,893 wait until things fall apart . You know , 2238 01:29:23,893 --> 01:29:26,004 where , where electricity goes out at 2239 01:29:26,004 --> 01:29:28,939 Tripler , the major hospital in Hawaii . 2240 01:29:28,950 --> 01:29:31,172 And , and you can't have that and , and 2241 01:29:31,172 --> 01:29:34,500 not to mention the huge um concerns 2242 01:29:34,509 --> 01:29:38,310 regarding Red Hill . So uh you did 2243 01:29:38,319 --> 01:29:40,799 mention the importance of renegotiating 2244 01:29:40,810 --> 01:29:43,330 our leases for training um especially , 2245 01:29:43,970 --> 01:29:47,080 and part of the those rene negotiations 2246 01:29:47,089 --> 01:29:50,649 is very much talking with the community . 2247 01:29:50,660 --> 01:29:52,771 So I I'd like to have your commitment 2248 01:29:52,771 --> 01:29:54,964 that you will make sure that that that 2249 01:29:54,975 --> 01:29:57,086 kind of outreach is occurring . The , 2250 01:29:57,086 --> 01:29:59,142 the last thing we need to happen for 2251 01:29:59,142 --> 01:30:01,364 these really critical training areas is 2252 01:30:01,364 --> 01:30:03,524 some concerns raised that we have not 2253 01:30:03,535 --> 01:30:07,185 addressed due to some lack of outreach 2254 01:30:07,194 --> 01:30:10,205 and uh continuing uh discussions with 2255 01:30:10,214 --> 01:30:11,936 especially the native Hawaiian 2256 01:30:11,936 --> 01:30:14,689 community . I , I agree with you 100% 2257 01:30:14,700 --> 01:30:16,890 Senator and we , we will , we will 2258 01:30:16,899 --> 01:30:18,955 partner with the local community . I 2259 01:30:18,955 --> 01:30:21,177 know they're doing that right now . And 2260 01:30:21,177 --> 01:30:23,343 as , as , as we're doing these Lisas , 2261 01:30:23,343 --> 01:30:25,121 I think of that there may be an 2262 01:30:25,121 --> 01:30:27,232 opportunity for uh the army to really 2263 01:30:27,232 --> 01:30:30,759 look at its knees and um uh return some 2264 01:30:30,770 --> 01:30:33,589 of the land to the state . So that kind 2265 01:30:33,600 --> 01:30:35,767 of process I think is very important . 2266 01:30:35,767 --> 01:30:37,930 I hope you will conduct that and uh 2267 01:30:37,939 --> 01:30:40,839 with a view of returning land that you 2268 01:30:40,850 --> 01:30:42,629 don't need to the state . 2269 01:30:45,450 --> 01:30:48,250 Ok . Senator . Yes . Thank you . Thank 2270 01:30:48,259 --> 01:30:50,589 you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , Senator 2271 01:30:50,669 --> 01:30:52,780 Senator Mullin , please . Thank you , 2272 01:30:52,780 --> 01:30:56,089 Chairman . And I I um II , I honestly 2273 01:30:56,100 --> 01:30:58,322 had no intention of addressing . That's 2274 01:30:58,322 --> 01:31:00,544 what I have to because it seems like my 2275 01:31:00,544 --> 01:31:02,767 colleagues from the other side continue 2276 01:31:02,767 --> 01:31:04,878 to bring up the , the Tuberville hold 2277 01:31:04,878 --> 01:31:06,878 and they're leaving a factor out of 2278 01:31:06,878 --> 01:31:06,479 this , that Chuck Schumer can bring 2279 01:31:06,490 --> 01:31:08,823 this up for a vote any time he wants to , 2280 01:31:08,823 --> 01:31:10,768 Secretary Austin can come here and 2281 01:31:10,768 --> 01:31:12,934 address his concerns any time he wants 2282 01:31:12,934 --> 01:31:15,157 to , um , uh Senator Tuberville has the 2283 01:31:15,157 --> 01:31:17,323 right to , to put a hold on it because 2284 01:31:17,323 --> 01:31:19,434 he believes something is illegal . He 2285 01:31:19,434 --> 01:31:21,490 believes that uh Secretary Austin is 2286 01:31:21,490 --> 01:31:23,712 going outside of code . 10 93 10 93 was 2287 01:31:23,712 --> 01:31:25,823 a code was a law that was passed that 2288 01:31:25,823 --> 01:31:27,990 President Biden for my colleagues that 2289 01:31:27,990 --> 01:31:29,823 may not know the history of this 2290 01:31:29,823 --> 01:31:31,879 President Biden voted for . That was 2291 01:31:31,879 --> 01:31:34,080 very clear that allowed exceptions , 2292 01:31:34,089 --> 01:31:35,978 only in three cases for the armed 2293 01:31:35,978 --> 01:31:37,959 services to pay and assist in any 2294 01:31:37,970 --> 01:31:41,169 circumstances for an abortion . That's 2295 01:31:41,180 --> 01:31:43,609 the law . And if we don't like the law , 2296 01:31:43,620 --> 01:31:45,620 then we have the right as a body to 2297 01:31:45,620 --> 01:31:47,509 change it . But yet we're , we're 2298 01:31:47,509 --> 01:31:49,676 ignoring that issue . And if Secretary 2299 01:31:49,676 --> 01:31:51,787 Austin believes that it is within his 2300 01:31:51,787 --> 01:31:53,898 authority to do so , then he can come 2301 01:31:53,898 --> 01:31:56,064 in here with his team of attorneys and 2302 01:31:56,064 --> 01:31:58,231 Chairman Reed , you can have a hearing 2303 01:31:58,231 --> 01:32:00,342 on it and he can explain it to all of 2304 01:32:00,342 --> 01:32:02,509 us . Or Chuck Schumer can simply bring 2305 01:32:02,509 --> 01:32:04,620 it to the floor for a vote and we can 2306 01:32:04,620 --> 01:32:06,842 all vote on it and say we don't believe 2307 01:32:06,842 --> 01:32:09,009 in law anymore and we want to dissolve 2308 01:32:09,009 --> 01:32:11,200 it . But my colleague has the right to 2309 01:32:11,209 --> 01:32:13,376 put a hold on it so we can continue to 2310 01:32:13,376 --> 01:32:15,431 grab about it all we want . But it's 2311 01:32:15,431 --> 01:32:17,376 within his right to do it and it's 2312 01:32:17,376 --> 01:32:19,431 within our , our body to address his 2313 01:32:19,431 --> 01:32:21,487 concerns if we choose to , but we're 2314 01:32:21,487 --> 01:32:21,399 all ignoring that issue . So I think my 2315 01:32:21,410 --> 01:32:23,521 colleagues should probably refocus on 2316 01:32:23,521 --> 01:32:25,743 themselves and call on Chuck Schumer or 2317 01:32:25,743 --> 01:32:28,021 this committee to have a hearing on it . 2318 01:32:28,021 --> 01:32:30,021 With that being said , I'll quit my 2319 01:32:30,021 --> 01:32:32,759 rant . Um , General George . Pleasure 2320 01:32:32,770 --> 01:32:34,992 seeing you again . I , I truly think we 2321 01:32:34,992 --> 01:32:37,214 have developed a friendship . Uh , I uh 2322 01:32:37,214 --> 01:32:40,790 II , I appreciate you and Miss George 2323 01:32:40,799 --> 01:32:44,729 your sacrifice . Holy smokes um between 2324 01:32:44,740 --> 01:32:48,129 you and your service and uh and um 2325 01:32:48,729 --> 01:32:50,840 uh your husband's service and the way 2326 01:32:50,840 --> 01:32:53,839 you guys have held a family together is 2327 01:32:53,850 --> 01:32:56,990 remarkable . Uh II , I just commend you 2328 01:32:57,000 --> 01:32:59,167 guys . My heart goes out for you , the 2329 01:32:59,167 --> 01:33:01,389 sacrifice and the service that you have 2330 01:33:01,389 --> 01:33:03,611 made and your Children have made . Um I 2331 01:33:03,611 --> 01:33:06,060 just thank you . Thank you for , for 2332 01:33:06,069 --> 01:33:08,291 giving us this opportunity . II , I get 2333 01:33:08,291 --> 01:33:10,513 thanked all the time for my service and 2334 01:33:10,513 --> 01:33:12,625 I stop and I say no , there isn't one 2335 01:33:12,625 --> 01:33:14,736 of us could do this if you all didn't 2336 01:33:14,736 --> 01:33:16,930 do your job and do it well , so God 2337 01:33:16,939 --> 01:33:19,050 bless you and God bless your family . 2338 01:33:19,050 --> 01:33:22,100 Uh And I , I wish you , I wish you all 2339 01:33:22,109 --> 01:33:24,165 the luck and I'm gonna just end this 2340 01:33:24,165 --> 01:33:25,942 because I really don't have any 2341 01:33:25,942 --> 01:33:25,850 question for you because we have met 2342 01:33:25,859 --> 01:33:28,299 multiple times . I really thank you for 2343 01:33:28,310 --> 01:33:30,899 your interest and our uh Munition Depot 2344 01:33:30,910 --> 01:33:33,359 and mcallister . Uh Of course , Fort I 2345 01:33:33,439 --> 01:33:36,029 look forward to , uh , to the time we 2346 01:33:36,040 --> 01:33:38,151 get you back in Oklahoma and we get a 2347 01:33:38,151 --> 01:33:40,151 tour of those facilities along with 2348 01:33:40,151 --> 01:33:42,318 Tinker and even Vance . And , and so , 2349 01:33:42,318 --> 01:33:43,984 um , God speed and that , you 2350 01:33:43,984 --> 01:33:46,207 understand , you do have a friend of me 2351 01:33:46,207 --> 01:33:45,850 and I'm , I'm here wanting to get in 2352 01:33:45,859 --> 01:33:48,026 the boat and row in the same direction 2353 01:33:48,026 --> 01:33:50,192 with you and , and , uh , and continue 2354 01:33:50,192 --> 01:33:52,303 to make this , this country stand out 2355 01:33:52,303 --> 01:33:54,637 and be the greatest nation in the world . 2356 01:33:54,637 --> 01:33:56,859 Thank you . Thank you , Senator Senator 2357 01:33:56,859 --> 01:33:59,729 Duckworth , please . Uh Thank you , Mr 2358 01:33:59,740 --> 01:34:01,962 Chairman . I I just want to correct the 2359 01:34:01,962 --> 01:34:04,018 record here . Senator Tuberville has 2360 01:34:04,018 --> 01:34:06,779 been given multiple off ramps . He was 2361 01:34:06,790 --> 01:34:08,979 offered a vote on Senator Ernst Bill , 2362 01:34:08,990 --> 01:34:12,819 which was far uh uh much more overall 2363 01:34:12,830 --> 01:34:15,220 encompassing . He has been given lots 2364 01:34:15,229 --> 01:34:17,062 of opportunities and he's simply 2365 01:34:17,062 --> 01:34:19,173 refusing to lift a hold for the first 2366 01:34:19,173 --> 01:34:21,709 time in over 100 years . We do not have 2367 01:34:21,720 --> 01:34:23,664 a commandant of the Marine Corps , 2368 01:34:24,910 --> 01:34:27,132 someone who can have the full power and 2369 01:34:27,132 --> 01:34:29,830 authority of a , of a commandant . Uh 2370 01:34:29,839 --> 01:34:32,209 This is absolutely unacceptable . We 2371 01:34:32,220 --> 01:34:34,276 have all of these officers and their 2372 01:34:34,276 --> 01:34:36,779 families , my colleagues talk about and 2373 01:34:36,790 --> 01:34:38,957 log the family members for , for their 2374 01:34:38,957 --> 01:34:41,012 service . We have family members who 2375 01:34:41,012 --> 01:34:43,179 are being pulled out of schools unable 2376 01:34:43,179 --> 01:34:45,234 to start a new school term . We have 2377 01:34:45,234 --> 01:34:45,200 spouses who cannot start a new job , 2378 01:34:45,209 --> 01:34:47,209 who've lost their jobs . The entire 2379 01:34:47,209 --> 01:34:49,759 military readiness is slowly grinding 2380 01:34:49,770 --> 01:34:51,937 to a halt and it is going to get worse 2381 01:34:51,937 --> 01:34:53,770 every single day because Senator 2382 01:34:53,770 --> 01:34:55,881 Tuberville has injected politics into 2383 01:34:55,881 --> 01:34:57,881 this and let me make it clear . Dod 2384 01:34:57,881 --> 01:35:00,064 statute is very clear . The dod cannot 2385 01:35:00,075 --> 01:35:02,984 fund abortions and the dod is not 2386 01:35:02,995 --> 01:35:05,106 funding abortions . The dod is simply 2387 01:35:05,165 --> 01:35:07,625 providing the ability for service 2388 01:35:07,634 --> 01:35:10,884 members to travel to a different state 2389 01:35:10,895 --> 01:35:13,314 from the one in which they are uh 2390 01:35:13,334 --> 01:35:16,345 assigned in order to receive 2391 01:35:16,354 --> 01:35:19,129 reproductive health care . The dud is 2392 01:35:19,140 --> 01:35:21,251 not paying for those abortions . They 2393 01:35:21,251 --> 01:35:23,251 simply saying if you cannot get the 2394 01:35:23,251 --> 01:35:25,251 reproductive health care you need , 2395 01:35:25,251 --> 01:35:27,362 whether that is an abortion or IVF or 2396 01:35:27,362 --> 01:35:29,473 an IUD or whatever that is , then you 2397 01:35:29,473 --> 01:35:31,696 should be able to travel some place for 2398 01:35:31,696 --> 01:35:33,918 that . And you know , who gets hurt the 2399 01:35:33,918 --> 01:35:36,084 most on this . Our lowest ranking , it 2400 01:35:36,084 --> 01:35:38,459 is the youngest women in the military . 2401 01:35:38,470 --> 01:35:40,581 It is the spouses of the youngest men 2402 01:35:40,581 --> 01:35:42,790 in the military who have to ask for a 2403 01:35:42,799 --> 01:35:45,649 pass from their sergeants to leave 2404 01:35:45,660 --> 01:35:47,827 their duty station so that they can go 2405 01:35:47,827 --> 01:35:49,993 take care of their health care needs . 2406 01:35:49,993 --> 01:35:51,882 And what we are telling them what 2407 01:35:51,882 --> 01:35:53,938 Senator is telling them is , I don't 2408 01:35:53,938 --> 01:35:55,939 care about you . Thank you for your 2409 01:35:55,950 --> 01:35:58,061 service , but you cannot take care of 2410 01:35:58,061 --> 01:36:00,172 your own health care or your spouse's 2411 01:36:00,172 --> 01:36:02,394 health care . And to simply put this as 2412 01:36:02,394 --> 01:36:04,506 this is a political thing and this is 2413 01:36:04,506 --> 01:36:06,450 about uh uh the military providing 2414 01:36:06,450 --> 01:36:08,609 abortion is absolutely categorically 2415 01:36:08,620 --> 01:36:10,564 untrue because the military is not 2416 01:36:10,564 --> 01:36:12,731 providing abortions in this instance . 2417 01:36:12,731 --> 01:36:16,169 Now let me also be clear that 2418 01:36:16,319 --> 01:36:19,209 our men and women in uniform face so 2419 01:36:19,220 --> 01:36:21,442 many hardships , they should be able to 2420 01:36:21,442 --> 01:36:23,331 take care of themselves and their 2421 01:36:23,331 --> 01:36:25,498 family members bottom line . And , and 2422 01:36:25,498 --> 01:36:27,498 if there's anybody that's injecting 2423 01:36:27,498 --> 01:36:29,720 politics into this , it's Senator Tuber 2424 01:36:29,720 --> 01:36:31,887 who is fundraising , he's fund raising 2425 01:36:31,887 --> 01:36:33,664 off of his hold on the military 2426 01:36:33,664 --> 01:36:35,498 leadership that is affecting the 2427 01:36:35,498 --> 01:36:37,664 national security of this country . If 2428 01:36:37,664 --> 01:36:39,887 he truly cared about this , he wouldn't 2429 01:36:39,887 --> 01:36:41,998 be fundraising off of it . That is my 2430 01:36:41,998 --> 01:36:43,831 rant now , General George . Good 2431 01:36:43,831 --> 01:36:45,831 morning and welcome to you and your 2432 01:36:45,831 --> 01:36:47,776 family and congratulations on your 2433 01:36:47,776 --> 01:36:49,998 nomination . I'm just going to skip all 2434 01:36:49,998 --> 01:36:52,220 my preamble and just get to the point , 2435 01:36:52,220 --> 01:36:51,899 General George , you confirmed . How 2436 01:36:51,910 --> 01:36:53,966 would you direct the army to prepare 2437 01:36:53,966 --> 01:36:55,950 for a combat scenario where peer 2438 01:36:55,959 --> 01:36:58,600 adversaries target our supply webs and 2439 01:36:58,609 --> 01:37:00,720 logistical networks . This follows up 2440 01:37:00,720 --> 01:37:02,776 on our conversation that we have . I 2441 01:37:02,776 --> 01:37:04,998 care deeply about contested logistics . 2442 01:37:04,998 --> 01:37:07,109 Um What efforts does the army need to 2443 01:37:07,109 --> 01:37:09,209 adopt to enhance resilience and 2444 01:37:09,220 --> 01:37:11,387 effectiveness in a contested logistics 2445 01:37:11,387 --> 01:37:13,331 environment ? And how can Congress 2446 01:37:13,331 --> 01:37:15,442 contribute to these efforts ? We , we 2447 01:37:15,442 --> 01:37:15,419 talked about this a little bit and I 2448 01:37:15,430 --> 01:37:17,541 wanted you to be able to elaborate on 2449 01:37:17,541 --> 01:37:19,763 that here . Yes , thanks , Senator . Um 2450 01:37:20,120 --> 01:37:23,310 We have stood up uh a con uh contested 2451 01:37:23,319 --> 01:37:25,541 logistics . So we share your concern on 2452 01:37:25,541 --> 01:37:27,708 this . It's , it's absolutely critical 2453 01:37:27,708 --> 01:37:29,875 and this will be a partnership with uh 2454 01:37:29,875 --> 01:37:32,041 really army futures command is leading 2455 01:37:32,041 --> 01:37:34,152 it um with army Material Command . Um 2456 01:37:34,152 --> 01:37:36,259 but it's a challenge for us . And I 2457 01:37:36,270 --> 01:37:38,419 think really for our country , um , 2458 01:37:38,430 --> 01:37:40,652 from the strategic level , we've talked 2459 01:37:40,652 --> 01:37:42,819 a lot this morning about in industrial 2460 01:37:42,819 --> 01:37:45,990 base . Um , but that's strategic 2461 01:37:46,000 --> 01:37:48,290 readiness . And so making sure that 2462 01:37:48,299 --> 01:37:50,529 you're protecting that , um , and 2463 01:37:50,540 --> 01:37:52,450 ammunition and , and what we're 2464 01:37:52,459 --> 01:37:55,819 producing back here . Um , and then the 2465 01:37:55,830 --> 01:37:58,450 same thing with , uh , you know , ports 2466 01:37:58,459 --> 01:38:00,529 and getting things in operational 2467 01:38:00,640 --> 01:38:02,939 logistics all the way down to what we 2468 01:38:02,950 --> 01:38:05,117 can do to tactical logistics . So it's 2469 01:38:05,117 --> 01:38:07,359 a very , I think you've , I know you're 2470 01:38:07,370 --> 01:38:09,592 familiar with the , you know , the term 2471 01:38:09,592 --> 01:38:11,537 that , you know , logistics is for 2472 01:38:11,537 --> 01:38:13,481 professionals . I mean , it's very 2473 01:38:13,481 --> 01:38:15,481 challenging , very hard and I think 2474 01:38:15,481 --> 01:38:17,648 we're gonna have to really partner . I 2475 01:38:17,648 --> 01:38:19,814 know the joint force is thinking about 2476 01:38:19,814 --> 01:38:21,981 this and really it's gonna take all of 2477 01:38:21,981 --> 01:38:24,148 us together to make sure that we're as 2478 01:38:24,148 --> 01:38:26,314 ready as we can be . Thank you . Can , 2479 01:38:26,314 --> 01:38:28,537 can you drill down a little bit on your 2480 01:38:28,537 --> 01:38:30,814 experience um as a commander uh uh and , 2481 01:38:30,814 --> 01:38:32,870 and your multiple deployments in OIF 2482 01:38:32,870 --> 01:38:34,870 and OEF um dealing with operational 2483 01:38:34,870 --> 01:38:36,890 logistics , um especially energy uh 2484 01:38:36,899 --> 01:38:40,895 batteries for radios , uh uh diesel 2485 01:38:40,904 --> 01:38:43,145 fuel . Um But then also talk a little 2486 01:38:43,154 --> 01:38:45,714 bit about supply parts . Um and perhaps 2487 01:38:45,725 --> 01:38:48,515 the need for having additive uh metals 2488 01:38:48,524 --> 01:38:50,746 milling equipment down range so that we 2489 01:38:50,746 --> 01:38:52,834 can produce some of our own repair 2490 01:38:52,845 --> 01:38:55,580 parts . Yeah , I mean , thanks for um 2491 01:38:55,589 --> 01:38:57,422 this because it hadn't come up , 2492 01:38:57,422 --> 01:38:59,645 Senator , as you know , as I'll give an 2493 01:38:59,645 --> 01:39:01,811 example when I was A , a brigade had a 2494 01:39:01,811 --> 01:39:04,990 light brigade BC T in uh Eastern 2495 01:39:05,000 --> 01:39:07,479 Afghanistan . We , we lost soldiers 2496 01:39:07,490 --> 01:39:10,040 because we had to move , you know , 2497 01:39:10,049 --> 01:39:13,729 fuel , um , and parts and do those 2498 01:39:13,740 --> 01:39:15,959 kinds of things . So in very dangerous 2499 01:39:15,970 --> 01:39:18,209 territory , whatever we can do , I 2500 01:39:18,220 --> 01:39:21,029 think that uh reducing fuel consumption , 2501 01:39:21,279 --> 01:39:23,350 um , makes us more nimble on the 2502 01:39:23,359 --> 01:39:25,470 battlefield and will obviously make a 2503 01:39:25,470 --> 01:39:27,526 difference in the Pacific but really 2504 01:39:27,526 --> 01:39:29,470 anywhere . So , you know , battery 2505 01:39:29,470 --> 01:39:33,419 increasing that I also , uh what I also 2506 01:39:33,430 --> 01:39:35,652 like about that is that when you have a 2507 01:39:35,652 --> 01:39:37,930 lot of our vehicles have thermal sites , 2508 01:39:37,930 --> 01:39:40,290 have different sites when you are able 2509 01:39:40,299 --> 01:39:42,410 to have , you know , the engine isn't 2510 01:39:42,410 --> 01:39:44,709 running and you have silent Watch . Um 2511 01:39:44,720 --> 01:39:47,060 I think that makes you also more lethal . 2512 01:39:47,069 --> 01:39:49,089 So we are focused on those kinds of 2513 01:39:49,100 --> 01:39:51,990 things for the individual soldier . I 2514 01:39:52,000 --> 01:39:53,889 think it's also important because 2515 01:39:53,889 --> 01:39:56,129 nobody likes to carry a lot of heavy 2516 01:39:56,140 --> 01:39:58,196 batteries . So whatever we can do to 2517 01:39:58,196 --> 01:40:01,419 also lighten that load . Um And we're 2518 01:40:01,430 --> 01:40:03,529 working on all of those things , the 2519 01:40:03,560 --> 01:40:05,671 fewer batteries that carry , the more 2520 01:40:05,671 --> 01:40:07,727 ammo they can carry . That's exactly 2521 01:40:07,727 --> 01:40:10,319 right . Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank 2522 01:40:10,339 --> 01:40:12,459 you very much . Uh Senator uh Senator 2523 01:40:12,470 --> 01:40:15,089 Cotton , please . General uh General 2524 01:40:15,100 --> 01:40:17,322 George . Uh welcome and congratulations 2525 01:40:17,322 --> 01:40:19,378 on your nomination . Thanks for your 2526 01:40:19,378 --> 01:40:21,322 lifetime of service , Mrs George . 2527 01:40:21,322 --> 01:40:23,489 Thank you as well . Um I , I know that 2528 01:40:23,489 --> 01:40:25,600 uh several senators have addressed it 2529 01:40:25,600 --> 01:40:27,822 with you , the recruiting challenge . I 2530 01:40:27,822 --> 01:40:30,044 really , I call it the recruited crisis 2531 01:40:30,044 --> 01:40:32,156 that the army faces . I think this is 2532 01:40:32,156 --> 01:40:31,879 the number one challenge . Certainly 2533 01:40:31,890 --> 01:40:34,001 the most urgent challenge you have to 2534 01:40:34,001 --> 01:40:36,001 address some things are beyond your 2535 01:40:36,001 --> 01:40:35,830 control . You can't control rising 2536 01:40:35,839 --> 01:40:38,169 wages in the private sector . You can't 2537 01:40:38,180 --> 01:40:40,347 control a shrinking teenage population 2538 01:40:40,347 --> 01:40:42,236 or 20 something population in our 2539 01:40:42,236 --> 01:40:44,291 country . But some things will be in 2540 01:40:44,291 --> 01:40:46,458 your control . And I would just add my 2541 01:40:46,458 --> 01:40:46,390 voice to all of those other senators 2542 01:40:46,399 --> 01:40:48,566 about trying to address those concerns 2543 01:40:48,566 --> 01:40:50,566 about expanding eligibility pools , 2544 01:40:50,566 --> 01:40:52,455 making it easier to push a waiver 2545 01:40:52,455 --> 01:40:54,677 authority down from the general officer 2546 01:40:54,677 --> 01:40:56,621 level to the field or even company 2547 01:40:56,621 --> 01:40:56,459 grade level , addressing some of the 2548 01:40:56,470 --> 01:40:58,692 perceptions of political correctness in 2549 01:40:58,692 --> 01:41:00,803 the military and so forth . This is a 2550 01:41:00,803 --> 01:41:02,970 tough challenge . I hope you succeed . 2551 01:41:02,970 --> 01:41:05,192 The nation needs you to succeed , but I 2552 01:41:05,192 --> 01:41:04,270 think it's probably going to be one of 2553 01:41:04,279 --> 01:41:06,279 the main things that your tenure is 2554 01:41:06,279 --> 01:41:08,390 measured by if you can't succeed . Uh 2555 01:41:08,390 --> 01:41:10,723 Second , um we discussed this yesterday . 2556 01:41:10,723 --> 01:41:12,668 Uh I wanna uh put it on the record 2557 01:41:12,668 --> 01:41:14,890 though . The case on platoon at the old 2558 01:41:14,890 --> 01:41:16,779 guard uh is a very special unit . 2559 01:41:16,779 --> 01:41:18,557 Normally we wouldn't talk about 2560 01:41:18,557 --> 01:41:20,779 platoons or even regiments at a hearing 2561 01:41:20,779 --> 01:41:22,890 like this , but the old guard is a uh 2562 01:41:22,890 --> 01:41:25,112 regiment uh of national importance . It 2563 01:41:25,112 --> 01:41:26,779 doesn't just perform in um at 2564 01:41:26,779 --> 01:41:29,001 ceremonies at the White House and state 2565 01:41:29,001 --> 01:41:30,779 funerals , but it also performs 2566 01:41:30,779 --> 01:41:32,723 military fun honors funerals every 2567 01:41:32,723 --> 01:41:34,950 single day . And because of right now , 2568 01:41:34,959 --> 01:41:37,070 the stand down of the case on platoon 2569 01:41:37,070 --> 01:41:39,750 there are not , uh , um , is being used 2570 01:41:39,759 --> 01:41:41,648 with horses in Arlington National 2571 01:41:41,648 --> 01:41:43,648 Cemetery and every day that goes by 2572 01:41:43,648 --> 01:41:45,592 that , that's not happening . That 2573 01:41:45,592 --> 01:41:47,815 means a veteran who earned those honors 2574 01:41:47,815 --> 01:41:49,703 and a family who is there for the 2575 01:41:49,703 --> 01:41:51,815 funeral is not receiving them . Um So 2576 01:41:51,815 --> 01:41:51,359 can I get your commitment on the record 2577 01:41:51,370 --> 01:41:53,839 that the army does not intend to end or 2578 01:41:53,850 --> 01:41:56,000 eliminate the case on platoon ? Um 2579 01:41:56,009 --> 01:41:58,479 Senator , there's no intention to 2580 01:41:58,879 --> 01:42:01,580 eliminate that capability and , and I , 2581 01:42:01,589 --> 01:42:03,589 I know that the army has laid out a 2582 01:42:03,589 --> 01:42:05,645 path forward . I think it is up to a 2583 01:42:05,645 --> 01:42:07,756 year , maybe a little bit less than a 2584 01:42:07,756 --> 01:42:07,189 year . Now , can I get your commitment 2585 01:42:07,200 --> 01:42:08,978 as well that you will try to do 2586 01:42:08,978 --> 01:42:11,089 everything you can to accelerate that 2587 01:42:11,089 --> 01:42:13,200 process and get horses back operating 2588 01:42:13,200 --> 01:42:15,311 with the case on platoon in Arlington 2589 01:42:15,311 --> 01:42:17,367 National Cemetery . Senator . That's 2590 01:42:17,367 --> 01:42:19,589 our goal to accelerate . Ok . Finally , 2591 01:42:19,589 --> 01:42:21,644 I want to address , um , the ongoing 2592 01:42:21,644 --> 01:42:23,700 saga about the army's combat fitness 2593 01:42:23,700 --> 01:42:25,700 test and gender neutral standards . 2594 01:42:25,700 --> 01:42:27,867 We've talked about this . You've heard 2595 01:42:27,867 --> 01:42:27,569 me talk to your predecessor and 2596 01:42:27,580 --> 01:42:29,691 secretary or about it for years . The 2597 01:42:29,691 --> 01:42:31,580 army said they would have general 2598 01:42:31,580 --> 01:42:33,524 neutral standards under the combat 2599 01:42:33,524 --> 01:42:35,691 fitness test last spring . Uh The last 2600 01:42:35,700 --> 01:42:37,978 minute the army decided not to do that . 2601 01:42:37,978 --> 01:42:40,200 This committee and the ND A directed it 2602 01:42:40,200 --> 01:42:42,422 to have gender neutral standards in the 2603 01:42:42,422 --> 01:42:45,169 combat arms branches . Um , Secretary 2604 01:42:45,180 --> 01:42:48,459 warm and her army of lawyers found a 2605 01:42:48,470 --> 01:42:50,637 way to say that they didn't need to do 2606 01:42:50,637 --> 01:42:52,692 that . So here we are this year with 2607 01:42:52,692 --> 01:42:54,859 Congress being more directed the House 2608 01:42:54,859 --> 01:42:56,979 of Representatives and language uh 2609 01:42:56,990 --> 01:42:59,899 proposed by Representative Waltz 2610 01:42:59,910 --> 01:43:01,854 includes a directive that the army 2611 01:43:01,854 --> 01:43:03,779 should impose one gender neutral 2612 01:43:03,790 --> 01:43:05,901 standards in combat arms branches and 2613 01:43:05,901 --> 01:43:08,012 two those standards have to be higher 2614 01:43:08,012 --> 01:43:10,123 than they are for the army as a whole 2615 01:43:10,123 --> 01:43:12,290 because frankly , the army standard is 2616 01:43:12,290 --> 01:43:14,401 kind of pathetic . The army standards 2617 01:43:14,401 --> 01:43:17,680 require you to run two miles and 22 or 2618 01:43:17,689 --> 01:43:20,729 23 minutes . And let me , I say run . I 2619 01:43:20,740 --> 01:43:22,907 want the record to report that . I use 2620 01:43:22,907 --> 01:43:24,962 sarcastic air quotes with my fingers 2621 01:43:24,962 --> 01:43:28,140 when I say run because moving two miles 2622 01:43:28,149 --> 01:43:30,205 in 23 minutes is not running , maybe 2623 01:43:30,205 --> 01:43:32,529 shuffling but it's not running . This 2624 01:43:32,540 --> 01:43:34,373 committee tried to have the same 2625 01:43:34,373 --> 01:43:36,207 approach . At least I did that . 2626 01:43:36,207 --> 01:43:38,262 Representative Walz proposed but the 2627 01:43:38,262 --> 01:43:40,207 army came back to us and said they 2628 01:43:40,207 --> 01:43:42,207 would rather revert to the old army 2629 01:43:42,207 --> 01:43:41,890 physical fitness test , the old 2630 01:43:41,899 --> 01:43:44,120 fashioned two mile run , push ups and 2631 01:43:44,129 --> 01:43:46,509 sit ups and use gender specific 2632 01:43:46,520 --> 01:43:48,689 standards . So what I sense is an 2633 01:43:48,700 --> 01:43:51,290 ideological opposition in the secretary 2634 01:43:51,299 --> 01:43:53,410 of the army's office to having gender 2635 01:43:53,410 --> 01:43:55,521 neutral standards for the combat arms 2636 01:43:55,521 --> 01:43:57,577 branches . I I just want to read you 2637 01:43:57,577 --> 01:43:59,577 something and see if I can get your 2638 01:43:59,577 --> 01:44:02,279 agreement on it while it may be 2639 01:44:02,290 --> 01:44:04,729 difficult for £120 woman to lift or 2640 01:44:04,740 --> 01:44:07,160 drag £250 . The army cannot 2641 01:44:07,169 --> 01:44:09,113 artificially absolve women of that 2642 01:44:09,113 --> 01:44:11,299 responsibility . It may still exist on 2643 01:44:11,310 --> 01:44:13,532 the battlefield . The entire purpose of 2644 01:44:13,532 --> 01:44:15,643 creating a gender neutral test was to 2645 01:44:15,643 --> 01:44:17,859 acknowledge the reality that each job 2646 01:44:17,870 --> 01:44:20,060 has objective physical standards to 2647 01:44:20,069 --> 01:44:22,220 which all soldiers should be held 2648 01:44:22,229 --> 01:44:24,450 regardless of gender . The intent was 2649 01:44:24,459 --> 01:44:27,120 not to ensure that women and men will 2650 01:44:27,129 --> 01:44:29,149 have an equal likelihood of meeting 2651 01:44:29,160 --> 01:44:31,104 those standards . General . Do you 2652 01:44:31,104 --> 01:44:34,669 agree with that sentiment ? Yes , I do . 2653 01:44:34,680 --> 01:44:36,791 Thank you . It was uh given by one of 2654 01:44:36,799 --> 01:44:39,077 your officers , Captain Kristen Griest . 2655 01:44:39,077 --> 01:44:41,132 Uh , she may be a major by now . She 2656 01:44:41,132 --> 01:44:43,355 was one of the army's very first female 2657 01:44:43,355 --> 01:44:45,521 infantry officers and one of the first 2658 01:44:45,521 --> 01:44:45,149 graduates of the Ranger school . So I 2659 01:44:45,160 --> 01:44:46,993 think she should know what she's 2660 01:44:46,993 --> 01:44:49,649 talking about . So to be clear , I , I 2661 01:44:49,660 --> 01:44:52,109 don't want the army necessarily to 2662 01:44:52,120 --> 01:44:54,342 return to the old army physical fitness 2663 01:44:54,342 --> 01:44:56,564 test . I'm fine if they keep the combat 2664 01:44:56,564 --> 01:44:58,731 fitness test . I do expect the army to 2665 01:44:58,731 --> 01:45:00,842 have gender neutral standards for the 2666 01:45:00,842 --> 01:45:02,898 combat arms branches in which ground 2667 01:45:02,898 --> 01:45:05,064 combat roles have irreducible physical 2668 01:45:05,064 --> 01:45:07,231 demands . So can I get your commitment 2669 01:45:07,231 --> 01:45:09,287 that you'll work with this committee 2670 01:45:09,287 --> 01:45:11,176 and with the House Armed Services 2671 01:45:11,176 --> 01:45:13,398 Committee to move forward in a way that 2672 01:45:13,398 --> 01:45:13,140 achieves your objectives with the 2673 01:45:13,149 --> 01:45:15,450 combat fitness test ? But also ensures 2674 01:45:15,459 --> 01:45:17,626 that we have gender neutral and higher 2675 01:45:17,626 --> 01:45:19,681 standards for those demanding combat 2676 01:45:19,681 --> 01:45:21,540 arms branches . Um , you have my 2677 01:45:21,549 --> 01:45:23,950 commitment senator and I would like to , 2678 01:45:23,959 --> 01:45:26,950 um , I do like the , the army Combat 2679 01:45:26,959 --> 01:45:28,959 fitness test . I think it's a great 2680 01:45:28,959 --> 01:45:31,390 test . I think it's changing , um , the 2681 01:45:31,399 --> 01:45:34,109 fitness culture . Um , so far we've 2682 01:45:34,120 --> 01:45:36,229 been doing this through the active 2683 01:45:36,240 --> 01:45:38,407 component for this last year and we're 2684 01:45:38,407 --> 01:45:40,518 getting ready to do it in compost two 2685 01:45:40,518 --> 01:45:42,629 and three . So the National Guard and 2686 01:45:42,629 --> 01:45:44,796 the Army Reserve , um , I was thinking 2687 01:45:44,796 --> 01:45:46,851 back to when I first came on , I , I 2688 01:45:46,851 --> 01:45:48,907 think this is important because this 2689 01:45:48,907 --> 01:45:50,962 will help us set a good baseline and 2690 01:45:50,962 --> 01:45:53,073 decide where the standards are when I 2691 01:45:53,073 --> 01:45:55,129 first came in , um , enlisted in the 2692 01:45:55,129 --> 01:45:57,018 army . I know by the time I was a 2693 01:45:57,018 --> 01:45:59,129 lieutenant , the standards were a lot 2694 01:45:59,129 --> 01:46:01,129 different , a lot higher and that's 2695 01:46:01,129 --> 01:46:03,351 what we need and that's what we need to 2696 01:46:03,351 --> 01:46:05,462 do . So we would like to , you know , 2697 01:46:05,462 --> 01:46:07,573 take the time to make sure that we're 2698 01:46:07,573 --> 01:46:09,799 doing this appropriately , um and have 2699 01:46:09,810 --> 01:46:11,919 them set the right way . Good . I'm 2700 01:46:11,930 --> 01:46:13,986 glad to hear that because again , it 2701 01:46:13,986 --> 01:46:16,097 wasn't my idea to say the army should 2702 01:46:16,097 --> 01:46:18,263 revert to the physical fitness test as 2703 01:46:18,263 --> 01:46:20,486 opposed to the combat fitness test . It 2704 01:46:20,486 --> 01:46:22,652 was the secretary's office and some of 2705 01:46:22,652 --> 01:46:22,299 my democratic friends who had such an 2706 01:46:22,310 --> 01:46:24,399 ideological opposition to gender 2707 01:46:24,410 --> 01:46:26,620 neutral standards that you and I and 2708 01:46:26,629 --> 01:46:28,629 Captain GRE all think that the army 2709 01:46:28,629 --> 01:46:30,851 should have . So I'm happy to work with 2710 01:46:30,851 --> 01:46:33,214 you on that . I'm happy for the army to 2711 01:46:33,225 --> 01:46:35,464 have gender specific standards in 2712 01:46:35,475 --> 01:46:37,531 profession or in branches and M Os s 2713 01:46:37,531 --> 01:46:39,531 that don't require the same kind of 2714 01:46:39,531 --> 01:46:41,586 demanding physical positions like an 2715 01:46:41,586 --> 01:46:43,475 intelligence analyst or a systems 2716 01:46:43,475 --> 01:46:45,697 network or anything , any other kind of 2717 01:46:45,697 --> 01:46:47,864 jobs . But in things like the infantry 2718 01:46:47,864 --> 01:46:49,919 and artillery and armor , I think we 2719 01:46:49,919 --> 01:46:49,794 can all agree that there are 2720 01:46:49,805 --> 01:46:51,861 irreducible physical demands that we 2721 01:46:51,861 --> 01:46:54,185 have to ensure male and female soldiers 2722 01:46:54,194 --> 01:46:56,138 like can meet on the battlefield . 2723 01:46:56,138 --> 01:46:58,416 Thank you . Thank you , Senator Cotton , 2724 01:46:58,416 --> 01:47:00,527 Senator Peters , please . Thank you , 2725 01:47:00,527 --> 01:47:02,416 Mr Chairman General George . Uh , 2726 01:47:02,416 --> 01:47:04,638 welcome . Good to see you again . And , 2727 01:47:04,638 --> 01:47:06,861 uh , congratulations on your nomination 2728 01:47:06,861 --> 01:47:09,083 as well . Uh , General George for uh as 2729 01:47:09,083 --> 01:47:11,194 you're well aware for , for decades , 2730 01:47:11,194 --> 01:47:13,138 the army has prepared soldiers for 2731 01:47:13,138 --> 01:47:15,305 deployment overseas through the use of 2732 01:47:15,305 --> 01:47:18,149 uh Vaid uh exercises conducted either 2733 01:47:18,160 --> 01:47:21,540 at J RT C or NTC . Uh These 2734 01:47:21,549 --> 01:47:23,919 exercises are of course of critical 2735 01:47:23,930 --> 01:47:26,097 importance to allow soldiers and their 2736 01:47:26,097 --> 01:47:28,097 commanders to conduct training that 2737 01:47:28,097 --> 01:47:30,041 they may not be able to receive at 2738 01:47:30,041 --> 01:47:31,874 their home station . They can be 2739 01:47:31,879 --> 01:47:33,879 training with larger formations and 2740 01:47:33,879 --> 01:47:36,149 supporting units necessary for success 2741 01:47:36,160 --> 01:47:38,490 when they deploy overseas . I believe 2742 01:47:38,500 --> 01:47:40,500 this is especially true and I think 2743 01:47:40,500 --> 01:47:42,667 you'd agree for reserve components and 2744 01:47:42,667 --> 01:47:44,667 for the National Guard . But as the 2745 01:47:44,667 --> 01:47:46,778 army places more emphasis on the need 2746 01:47:46,778 --> 01:47:49,109 to fight in the cyber and space domains 2747 01:47:49,120 --> 01:47:51,779 and in contested and degraded ew 2748 01:47:52,009 --> 01:47:55,430 environments . I'm becoming concerned 2749 01:47:55,439 --> 01:47:57,830 that this model leaves national 2750 01:47:57,839 --> 01:47:59,339 Guardsmen ill prepared for 2751 01:47:59,339 --> 01:48:01,830 participation in validation exercises 2752 01:48:01,839 --> 01:48:03,870 and more importantly for deployment 2753 01:48:03,879 --> 01:48:06,285 down range . I think we need to be 2754 01:48:06,294 --> 01:48:08,225 investing more in National Guard 2755 01:48:08,234 --> 01:48:10,290 exercises and installations that can 2756 01:48:10,290 --> 01:48:13,285 host the type of large scale combat 2757 01:48:13,294 --> 01:48:17,035 operations that include cyber and ew 2758 01:48:17,044 --> 01:48:19,615 effects to better prepare our troops . 2759 01:48:19,794 --> 01:48:21,961 So , my question for you , sir is what 2760 01:48:21,961 --> 01:48:24,072 if any changes need to be made to the 2761 01:48:24,072 --> 01:48:26,214 current validation exercise training 2762 01:48:26,225 --> 01:48:28,415 model to better prepare soldiers , 2763 01:48:28,424 --> 01:48:30,774 especially national guardsmen for the 2764 01:48:30,785 --> 01:48:33,044 threats that they are facing in the 2765 01:48:33,055 --> 01:48:36,169 coming years . Um , well , I think a 2766 01:48:36,180 --> 01:48:38,069 couple of things , Senator . Um , 2767 01:48:38,419 --> 01:48:40,530 you're , you're right that we have to 2768 01:48:40,530 --> 01:48:42,475 evolve here and adapt on how we're 2769 01:48:42,475 --> 01:48:44,141 gonna train in a multi domain 2770 01:48:44,141 --> 01:48:47,399 environment . Um And in , in some , 2771 01:48:47,410 --> 01:48:50,029 some areas that's gonna be difficult 2772 01:48:50,040 --> 01:48:52,262 regardless of where that is . I think I 2773 01:48:52,262 --> 01:48:54,318 was talking to Senator Kelly earlier 2774 01:48:54,318 --> 01:48:56,373 about how much altitude , you know , 2775 01:48:56,373 --> 01:48:58,596 airspace you own , what you are allowed 2776 01:48:58,596 --> 01:49:00,819 to do with uh you know , signals and ew 2777 01:49:00,830 --> 01:49:04,040 and those kinds of things . So , um we 2778 01:49:04,049 --> 01:49:05,716 are looking at that , I think 2779 01:49:05,716 --> 01:49:07,827 simulations is going to be a big part 2780 01:49:07,827 --> 01:49:10,049 of that too to allow people to train in 2781 01:49:10,049 --> 01:49:12,430 that environment . Um , much like we do 2782 01:49:12,439 --> 01:49:15,049 with some of the cyber that can do more 2783 01:49:15,060 --> 01:49:17,227 remote . So I think it's going to be a 2784 01:49:17,227 --> 01:49:19,393 combination of things . I know this is 2785 01:49:19,393 --> 01:49:21,504 something that we are talking about a 2786 01:49:21,504 --> 01:49:23,393 lot on our , on our training side 2787 01:49:23,393 --> 01:49:25,899 inside of our G three . to figure out 2788 01:49:25,910 --> 01:49:28,021 how we're going to move forward and , 2789 01:49:28,021 --> 01:49:30,188 and army is a total army . We all have 2790 01:49:30,188 --> 01:49:32,299 to come together . Um Grayling is one 2791 01:49:32,299 --> 01:49:34,680 of those spots that we talked about , 2792 01:49:34,689 --> 01:49:36,967 um that you can do a lot of those kind , 2793 01:49:36,967 --> 01:49:39,133 that kind of training as well . I know 2794 01:49:39,133 --> 01:49:41,300 there's a , I think northern strike is 2795 01:49:41,300 --> 01:49:44,109 coming up , um , soon . Um , and so 2796 01:49:44,120 --> 01:49:46,819 those kind of locations , I think where 2797 01:49:46,830 --> 01:49:50,759 you can get after multi domain training 2798 01:49:50,770 --> 01:49:52,826 and much like we're doing with those 2799 01:49:52,826 --> 01:49:55,048 exercises . I think that will also help 2800 01:49:55,048 --> 01:49:58,330 us . Great . Well , we talked about 2801 01:49:58,339 --> 01:50:00,506 that facility . Uh , I understand that 2802 01:50:00,506 --> 01:50:02,689 you trained there yourself as a young 2803 01:50:02,700 --> 01:50:04,922 lieutenant and I appreciated your offer 2804 01:50:04,922 --> 01:50:07,033 if confirmed to come up and uh and to 2805 01:50:07,033 --> 01:50:09,033 see the facility again because it's 2806 01:50:09,033 --> 01:50:11,089 certainly that type of facility that 2807 01:50:11,089 --> 01:50:13,144 can help facilitate that . So I look 2808 01:50:13,144 --> 01:50:12,470 forward to working with you if 2809 01:50:12,479 --> 01:50:15,609 confirmed General General as the army 2810 01:50:15,620 --> 01:50:17,620 continues development of autonomous 2811 01:50:17,620 --> 01:50:20,589 mobility platforms , uh enterprise wide 2812 01:50:20,600 --> 01:50:22,490 solution to data collection and 2813 01:50:22,500 --> 01:50:24,609 management is going to be without 2814 01:50:24,620 --> 01:50:28,040 question vital to ensure that the 2815 01:50:28,049 --> 01:50:30,350 relevant program , executive officers 2816 01:50:30,359 --> 01:50:32,620 and their respective program managers 2817 01:50:32,839 --> 01:50:36,660 don't silo siloed vehicle 2818 01:50:36,669 --> 01:50:38,830 specific solutions to the challenge 2819 01:50:38,839 --> 01:50:42,229 posed by autonomous mobility . I would 2820 01:50:42,240 --> 01:50:44,240 argue that that type of error would 2821 01:50:44,240 --> 01:50:46,351 leave the department susceptible to a 2822 01:50:46,351 --> 01:50:48,509 vendor lock in of boutique solutions 2823 01:50:48,520 --> 01:50:50,742 and would prevent the efficiencies that 2824 01:50:50,742 --> 01:50:52,798 can be gained from basically service 2825 01:50:52,798 --> 01:50:56,229 wide use of data sets to build a IL 2826 01:50:56,240 --> 01:50:59,189 algorithms . So my question for you is 2827 01:50:59,200 --> 01:51:01,256 do you believe that the current army 2828 01:51:01,256 --> 01:51:03,319 approach to autonomous mobility is 2829 01:51:03,330 --> 01:51:06,740 sufficient to meet the challenges in an 2830 01:51:06,750 --> 01:51:09,399 affordable and timely manner ? And what 2831 01:51:09,410 --> 01:51:12,029 structure changes including potentially 2832 01:51:12,040 --> 01:51:14,720 the creation of a pe O focused on 2833 01:51:14,729 --> 01:51:17,129 ground autonomy . Do you think needs to 2834 01:51:17,140 --> 01:51:19,919 be made to ensure that the army is 2835 01:51:19,930 --> 01:51:22,569 moving on the cutting edge of this 2836 01:51:22,580 --> 01:51:26,240 technology in this field ? Um , 2837 01:51:26,250 --> 01:51:28,879 Senator , uh , I wanna go to the , your 2838 01:51:28,890 --> 01:51:31,310 question first on the , on the pe O I 2839 01:51:31,319 --> 01:51:33,580 think , uh , just like we're doing on 2840 01:51:33,589 --> 01:51:35,645 the cross functional teams and we've 2841 01:51:35,645 --> 01:51:37,867 done this , I think as Mr Bush has done 2842 01:51:37,867 --> 01:51:39,589 this recently with making some 2843 01:51:39,589 --> 01:51:42,399 adjustments , um , You can't let your 2844 01:51:42,410 --> 01:51:45,049 structure get in the way of how you 2845 01:51:45,060 --> 01:51:47,109 have to adjust your force and what 2846 01:51:47,120 --> 01:51:49,342 you're gonna need on the battlefield to 2847 01:51:49,342 --> 01:51:51,342 win . So yes , we are gonna have to 2848 01:51:51,342 --> 01:51:53,509 look , you know , look at that and see 2849 01:51:53,509 --> 01:51:55,842 how we're doing that . And I think that , 2850 01:51:55,842 --> 01:51:58,009 that we are , there's been some recent 2851 01:51:58,009 --> 01:51:57,990 changes that we've done , I mentioned 2852 01:51:58,000 --> 01:52:00,222 added across functional team and taking 2853 01:52:00,279 --> 01:52:02,279 things that we need to do that . Um 2854 01:52:02,279 --> 01:52:05,379 autonomous systems uh is a good example 2855 01:52:05,390 --> 01:52:07,612 of where we need to really partner with 2856 01:52:07,612 --> 01:52:09,668 the commercial , you know , American 2857 01:52:09,668 --> 01:52:11,779 ingenuity . I think we see that up in 2858 01:52:11,779 --> 01:52:15,490 Detroit as an example um that 2859 01:52:15,830 --> 01:52:17,941 that's happening out there and that's 2860 01:52:17,941 --> 01:52:19,608 we need to have those kind of 2861 01:52:19,608 --> 01:52:22,140 partnerships . Um I think , I think 2862 01:52:22,149 --> 01:52:24,149 what we're looking at is everything 2863 01:52:24,149 --> 01:52:26,316 that we're we're building , we need to 2864 01:52:26,316 --> 01:52:28,482 make sure has open architecture . This 2865 01:52:28,482 --> 01:52:30,593 gets to your question , you know , to 2866 01:52:30,593 --> 01:52:32,760 your issue on vendor lock to make sure 2867 01:52:32,760 --> 01:52:34,871 that we have the ability to , you are 2868 01:52:34,871 --> 01:52:37,038 not locked into that , that we have an 2869 01:52:37,038 --> 01:52:39,093 open architecture that we can easily 2870 01:52:39,093 --> 01:52:41,205 adapt these systems . Um I think that 2871 01:52:41,205 --> 01:52:43,316 that's the way we're gonna have to do 2872 01:52:43,316 --> 01:52:45,593 this if we're gonna continue to evolve . 2873 01:52:45,593 --> 01:52:47,649 Thank you , General . Thank you , Mr 2874 01:52:47,649 --> 01:52:47,290 Chairman . Thank you , Senator Peter , 2875 01:52:47,299 --> 01:52:49,466 Senator Schmidt , please . Thank you , 2876 01:52:49,466 --> 01:52:51,577 Mr Chairman . Good to see you enjoyed 2877 01:52:51,577 --> 01:52:53,799 our visit in the office . And as I told 2878 01:52:53,799 --> 01:52:55,466 you , my grandfather was a uh 2879 01:52:55,466 --> 01:52:57,521 infantryman in the army during World 2880 01:52:57,521 --> 01:52:59,632 War Two . And um um was very proud of 2881 01:52:59,632 --> 01:52:59,549 his service . We're proud of his 2882 01:52:59,560 --> 01:53:01,838 service and thank you for your service . 2883 01:53:01,838 --> 01:53:04,004 Um I guess a couple of questions and , 2884 01:53:04,004 --> 01:53:06,709 and I know I asked you this um , more 2885 01:53:06,720 --> 01:53:08,831 of a statement , but also , I guess a 2886 01:53:08,831 --> 01:53:11,053 response , I just think whatever we can 2887 01:53:11,053 --> 01:53:13,169 do to depoliticize what's happening 2888 01:53:13,180 --> 01:53:15,347 right now in the military , I think is 2889 01:53:15,347 --> 01:53:17,569 paramount , I mean , I think it goes to 2890 01:53:17,569 --> 01:53:16,819 recruiting challenges , it goes to 2891 01:53:16,830 --> 01:53:18,959 public trust and based on our 2892 01:53:18,970 --> 01:53:21,137 conversation , it sounds like that's , 2893 01:53:21,137 --> 01:53:22,970 you are on the same page of , of 2894 01:53:22,970 --> 01:53:25,137 keeping politics no matter whose it is 2895 01:53:25,137 --> 01:53:27,399 um out of the military and just be the 2896 01:53:27,410 --> 01:53:29,790 best war fighting military in the 2897 01:53:29,799 --> 01:53:31,855 history of the world . And you would 2898 01:53:31,855 --> 01:53:34,077 agree with that statement . Correct ? I 2899 01:53:34,077 --> 01:53:36,132 would agree with that senator . Ok . 2900 01:53:36,132 --> 01:53:38,243 And then um as it sort of rubber kind 2901 01:53:38,243 --> 01:53:41,680 of meets the road here , um as uh our 2902 01:53:42,229 --> 01:53:44,479 pacing challenge , biggest threat , 2903 01:53:44,490 --> 01:53:46,580 whatever you wanna call a communist 2904 01:53:46,589 --> 01:53:49,810 China , they are that and um just 2905 01:53:49,819 --> 01:53:51,875 curious to hear you and you may have 2906 01:53:51,875 --> 01:53:53,986 asked this , but this is the downside 2907 01:53:53,986 --> 01:53:56,097 of being the last one on the , on the 2908 01:53:56,097 --> 01:53:58,097 dias here to ask questions . Uh But 2909 01:53:58,097 --> 01:54:00,263 your view of how the army , um in many 2910 01:54:00,263 --> 01:54:02,919 ways the army has done this before , um 2911 01:54:02,930 --> 01:54:05,049 but not as recently and how you think 2912 01:54:05,060 --> 01:54:08,399 um under , under your command here , um , 2913 01:54:08,509 --> 01:54:12,310 the army evolves or does things 2914 01:54:12,319 --> 01:54:14,649 differently to , to face that , that 2915 01:54:14,660 --> 01:54:18,089 threat in the Endo Payco theater ? Ok . 2916 01:54:18,100 --> 01:54:20,470 Thanks for that question , Senator , I 2917 01:54:20,479 --> 01:54:22,839 think , you know , first is just to 2918 01:54:22,850 --> 01:54:24,794 make sure you were talking earlier 2919 01:54:24,794 --> 01:54:27,017 about perceptions that it's very much a 2920 01:54:27,017 --> 01:54:29,072 joint theater out in the Pacific . I 2921 01:54:29,072 --> 01:54:31,072 think the army has a big role as we 2922 01:54:31,072 --> 01:54:34,189 know from history . We did back in 2923 01:54:34,200 --> 01:54:36,169 World War Two and there was actual 2924 01:54:36,180 --> 01:54:38,180 fighting out there . So I think for 2925 01:54:38,180 --> 01:54:40,180 deterrence and everything , we will 2926 01:54:40,180 --> 01:54:42,291 have a huge role as part of the joint 2927 01:54:42,291 --> 01:54:45,180 team . I could go down several of the 2928 01:54:45,189 --> 01:54:47,379 contested logistics came up . I think 2929 01:54:47,390 --> 01:54:49,870 the army will have a significant role 2930 01:54:49,879 --> 01:54:52,540 in that integrated air in missile 2931 01:54:52,549 --> 01:54:55,899 defense . The army will lead the way 2932 01:54:55,910 --> 01:54:59,830 and will be very important to the 2933 01:54:59,839 --> 01:55:02,930 theater and that long range fires I 2934 01:55:02,939 --> 01:55:06,620 think are critical , very hard as 2935 01:55:06,629 --> 01:55:08,680 you've seen . I think it's a big 2936 01:55:08,689 --> 01:55:10,819 deterrent as well . It's very hard to 2937 01:55:11,439 --> 01:55:13,550 dynamically target things that are on 2938 01:55:13,550 --> 01:55:15,883 the ground and can hide in that clutter . 2939 01:55:15,883 --> 01:55:18,479 And so I think our long range fires . 2940 01:55:19,029 --> 01:55:21,549 We have already have two multi domain 2941 01:55:21,560 --> 01:55:23,282 task forces that are out there 2942 01:55:23,282 --> 01:55:26,870 operating and exercising out there . So 2943 01:55:26,879 --> 01:55:29,140 I think that will be critical and then 2944 01:55:30,000 --> 01:55:32,290 the army is really has your close 2945 01:55:32,299 --> 01:55:34,490 combat force . That's what I've grown 2946 01:55:34,500 --> 01:55:36,750 up in those and you're going to need 2947 01:55:36,759 --> 01:55:39,080 those to secure things and you're going 2948 01:55:39,089 --> 01:55:41,279 to need them . We're always going to 2949 01:55:41,290 --> 01:55:44,649 need offensive capability . And I think 2950 01:55:44,660 --> 01:55:47,529 on the land is a land power and I think 2951 01:55:47,540 --> 01:55:50,509 we'll need that . And um you mentioned 2952 01:55:50,520 --> 01:55:52,687 logistics too . And as you know , Fort 2953 01:55:52,687 --> 01:55:54,520 Leonard Wood in Missouri , we've 2954 01:55:54,520 --> 01:55:56,810 trained a lot of uh great personnel to , 2955 01:55:56,819 --> 01:55:59,709 to deal with logistics as far as just 2956 01:55:59,720 --> 01:56:01,942 the last question before I yield back . 2957 01:56:01,942 --> 01:56:04,790 Uh as far as needs go . Um by way of 2958 01:56:04,799 --> 01:56:06,966 weapons systems , generally speaking , 2959 01:56:07,029 --> 01:56:09,520 what is it that you think um as we , as 2960 01:56:09,529 --> 01:56:11,362 we turn our attention more in uh 2961 01:56:11,362 --> 01:56:14,299 intensely towards China and that 2962 01:56:14,310 --> 01:56:16,529 theater , what is the greatest need 2963 01:56:16,540 --> 01:56:18,700 there ? Well , I will tell you , I've 2964 01:56:18,709 --> 01:56:20,931 been , I think what's been great in the 2965 01:56:20,939 --> 01:56:23,839 army is we've had a very good plan and 2966 01:56:23,850 --> 01:56:27,040 stuck to it for the last several years . 2967 01:56:27,049 --> 01:56:29,649 Long range fires is a , is a good 2968 01:56:29,660 --> 01:56:32,220 example of that across that portfolio . 2969 01:56:32,419 --> 01:56:34,640 Same with integrated air and missile 2970 01:56:34,649 --> 01:56:36,760 defense . One of the areas that we're 2971 01:56:36,760 --> 01:56:40,060 really focusing on now to kind of add 2972 01:56:40,069 --> 01:56:42,899 that rolls into that is countering 2973 01:56:42,910 --> 01:56:45,189 unmanned systems . So counter U A , 2974 01:56:45,339 --> 01:56:47,970 it's a different threat um and how 2975 01:56:47,979 --> 01:56:50,146 we're focused on that . And so we're , 2976 01:56:50,146 --> 01:56:52,201 we have , you know , the army is now 2977 01:56:52,201 --> 01:56:54,035 the executive agent for that and 2978 01:56:54,035 --> 01:56:56,270 investing more in that . And I think 2979 01:56:56,279 --> 01:56:58,279 that that's gonna be another one of 2980 01:56:58,279 --> 01:57:00,446 those that we're gonna have to rapidly 2981 01:57:00,446 --> 01:57:02,501 evolve in Senator . Ok . Thank you . 2982 01:57:02,501 --> 01:57:04,612 Thank you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , 2983 01:57:04,612 --> 01:57:04,279 Senator Senator Sullivan , please . 2984 01:57:04,459 --> 01:57:06,626 Thank you , Mr Chairman General . Uh , 2985 01:57:06,626 --> 01:57:08,681 congratulations on your nomination . 2986 01:57:09,140 --> 01:57:11,251 Want to thank you and your family for 2987 01:57:11,251 --> 01:57:13,319 your exceptional service . It's uh I 2988 01:57:13,770 --> 01:57:15,881 think you're highly qualified and I'm 2989 01:57:15,881 --> 01:57:18,270 looking forward to strongly supporting 2990 01:57:18,279 --> 01:57:22,149 your confirmation . Um So thank you to 2991 01:57:22,160 --> 01:57:25,089 your family as well . Um I just got 2992 01:57:25,100 --> 01:57:27,799 back from the NATO summit last night 2993 01:57:27,810 --> 01:57:29,959 late and uh had the opportunity to 2994 01:57:29,970 --> 01:57:33,250 visit with the first CAV troops in 2995 01:57:33,259 --> 01:57:36,339 Lithuania who are doing an exceptional 2996 01:57:36,350 --> 01:57:38,859 job . So I know you know that , but I 2997 01:57:38,870 --> 01:57:41,620 want you to know that we had a code , 2998 01:57:41,879 --> 01:57:44,270 bipartisan code senators who spent a 2999 01:57:44,279 --> 01:57:46,335 couple hours with them and they look 3000 01:57:46,335 --> 01:57:48,557 like they're doing great morale is high 3001 01:57:48,557 --> 01:57:50,335 and I think they understand the 3002 01:57:50,335 --> 01:57:52,446 importance of their mission . Um I do 3003 01:57:52,446 --> 01:57:54,501 want to just touch on the recruiting 3004 01:57:54,501 --> 01:57:56,723 issues , maybe have a comment or two on 3005 01:57:56,723 --> 01:57:59,640 what we can focus on . I was 3006 01:57:59,649 --> 01:58:01,760 disappointed to be honest and I don't 3007 01:58:01,760 --> 01:58:03,799 like to get into the politicization 3008 01:58:03,810 --> 01:58:05,879 issues , but at a round table event 3009 01:58:06,200 --> 01:58:09,500 secretary uh warmer just last week , um 3010 01:58:10,009 --> 01:58:12,970 talked about one of her concerns on 3011 01:58:12,979 --> 01:58:16,299 recruiting was politicians uh labeling 3012 01:58:16,310 --> 01:58:18,770 the army as woke as damaging recruiting 3013 01:58:18,779 --> 01:58:20,830 efforts . That was her comment . I 3014 01:58:20,839 --> 01:58:23,600 think the secretary best way that she 3015 01:58:23,609 --> 01:58:26,160 can address this kind of issue is not 3016 01:58:26,169 --> 01:58:28,391 to blame politicians , but just to make 3017 01:58:28,391 --> 01:58:31,620 sure that the army is indeed not so 3018 01:58:31,629 --> 01:58:33,950 called woke . Have you seen that Emma 3019 01:58:33,959 --> 01:58:36,620 recruiting ad , army , Emma recruiting 3020 01:58:36,629 --> 01:58:38,796 ad ? You know what I'm talking about ? 3021 01:58:39,859 --> 01:58:41,970 Um I don't think I have seen it but I 3022 01:58:41,970 --> 01:58:44,629 will . Yeah , this is exhibit a in a 3023 01:58:44,640 --> 01:58:48,439 woke army in my view . I have no idea 3024 01:58:48,759 --> 01:58:52,060 who the army was trying to get 3025 01:58:52,580 --> 01:58:54,479 with that hat , but it was an 3026 01:58:54,490 --> 01:58:56,546 embarrassment , I thought and it was 3027 01:58:56,546 --> 01:58:58,768 taken down , I believe , take a look at 3028 01:58:58,768 --> 01:59:02,620 it . But the secretary , it was a joke 3029 01:59:02,629 --> 01:59:05,189 in my view . Um I have no idea . It'd 3030 01:59:05,200 --> 01:59:07,256 be good to know maybe for the record 3031 01:59:07,256 --> 01:59:09,689 who , who approved that and what , what 3032 01:59:09,700 --> 01:59:11,589 the goal , who , who , who are we 3033 01:59:11,589 --> 01:59:14,930 trying to get . I , I just , 3034 01:59:19,879 --> 01:59:22,770 it's not on politicians , secretary . I 3035 01:59:22,779 --> 01:59:25,180 was disappointed to see the secretary 3036 01:59:25,189 --> 01:59:27,720 kind of different blame on an issue 3037 01:59:27,729 --> 01:59:29,562 like this . What , what are your 3038 01:59:29,562 --> 01:59:31,840 thoughts on , on the recruiting issues ? 3039 01:59:32,189 --> 01:59:34,078 I'm just specific to that point . 3040 01:59:34,078 --> 01:59:36,580 Senator , I think uh again , people are 3041 01:59:36,589 --> 01:59:38,645 staying inside of our formations . I 3042 01:59:38,645 --> 01:59:41,729 know that uh um we are focused on our 3043 01:59:41,740 --> 01:59:44,000 mission as you've seen with the uh out 3044 01:59:44,009 --> 01:59:46,231 there with the troops and we got to get 3045 01:59:46,231 --> 01:59:48,839 the word out about how the army and the 3046 01:59:48,850 --> 01:59:51,072 military in general can accelerate your 3047 01:59:51,072 --> 01:59:53,128 life . And why it's a great place to 3048 01:59:53,128 --> 01:59:55,294 serve . Um , and we're working hard to 3049 01:59:55,294 --> 01:59:57,979 do that . Ok . Um , let me , uh , let 3050 01:59:57,990 --> 02:00:00,439 me turn to the 11th Air , um , the 11th 3051 02:00:00,450 --> 02:00:03,450 Airborne Division . Um , I , I really 3052 02:00:03,459 --> 02:00:05,237 want to commend you and General 3053 02:00:05,237 --> 02:00:07,459 mcconville and the secretary for that , 3054 02:00:07,459 --> 02:00:11,459 uh , uh , decision and , um , I 3055 02:00:11,470 --> 02:00:13,748 was back home last weekend as well and , 3056 02:00:14,120 --> 02:00:17,120 uh , it seems like that unit is doing 3057 02:00:17,129 --> 02:00:19,910 exceptionally well . We still are 3058 02:00:19,919 --> 02:00:22,220 having these suicide , these high 3059 02:00:22,229 --> 02:00:24,396 levels of suicide in Alaska , which of 3060 02:00:24,396 --> 02:00:26,979 course is horrendous heartbreaking . 3061 02:00:27,229 --> 02:00:29,285 Can you give me an update on how you 3062 02:00:29,285 --> 02:00:31,618 think in the 11th airborne ? I is doing ? 3063 02:00:31,618 --> 02:00:33,673 And then can I get a commitment from 3064 02:00:33,673 --> 02:00:35,618 you ? I do think our leadership in 3065 02:00:35,618 --> 02:00:39,240 Alaska and the army has really put a 3066 02:00:39,250 --> 02:00:41,720 lot of effort and focus on these really 3067 02:00:41,729 --> 02:00:43,840 difficult issues of mental health and 3068 02:00:43,840 --> 02:00:46,509 suicide . So I'm not criticizing at all 3069 02:00:46,520 --> 02:00:48,919 here , but I , I'd like your commitment 3070 02:00:48,930 --> 02:00:50,819 to continue to focus on that , 3071 02:00:50,830 --> 02:00:53,609 particularly in my state , particularly 3072 02:00:53,620 --> 02:00:55,509 some of the mil projects that are 3073 02:00:55,509 --> 02:00:57,676 coming on board that I think are gonna 3074 02:00:57,676 --> 02:01:00,310 be positive . But uh can you comment on 3075 02:01:00,620 --> 02:01:02,731 11th airborne ? How you think they're 3076 02:01:02,731 --> 02:01:04,842 doing ? I know that you had mentioned 3077 02:01:04,842 --> 02:01:06,953 in a hearing a couple of months ago . 3078 02:01:06,953 --> 02:01:10,149 It's the number one requested uh place 3079 02:01:10,160 --> 02:01:12,410 they did a big uh big jump on the 3080 02:01:12,419 --> 02:01:15,990 anniversary of the um patching . 3081 02:01:16,589 --> 02:01:18,756 So , uh I'd love to hear your views on 3082 02:01:18,756 --> 02:01:20,700 that . And again , a commitment on 3083 02:01:20,700 --> 02:01:23,279 continuing that focus on the challenges 3084 02:01:23,290 --> 02:01:26,379 of suicide in Alaska . Um , first of 3085 02:01:26,390 --> 02:01:28,390 all , you absolutely chairman , you 3086 02:01:28,390 --> 02:01:30,446 have my commitment , um , you know , 3087 02:01:30,446 --> 02:01:32,390 taking building cohesive teams and 3088 02:01:32,390 --> 02:01:34,723 taking care of soldiers and families is , 3089 02:01:34,723 --> 02:01:37,439 is of our top priority . Um , we're , 3090 02:01:37,450 --> 02:01:39,339 we're actually proud of what 11th 3091 02:01:39,339 --> 02:01:41,506 airborne is , is , is doing up there . 3092 02:01:41,506 --> 02:01:45,209 And I , um , yes , we are , it is a , 3093 02:01:45,220 --> 02:01:48,919 an , a enlistment incentive to 3094 02:01:48,930 --> 02:01:51,279 do assignment of choice . A lot of 3095 02:01:51,290 --> 02:01:53,512 people like to go up there to the north 3096 02:01:53,512 --> 02:01:55,679 country and , and serve in that and we 3097 02:01:55,679 --> 02:01:57,910 have seen that up there . Um People are 3098 02:01:57,919 --> 02:02:00,197 proud to be part of that airborne unit . 3099 02:02:00,350 --> 02:02:02,572 Um We're proud of what they're going to 3100 02:02:02,572 --> 02:02:04,239 have the 82nd , have a little 3101 02:02:04,239 --> 02:02:06,461 competition , right ? Uh I'm sure there 3102 02:02:06,461 --> 02:02:08,572 is a little bit of competition that , 3103 02:02:08,572 --> 02:02:08,479 you know , how things work . I do not . 3104 02:02:08,970 --> 02:02:10,859 I'm , I'm glad they have a little 3105 02:02:10,859 --> 02:02:13,026 competition . I , I think the chairman 3106 02:02:13,026 --> 02:02:15,248 was part of the 82nd at one point , but 3107 02:02:15,248 --> 02:02:17,709 all right . Um But yes , we're proud , 3108 02:02:17,720 --> 02:02:19,831 we're proud of what they're doing . I 3109 02:02:19,831 --> 02:02:21,910 actually , uh and I'm , I , I think 3110 02:02:21,919 --> 02:02:24,197 what they're doing up with mission 100 . 3111 02:02:24,197 --> 02:02:26,363 I , I think you might be familiar with 3112 02:02:26,363 --> 02:02:28,475 that . Um I always give Alaska as the 3113 02:02:28,475 --> 02:02:30,586 example of , you know , to tackle any 3114 02:02:30,586 --> 02:02:32,752 problem . You have to , you know , let 3115 02:02:32,752 --> 02:02:35,419 a commander make them responsible , 3116 02:02:35,430 --> 02:02:37,652 hold them responsible and accountable , 3117 02:02:37,652 --> 02:02:39,708 but give them their resources and do 3118 02:02:39,708 --> 02:02:41,874 things different . Alaska is different 3119 02:02:41,874 --> 02:02:43,930 than , um , Fort Liberty or anywhere 3120 02:02:43,930 --> 02:02:45,986 else . And so they've done some very 3121 02:02:45,986 --> 02:02:47,986 innovative things up there . Um , I 3122 02:02:47,986 --> 02:02:50,500 think changing to 11th airborne was a 3123 02:02:50,509 --> 02:02:52,680 big , is a , is a big plus they're 3124 02:02:52,689 --> 02:02:55,549 doing hard , um , training up there and 3125 02:02:55,560 --> 02:02:58,439 their ethos , which I think helps , um , 3126 02:02:58,620 --> 02:03:00,620 with a lot of things as well . So , 3127 02:03:00,620 --> 02:03:02,842 we're really proud of what 11th ? I , I 3128 02:03:02,842 --> 02:03:05,064 would agree with that general and , and 3129 02:03:05,064 --> 02:03:07,176 seeing the morale that seems to be uh 3130 02:03:07,176 --> 02:03:09,398 better because they're mission oriented 3131 02:03:09,398 --> 02:03:11,342 focus . They know what they're all 3132 02:03:11,342 --> 02:03:14,410 about . They got , they have a uh war 3133 02:03:14,419 --> 02:03:16,641 fighting headquarters , I think , which 3134 02:03:16,641 --> 02:03:18,697 made it makes a difference as well . 3135 02:03:18,697 --> 02:03:20,641 Let me ask one final question , Mr 3136 02:03:20,641 --> 02:03:22,752 Chairman , if it's OK . Um You know , 3137 02:03:22,752 --> 02:03:24,697 I've been , I , I know that you're 3138 02:03:24,697 --> 02:03:26,752 looking at a additional multi domain 3139 02:03:26,752 --> 02:03:28,919 task force locations and I want to get 3140 02:03:28,919 --> 02:03:31,141 your assessment on how you think that's 3141 02:03:31,141 --> 02:03:33,299 going , but also your commitment . I 3142 02:03:33,310 --> 02:03:35,930 know you can't say yes or no right now . 3143 02:03:36,089 --> 02:03:38,256 But to work with me and this committee 3144 02:03:38,256 --> 02:03:40,930 on the possibility of a multi domain 3145 02:03:40,939 --> 02:03:43,161 task force in Alaska , we have the best 3146 02:03:43,161 --> 02:03:45,272 training in the world . Our strategic 3147 02:03:45,272 --> 02:03:47,640 location is unrivaled . The father of 3148 02:03:47,649 --> 02:03:49,760 the Air force , Billy Mitchell called 3149 02:03:49,760 --> 02:03:51,816 Alaska , the most strategic place on 3150 02:03:51,816 --> 02:03:54,279 the planet . A number of services are 3151 02:03:54,290 --> 02:03:57,020 recognizing that , you know , you're 3152 02:03:57,029 --> 02:04:00,109 six hours from Korea , Japan , Taiwan 3153 02:04:00,120 --> 02:04:03,209 Strait . A lot of flag officers 3154 02:04:03,569 --> 02:04:06,430 actually don't recognize it even though 3155 02:04:06,439 --> 02:04:09,720 we're uh not west of the International 3156 02:04:09,729 --> 02:04:12,180 Date line . We're closer to the fight 3157 02:04:12,189 --> 02:04:14,189 in the Pacific and even in Europe , 3158 02:04:14,189 --> 02:04:17,700 given our strategic location . So can 3159 02:04:17,709 --> 02:04:19,820 you just give me an assessment on how 3160 02:04:19,820 --> 02:04:21,653 you guys are looking at the next 3161 02:04:21,653 --> 02:04:23,820 location for a multi domain task force 3162 02:04:23,820 --> 02:04:26,180 and commit to me to working with this 3163 02:04:26,189 --> 02:04:28,356 committee on the possibility of having 3164 02:04:28,356 --> 02:04:30,939 one in Alaska ? Um We have not made any 3165 02:04:30,950 --> 02:04:33,061 final decisions , we're still working 3166 02:04:33,061 --> 02:04:34,839 through that and uh absolutely 3167 02:04:34,850 --> 02:04:37,290 committed to working with the committee 3168 02:04:37,509 --> 02:04:39,660 and is the goal one or two more multi 3169 02:04:39,669 --> 02:04:42,810 domain task force . The , the plan is 3170 02:04:42,819 --> 02:04:46,799 for two additional multi domain task 3171 02:04:46,810 --> 02:04:49,220 force . Ok , good . Thank you . Thank 3172 02:04:49,229 --> 02:04:51,451 you , Mr Chairman . Thank you , Senator 3173 02:04:51,451 --> 02:04:53,850 Sullivan . Uh I wanna make a one 3174 02:04:53,859 --> 02:04:56,026 announcement and two , a few follow up 3175 02:04:56,026 --> 02:04:59,689 questions . Uh in the discussion today , 3176 02:04:59,700 --> 02:05:02,890 there was the issue when our committee 3177 02:05:02,899 --> 02:05:05,089 is going to be briefed on the legality 3178 02:05:05,100 --> 02:05:08,020 of the Secretary of Defense's policy 3179 02:05:08,029 --> 02:05:09,918 regarding reproductive rights . A 3180 02:05:09,918 --> 02:05:12,580 pursuant to an amendment that we voted 3181 02:05:12,589 --> 02:05:16,279 on in the ND A up . Uh There will 3182 02:05:16,290 --> 02:05:18,560 be a briefing next Wednesday morning 3183 02:05:18,569 --> 02:05:21,319 for all staff members . Uh So I 3184 02:05:21,330 --> 02:05:23,552 encourage all of our colleagues to come 3185 02:05:23,759 --> 02:05:26,240 and to receive a thorough briefing on 3186 02:05:26,250 --> 02:05:29,279 the legality of his uh position . The 3187 02:05:29,290 --> 02:05:31,799 other issue that comes up consistently 3188 02:05:31,810 --> 02:05:34,149 is , you know , uh why don't we just 3189 02:05:34,160 --> 02:05:38,149 take a vote on these 251 nominees that 3190 02:05:38,160 --> 02:05:40,104 are on the floor ? They're more in 3191 02:05:40,104 --> 02:05:43,240 committee and every day or every week , 3192 02:05:43,250 --> 02:05:45,939 this will grow and grow . And I just 3193 02:05:45,950 --> 02:05:48,310 want to remind everyone that um 3194 02:05:49,410 --> 02:05:52,189 Senator and others who are insisting on 3195 02:05:52,200 --> 02:05:54,367 these votes are also insisting on . We 3196 02:05:54,367 --> 02:05:56,144 follow all the procedures which 3197 02:05:56,149 --> 02:05:59,930 includes uh culture , uh time 3198 02:05:59,939 --> 02:06:03,549 free and post culture . Uh for the 251 3199 02:06:03,560 --> 02:06:07,200 nominations that would take 668 hours . 3200 02:06:07,649 --> 02:06:11,609 Uh That's 27 days if we work around the 3201 02:06:11,620 --> 02:06:13,950 clock and we typically don't work 3202 02:06:13,959 --> 02:06:16,799 around the clock , it would be 84 days 3203 02:06:16,810 --> 02:06:19,950 if we worked eight hours a day . Uh , 3204 02:06:20,560 --> 02:06:24,490 that is an impossible goal to 3205 02:06:24,500 --> 02:06:26,799 achieve . And by the way , that would 3206 02:06:26,810 --> 02:06:28,810 prevent us from dealing with issues 3207 02:06:28,810 --> 02:06:31,032 like the National Defense Authorization 3208 02:06:31,032 --> 02:06:33,088 Act , corporations , bills and other 3209 02:06:33,109 --> 02:06:36,160 important legislation . So this , this 3210 02:06:36,169 --> 02:06:39,390 notion of just let's take a vote is I 3211 02:06:39,399 --> 02:06:43,160 think , uh indefensible based on the 3212 02:06:43,169 --> 02:06:46,209 fact that it's virtually impossible to 3213 02:06:46,220 --> 02:06:49,100 do that . The other aspect here too , 3214 02:06:49,109 --> 02:06:51,479 with respect to readiness is that even 3215 02:06:51,490 --> 02:06:53,819 if we took a vote on a , so you're a 3216 02:06:53,830 --> 02:06:56,052 nomination general and went through all 3217 02:06:56,052 --> 02:06:59,200 the procedures , et cetera . Uh You 3218 02:06:59,209 --> 02:07:01,376 would not have a vice chief of staff . 3219 02:07:01,376 --> 02:07:04,680 Correct . That's correct . Who would 3220 02:07:04,689 --> 02:07:07,022 perform the role of vice chief of staff . 3221 02:07:08,390 --> 02:07:10,612 Um I mean , we're still working through 3222 02:07:10,612 --> 02:07:12,834 this because I think we're a little bit 3223 02:07:12,834 --> 02:07:14,946 in uncharted territory , but we would 3224 02:07:14,946 --> 02:07:17,001 have to , you know , look for people 3225 02:07:17,001 --> 02:07:19,001 across the staff to kind of pick up 3226 02:07:19,001 --> 02:07:21,112 some of those duties where they could 3227 02:07:21,112 --> 02:07:23,390 and of course , that affects readiness . 3228 02:07:24,000 --> 02:07:26,020 Yeah . Um as I mentioned earlier , 3229 02:07:26,029 --> 02:07:28,251 chairman , it's just having the right , 3230 02:07:28,251 --> 02:07:30,307 if you don't have the right people , 3231 02:07:30,307 --> 02:07:32,418 it's , there's a reason we have these 3232 02:07:32,418 --> 02:07:32,399 positions and have these people in 3233 02:07:32,410 --> 02:07:34,759 place and you always want to field a 3234 02:07:34,770 --> 02:07:36,937 full team . So you want your full team 3235 02:07:36,937 --> 02:07:39,399 on the field and the uh joint , the , 3236 02:07:39,410 --> 02:07:41,577 the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army is 3237 02:07:41,577 --> 02:07:43,410 a member of Jay Rock , the Joint 3238 02:07:43,410 --> 02:07:45,354 Requirements Commission . Yeah , I 3239 02:07:45,354 --> 02:07:47,521 would uh having done this for the last 3240 02:07:47,521 --> 02:07:50,100 year , the vice job is very busy . So 3241 02:07:50,109 --> 02:07:53,080 uh who would represent the army on the 3242 02:07:53,089 --> 02:07:56,649 Jay Rock . So we 3243 02:07:56,660 --> 02:08:00,479 would again have to look at the G three 3244 02:08:00,490 --> 02:08:03,399 or the director of the Army staff or , 3245 02:08:03,410 --> 02:08:05,577 you know , look at those and there's , 3246 02:08:05,779 --> 02:08:07,779 that's challenging as well . And of 3247 02:08:07,779 --> 02:08:09,890 course , those general officers would 3248 02:08:09,890 --> 02:08:12,001 be three stars , not four and all the 3249 02:08:12,001 --> 02:08:14,001 other vices would be four . Is that 3250 02:08:14,001 --> 02:08:16,270 correct ? Correct ? And it was 3251 02:08:16,279 --> 02:08:18,335 interesting because on our debate in 3252 02:08:18,335 --> 02:08:21,799 the committee , uh there was a , a 3253 02:08:21,810 --> 02:08:24,569 decision to increase the rank of the 3254 02:08:24,580 --> 02:08:27,209 Deputy commanding General National 3255 02:08:27,220 --> 02:08:30,770 Guard Bureau to four stars because the 3256 02:08:30,779 --> 02:08:33,549 logic was without the fourth star , he 3257 02:08:33,560 --> 02:08:36,770 would be dismissed by his superiors . 3258 02:08:36,779 --> 02:08:38,612 He would not what could weigh in 3259 02:08:38,612 --> 02:08:40,850 effectively . And it's probably the 3260 02:08:40,859 --> 02:08:44,470 same case . Uh You might argue in , in 3261 02:08:44,479 --> 02:08:47,310 the Jay Rock and the sets all of our 3262 02:08:47,319 --> 02:08:49,919 requirements going forward . So the 3263 02:08:49,930 --> 02:08:53,589 army would be represented by 3264 02:08:53,600 --> 02:08:55,544 somebody . But somebody who is not 3265 02:08:55,544 --> 02:08:58,560 really the vice chief of staff of the 3266 02:08:58,569 --> 02:09:00,625 United States Army , right , right . 3267 02:09:00,625 --> 02:09:02,847 Leader with the right experience in the 3268 02:09:02,847 --> 02:09:04,958 right place is exactly what we want . 3269 02:09:04,958 --> 02:09:07,125 Chairman . And you would not have that 3270 02:09:07,125 --> 02:09:09,347 we would not have that even if you were 3271 02:09:09,347 --> 02:09:11,569 confirmed as the chair . That's correct 3272 02:09:11,569 --> 02:09:13,791 chairman . And that readiness situation 3273 02:09:13,791 --> 02:09:16,069 would go down the the chain of command . 3274 02:09:16,069 --> 02:09:18,660 For example , the designated uh vice 3275 02:09:18,669 --> 02:09:20,613 chief is the director of the joint 3276 02:09:20,613 --> 02:09:23,830 staff right now . So his , and , and he 3277 02:09:23,839 --> 02:09:27,290 could , he would be waiting to move and 3278 02:09:27,299 --> 02:09:29,410 also someone else would be waiting to 3279 02:09:29,410 --> 02:09:31,930 take his place . So we'd be in this 3280 02:09:31,939 --> 02:09:34,250 sort of perpetual who's on first 3281 02:09:34,259 --> 02:09:38,129 situation . Um , and 3282 02:09:38,140 --> 02:09:40,799 that affects readiness . Yes , it does , 3283 02:09:40,810 --> 02:09:44,689 chairman . So even if , uh , we decided 3284 02:09:44,700 --> 02:09:48,470 to , uh , confirm you , there would be 3285 02:09:48,479 --> 02:09:50,646 a significant impact on redness in the 3286 02:09:50,646 --> 02:09:52,646 United States army . Yeah , I would 3287 02:09:52,649 --> 02:09:54,871 agree with that chairman . Yes . Yeah . 3288 02:09:54,871 --> 02:09:57,379 Yeah , that's one issue that I think 3289 02:09:57,390 --> 02:09:59,612 has to be understood . There's a second 3290 02:09:59,612 --> 02:10:02,240 issue too . Uh , this discussion about 3291 02:10:02,850 --> 02:10:06,600 the local army diversity , all of the 3292 02:10:06,609 --> 02:10:10,339 things we're doing that is just , um , 3293 02:10:10,350 --> 02:10:12,919 un military strikes me as , as wrong 3294 02:10:13,830 --> 02:10:15,830 America is a diverse country and we 3295 02:10:15,830 --> 02:10:18,052 have to have the diverse army . Is that 3296 02:10:18,052 --> 02:10:20,660 your position ? Yes , chairman . That's 3297 02:10:20,669 --> 02:10:24,290 my position . And in fact , as we bring 3298 02:10:24,299 --> 02:10:26,209 more people into the service from 3299 02:10:26,220 --> 02:10:28,339 diverse backgrounds , we tend to get 3300 02:10:28,350 --> 02:10:31,109 much more quality . Is that correct ? 3301 02:10:31,240 --> 02:10:34,459 That's correct . Now , I had the the 3302 02:10:34,470 --> 02:10:37,779 privilege of serving under uh 3303 02:10:37,790 --> 02:10:40,109 battalion commander 82nd , who was an 3304 02:10:40,120 --> 02:10:42,020 African American and he was a 3305 02:10:42,029 --> 02:10:44,930 tremendous leader . And I 3306 02:10:45,779 --> 02:10:49,229 think that uh continues and not just in 3307 02:10:49,240 --> 02:10:52,720 terms of uh racial but also ethnicity 3308 02:10:52,729 --> 02:10:54,896 and other aspects that we have to look 3309 02:10:54,896 --> 02:10:57,062 at . Now , there's been a suggestion , 3310 02:10:57,062 --> 02:10:59,062 I think by so many of my colleagues 3311 02:10:59,062 --> 02:11:02,419 that this woke is what's causing the 3312 02:11:02,430 --> 02:11:05,569 recruiting problem . The army conducted 3313 02:11:05,580 --> 02:11:08,680 a survey on February 22nd , 2023 3314 02:11:08,689 --> 02:11:10,689 published a survey , the army pulse 3315 02:11:10,689 --> 02:11:13,390 survey . You're familiar with that ? I 3316 02:11:13,399 --> 02:11:16,029 am chairman . Yes . The number one 3317 02:11:16,040 --> 02:11:19,660 reason that uh this respondents gave 3318 02:11:19,669 --> 02:11:21,836 why they would not join the arm with . 3319 02:11:21,836 --> 02:11:23,947 I'd be putting the rest of my life on 3320 02:11:23,947 --> 02:11:26,002 hold . You said that several times , 3321 02:11:26,002 --> 02:11:29,899 that's 21% . The second highest 3322 02:11:29,910 --> 02:11:33,350 response at 13% was women in racial or 3323 02:11:33,359 --> 02:11:35,415 ethnic minorities that discriminated 3324 02:11:35,415 --> 02:11:38,600 against the army against in the army , 3325 02:11:39,310 --> 02:11:41,366 which goes back to our question of , 3326 02:11:41,366 --> 02:11:43,819 don't we need diversity training and 3327 02:11:43,879 --> 02:11:46,850 training so that people do not feel as 3328 02:11:46,859 --> 02:11:50,240 if they're going to be categorized and 3329 02:11:50,250 --> 02:11:52,950 discriminated . I , I think we do 3330 02:11:52,959 --> 02:11:55,070 chairman and as you know , we've been 3331 02:11:55,070 --> 02:11:57,237 doing that and should , that's part of 3332 02:11:57,237 --> 02:11:59,348 building a cohesive team and bringing 3333 02:11:59,348 --> 02:12:01,570 everybody together . We absolutely have 3334 02:12:01,570 --> 02:12:03,681 to do that when you look for the woke 3335 02:12:03,681 --> 02:12:05,737 category . Uh And by the way , those 3336 02:12:05,737 --> 02:12:07,939 two categories together are 34% when 3337 02:12:07,950 --> 02:12:11,129 you look at the woke category . Uh and 3338 02:12:11,140 --> 02:12:13,196 the question was asked , the army is 3339 02:12:13,196 --> 02:12:15,029 placing too much emphasis on the 3340 02:12:15,029 --> 02:12:17,251 wokeness . In other words , diversity , 3341 02:12:17,251 --> 02:12:19,473 equity , training , marginalizing those 3342 02:12:19,473 --> 02:12:21,529 with conservative views , etcetera , 3343 02:12:21,529 --> 02:12:24,910 that's 5% . Now , that's not something 3344 02:12:24,919 --> 02:12:27,030 that you can dismiss , but that's not 3345 02:12:27,030 --> 02:12:29,040 the most significant by a long shot 3346 02:12:29,049 --> 02:12:31,160 reason or not . People are not coming 3347 02:12:31,160 --> 02:12:33,382 in on . Is that your conclusion ? I , I 3348 02:12:33,382 --> 02:12:35,271 think I agree with you . We can't 3349 02:12:35,271 --> 02:12:37,216 dismiss anything and we got to get 3350 02:12:37,216 --> 02:12:39,105 after perceptions just like I was 3351 02:12:39,105 --> 02:12:41,271 telling you before the army is a great 3352 02:12:41,271 --> 02:12:44,209 place to serve . I know that I believe 3353 02:12:44,220 --> 02:12:46,509 that with all of my heart and we've got 3354 02:12:46,520 --> 02:12:48,529 to get that out there . Um It's , 3355 02:12:48,540 --> 02:12:50,720 you're going to accelerate your life , 3356 02:12:50,729 --> 02:12:53,007 you're going to have a good experience , 3357 02:12:53,007 --> 02:12:55,118 you're going to have good leaders out 3358 02:12:55,118 --> 02:12:57,396 there and we're focused on our mission . 3359 02:12:57,396 --> 02:12:59,507 So I think we have to attack them all 3360 02:12:59,507 --> 02:13:01,340 and keep getting people into our 3361 02:13:01,340 --> 02:13:03,689 formation . I agree . But I uh but this 3362 02:13:03,700 --> 02:13:07,310 notion that um the 3363 02:13:07,319 --> 02:13:09,208 army , you know , people are just 3364 02:13:09,208 --> 02:13:11,208 turning their backs on the army and 3365 02:13:11,208 --> 02:13:13,375 mass in huge numbers because it's woke 3366 02:13:13,375 --> 02:13:15,319 is not borne out by the analysis . 3367 02:13:15,319 --> 02:13:17,597 That's not what we found in the survey . 3368 02:13:17,597 --> 02:13:20,009 Now , the other suggestion or 3369 02:13:20,020 --> 02:13:21,853 implication about a lot of these 3370 02:13:21,853 --> 02:13:23,964 comments is that all the army does is 3371 02:13:23,964 --> 02:13:25,631 stand around and have kind of 3372 02:13:25,631 --> 02:13:28,859 psychotherapy sessions uh all day long . 3373 02:13:30,790 --> 02:13:33,919 Uh You're , I'm sure familiar with the 3374 02:13:33,930 --> 02:13:36,009 sergeant major , army Sergeant major 3375 02:13:36,080 --> 02:13:39,580 Winston . He was asked essentially this 3376 02:13:39,589 --> 02:13:41,700 question about readiness and training 3377 02:13:41,700 --> 02:13:43,700 and maintaining standards . And his 3378 02:13:43,700 --> 02:13:45,811 answer I think is very revealing . He 3379 02:13:45,811 --> 02:13:47,867 was asked in the House Congressman , 3380 02:13:47,867 --> 02:13:50,033 yes , we've maintained our standards . 3381 02:13:50,033 --> 02:13:52,311 And I would say that when I look at it , 3382 02:13:52,311 --> 02:13:54,478 there is one hour of equal opportunity 3383 02:13:54,478 --> 02:13:57,750 training in basic training and 92 hours 3384 02:13:57,759 --> 02:14:00,500 of rifle marksmanship training . And if 3385 02:14:00,509 --> 02:14:04,500 you go to O ce T there's 165 hours 3386 02:14:04,509 --> 02:14:07,729 of rifle ship training and still only 3387 02:14:07,740 --> 02:14:10,018 one hour of equal opportunity training . 3388 02:14:10,890 --> 02:14:13,112 So the emphasis in the army is where it 3389 02:14:13,112 --> 02:14:16,839 should be the skills to fight to 3390 02:14:16,850 --> 02:14:19,799 lead to succeed and 3391 02:14:20,189 --> 02:14:23,109 supporting that is a response to one of 3392 02:14:23,120 --> 02:14:25,470 the major issues that people see as a 3393 02:14:25,479 --> 02:14:29,169 pro enemy discrimination against women , 3394 02:14:29,180 --> 02:14:32,000 against minorities , et cetera . So 3395 02:14:32,259 --> 02:14:34,700 you're gonna , you are keeping the army 3396 02:14:34,709 --> 02:14:38,240 on target , no pun intended . Um 3397 02:14:39,350 --> 02:14:41,740 And that's why the army is deploying so 3398 02:14:41,750 --> 02:14:43,861 successfully . That's why when you go 3399 02:14:43,861 --> 02:14:46,629 to places like Lithuania or the Pacific , 3400 02:14:46,879 --> 02:14:49,020 you see extraordinarily professional 3401 02:14:49,029 --> 02:14:51,140 forces that are doing their job every 3402 02:14:51,140 --> 02:14:53,251 day and we do have to get the message 3403 02:14:53,251 --> 02:14:56,089 out . And I think your point too that 3404 02:14:56,169 --> 02:14:59,729 um messages have to be tail to the 3405 02:14:59,740 --> 02:15:01,907 audience makes a great deal of sense . 3406 02:15:02,850 --> 02:15:06,299 Uh And um again , I , I 3407 02:15:06,310 --> 02:15:09,729 was uh I think this whole 3408 02:15:10,109 --> 02:15:13,500 uh situation of stopping 3409 02:15:13,720 --> 02:15:17,470 uh the confirmation of military 3410 02:15:17,479 --> 02:15:19,689 officers for a political reason and 3411 02:15:19,700 --> 02:15:21,922 this is a political reason . There's no 3412 02:15:21,922 --> 02:15:23,978 more political issue in this country 3413 02:15:23,978 --> 02:15:26,709 than reproductive rights , et cetera , 3414 02:15:27,560 --> 02:15:30,899 uh , is wrong . And I last 3415 02:15:30,910 --> 02:15:34,120 evening , uh , saw on Fox 3416 02:15:34,129 --> 02:15:36,779 News that a Marine Corps metal winner 3417 02:15:36,790 --> 02:15:40,700 who was very outraged that the 3418 02:15:41,080 --> 02:15:43,370 could not be confirmed in a reasonable 3419 02:15:43,379 --> 02:15:46,500 manner . Uh , any further comments , 3420 02:15:46,509 --> 02:15:50,370 sir ? Um , I , I agree with you . We'd 3421 02:15:50,379 --> 02:15:52,435 like to get our leaders in the right 3422 02:15:52,435 --> 02:15:54,490 place . And again , I , um , this 3423 02:15:54,500 --> 02:15:56,779 didn't come up but there as it impacts 3424 02:15:56,790 --> 02:15:58,901 family , I do worry longer term about 3425 02:15:58,910 --> 02:16:01,188 what younger officers are seeing and I , 3426 02:16:01,188 --> 02:16:03,132 we , you know , we don't want that 3427 02:16:03,132 --> 02:16:05,466 either . So I like to get this resolved . 3428 02:16:05,466 --> 02:16:07,521 Thank you again . Thank you for your 3429 02:16:07,521 --> 02:16:09,410 service . Thank you for your wife 3430 02:16:09,410 --> 02:16:11,632 service . Uh And again , I'll reiterate 3431 02:16:11,632 --> 02:16:15,450 and back in 1971 PD I Right . Oh 3432 02:16:15,479 --> 02:16:18,560 PD A right . PDAPD A , I'm sorry , I'm , 3433 02:16:18,569 --> 02:16:20,402 I'm getting old PD . A statue of 3434 02:16:20,402 --> 02:16:22,625 limitations on that . Sorry , I'm sorry 3435 02:16:22,625 --> 02:16:24,847 about that , sir . But uh you know , uh 3436 02:16:25,399 --> 02:16:27,566 I don't know how they handled it now , 3437 02:16:27,566 --> 02:16:29,620 but in the old core , we , we just 3438 02:16:29,629 --> 02:16:32,969 walked around . Uh but uh thank you for 3439 02:16:32,980 --> 02:16:35,147 your service . Thank you , your family 3440 02:16:35,147 --> 02:16:37,769 service . Uh And I'm tempted to say , 3441 02:16:37,780 --> 02:16:40,200 go , go , thank you , go . Army . 3442 02:16:40,209 --> 02:16:42,830 Thanks , chairman . The hearing is Dr .